Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
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Council Members




MARCH 22, 2012

12:00 NOON

The monthly meeting of the Columbus Iron Works Convention and Trade Center

Authority was held in the Board Room of the facility, at 12:00 noon, on

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Authority Members Present: Chairman Jed Harris, Vice Chairman Colin Martin, Ms.

Gloria Strode, and Dr. Kim Peters

Authority Members Absent: Mr. Robert Nobles

Administrative Members Present: Mr. Larry Campbell, Executive Director, Ms.

Cindy Ware, Finance Manager and Ms. Chasity Hall, Secretary

Guest Present: Cunningham Center for Leadership Development Assistant Director,

Shana Young


At 11:59 P.M., Chairman Jed Harris called the meeting to order.


Chairman Jed Harris asked if all members present had received and read the

minutes from the previous meeting. With no corrections or additions to be

made, Dr. Kim Peters made a motion to accept the minutes of the February 23,

2012 meeting as written. Ms. Gloria Strode seconded the motion and the minutes

were accepted as written.


WORKER?S COMPENSATION Mr. Larry Campbell reported to the Authority that in

dealing with an employee that had been put out of work on an injury, it was

brought to his attention that the Trade Center had not been paying its portion

of the city?s worker?s compensation insurance. Ms. Cindy Ware stated that

since finding out about the issue she has been working with Pam Hodge to get it

resolved. Cindy added that it was strictly a money issue and that the

employees do have coverage. She added that HR stated that the Trade Center has

two options, pay through cost allocation or get their own policy. Adding that

the later of the two would most likely be the best option. Cindy continued that

she had contacted two similar departments for guidance. The Airport Authority,

which has their own policy and the Water Works that is self-insured. Cindy went

on to say that she had also spoke with an agent from J. Smith Lanier who was

working on getting her a quote. Upon receiving the quote as well as a breakdown

of the cost allocation, a more informed decision could be made on which option

would be more cost effective for the Trade Center. Cindy remarked that at some

point the submitted budget would have to be amended to cover the additional

money. She them assured the members that she would keep them informed as

additional information became available.

TRANSITION / INTERIM DIRECTOR Chairman Jed Harris stated that based on the

organization chart, the assistant director would fill in during the absence of

the director. With this said, Assistant Director, David Bevans would the acting

/interim director at his existing salary for a period not to exceed 90 days.


CONVENTION CENTER HOTEL Larry Campbell reported that the convention center

hotel project had been among the topics discussed at several meeting he had

attended lately and there seemed to be a renewed interest with the Development

Authority. Larry stated that Columbus recently lost the Robotics Military

Conference to Atlanta because of the lack of hotel rooms in walking distance of

the facility.


Leadership Development Assistant Director, Ms. Shana Young appeared before the

Authority to give them an update on the search for the new Trade Center

executive director. Ms. Young passed out a copy of the salary study that had

been conducted for the member?s review. Shana stated that the information had

been complied using information obtained from several comparable facilities.

After a lengthy discussion, a motion was made by Dr. Kim Peters to post the

executive director position with a pay range of $100-125 thousand with a

minimum of 6 years experience. Ms. Gloria Strode seconded the motion and it was

unanimously carried by all members present. Ms. Young concluded her

presentation by stating that once the position was posted it would be a 30 day

process of reviewing and narrowing of the applicants and that she should have

some potential interviewees at the next board meeting.


On behalf of the Trade Center Authority, Chairman Jed Harris presented

retiring Executive Director, Larry Campbell with an engraved mantel clock. This

traditional gift was given as a token of their appreciation for his years of

service to the Authority.


FEBRUARY 2012 See attached report.

On a motion made by Ms. Gloria Strode and seconded by, Dr. Kim Peters the

financial report was approved as prepared and presented by Ms. Cindy Ware.


With no further items of business to discuss, Chairman Jed Harris adjourned the

meeting at 2:12 p.m. The next regular meeting, which is held the fourth

Thursday of the month, will be held Thursday, April 26, 2012 at 12:00 noon. in

the Board Room of the Columbus Georgia Convention and Trade Center.

Jed Harris, Chairman Larry Campbell,

Executive Director

Trade Center Authority Columbus, GA Convention

and Trade Center


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