Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



An Ordinance amending the Zoning Atlas of the Consolidated Government of

Columbus, Georgia; this amendment changing certain boundaries of a district

located at 1140, 1130, 1126, 1122 & 1100 Floyd Road and 4909, 4917 & 4915 Buena

Vista Road from RMF2 (Residential Multi-Family 2), NC (Neighborhood Commercial)

& SFR2 (Single Family Residential 2) District to GC (General Commercial)



That the Zoning Atlas on file with the Planning Department is, and the same is

hereby amended by changing the following described properties from RMF2

(Residential Multi-Family 2), NC (Neighborhood Commercial) & SFR2 (Single

Family Residential 2) District to GC (General Commercial) District:


All that tract and parcel of land situate, lying and being in the State of

Georgia, County of Muscogee and City of Columbus, and being PART OF LAND LOT

152 of the COWETA RESERVE of said County, and being more particularly described

within the following metes and bounds, to-wit;

Beginning at an iron stake located on the eastern line of Floyd Road, south 05

degrees 49 minutes 30 seconds west, a distance of 642.75 feet from an iron

stake located at the corner formed by the intersection of the northwestern line

of Floyd Road with the southwestern line of Floyd Court, and from said point of

beginning running thence north 86 degrees 21 minutes east, a distance of 278.29

feet to an iron stake; thence running south 04 degrees 30 minutes east, a

distance of 198.84 feet to an iron stake; thence running south 83 degrees 49

minutes 30 seconds West, a distance of 262.13 feet to an iron stake located on

the said eastern line of Floyd Road, thence running in a northerly direction,

along the said eastern line of Floyd Road, counterclockwise around a curve

(radius of 859.02 feet), a distance of 54.74 feet to an iron stake; thence

running north 10 degrees 09 minutes west, along the said eastern line of Floyd

Road, a distance of 88.50 feet to an iron stake; and thence running in a

northerly direction, along the said eastern line of Floyd Road, Clockwise

around a curve (radius of 775.84 feet), a distance of 67.97 feet to the point

of beginning. This is the same identical property that was conveyed by J. I.

Skipper and Melba Skipper to William L. Thompson and Rebecca J. Thompson by two

deeds, the first deed dated April 19, 1982, and recorded in Deed Book 2098,

folio 95, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Muscogee County,

Georgia, and the second dated November 17, 1977, and recorded in Deed Book

1691, folio 68, in the office of the aforementioned Clerk. Located thereon is

house #1126 Floyd Road, according to the present numbering of houses in

Columbus, Georgia.

The above-described property is shown on that certain map or plat dated

September 29, 1989, made by Hobbs, Smith & Assoc., Inc., and recorded in Plat

Book 111, Folio 44, in the office of the Clerk of the superior Court of

Muscogee County, Georgia.


All that tract and parcel of land situate, lying and being in the State of

Georgia, County of Muscogee and City of Columbus, and being PART OF LAND LOT

152 of the following metes and bounds, to-wit:

Beginning at an iron stake located on the eastern line of Floyd Road, south 05

degrees 49 minutes 30 seconds west, a distance of 642.75 feet from an iron

stake located at the corner formed by the intersection of the northwestern line

of Floyd Road with the southwestern line of Floyd Court, and from said point of

beginning running thence north 86 degrees 21 minutes east, a distance of 278.29

feet to an iron stake; thence running south 04 degrees 30 minutes east, a

distance of 198.84 feet to an iron stake; thence running south 83 degrees 49

minutes 30 seconds west, a distance of 262.13 feet to an iron stake located on

the said eastern line of Floyd Road; thence running in a northerly direction,

along the said eastern line of Floyd Road, counterclockwise around a curve

(radius of 859.02 feet), a distance of 54.74 feet to an iron stake; thence

running north 10 degrees 09 minutes west, along the said eastern line of Floyd

Road, clockwise around a curve (radius of 775.84 feet), a distance of 67.97

feet to the point of beginning. This is the same identical property that was

conveyed by J.I. Kipper and Melba Kipper to William L. Thompson and Rebecca J.

Thompson by two deeds, the first deed dated April 19, 1982, and recorded in

Deed Book 2098, folio 95, in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of

Muscogee County, Georgia, and the second dated November 17, 1977, and recorded

in Deed Book 1-691, folio 68, in the office of the aforementioned Clerk.

Located thereon is house #1126 Floyd Road, according to the present numbering

of houses in Columbus, Georgia.

The Above-described property is shown on that certain map or plat dated

September 29, 1989, made by Hobbs, Smith & Assoc. Inc., and recorded in Plat

Book 111, folio 44, in the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Muscogee

County, Georgia.


All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the State of

Georgia, County of Muscogee and being known and designated as PART OF LAND LOT

ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-TWO (152) of the COWETA RESERVE of said County, and being

more particularly described as follows:

Starting at an iron pin located at the Northeast corner of the intersection of

Floyd Road and Buena Vista Road, and from said starting point running thence

North 04 degrees 24 minutes East, along the East line of the 60 foot right of

way of Floyd Road, a distance of 288.00 feet to an iron pin; running thence

South 88 degrees 48 minutes East, a distance of 10.11 feet to an iron pin

located on the Eastern line of the 80 foot right of way of Floyd Road, which is

the POINT OF BEGINNING of the tract or parcel herein conveyed, and from said

POINT OF BEGINNING, running thence South 88 degrees 48 minutes West, a distance

of 279.50 feed to an iron pin, running thence North 04 degrees 30 minutes West,

a distance of 230 feet to an iron pin; running thence South 83 degrees 52

minutes West, along the South line of other lands of Grantor, a distance of

263.05 feet to an iron pin located on the Eastern line of the 80 foot right of

way on Floyd Road; and running thence South, along the East line of the 80 foot

right of way of Floyd Road, a distance of 163.4 feet to an iron pin; running

thence South, along the East line of the 40 foot right of way of Floyd Road, a

distance of 31.6 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. A map or plat mad by Siegel

Engineering Company, dated February 25, 1964, showing the captioned parcel, is

attached to Warranty Deed from Mrs. Ethel C. Sample to Grantor herein and

recorded March 17, 1964, in Deed Book 942, Folio 123, in the Office of the

Clerk of the Superior Court of Muscogee County, Georgia.

This is the southernmost part of that certain tract or parcel of land conveyed

by C.E. Shean to Ralph Sample and Mrs. Ethel C. Sample by Warranty dated May

17, 1943 and recorded in Deed Book 190, Folio 523, in the Office of the clerk

of the Superior Court of Muscogee County, Georgia. The Will of Frank Sample,

late of said State and County is recorded in Will Book ?K?, Folio 187, in the

Office of the Ordinary of Muscogee County, Georgia. Said will was proved in

common form on November 20, 1956 and letters testamentary issued to Mrs. Mary

Ethel Sample (being one and the same as Mrs. Ethel C. Sample) (See minutes

Book ?SS?, Folio 130.) By Deed of Assent dated December 10, 1956, Mrs. Mary

Ethel Sample as Executrix of the Will of Ralph Sample conveyed said decedent?s

one half interest in the captioned property to Mrs. Mary Ethel Sample,

individually, said deed being recorded in Deed Book 597, Folio 40 in the Office

of the aforementioned Clerk.


All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Coweta Reserve

of Muscogee County, Georgia, and being part of Land Lot 152, and being more

particularly described as follows:

BEGINNING at an iron on the north side of Buena Vista Road, which iron is 499.5

feet westerly (as measured along the north side of Buena Vista Road) from an

iron at the intersection of the north side of said Buena Vista Road with the

east line of said Land Lot 152; thence running north 4 degrees west 185 feet to

an iron; thence running north 80 degrees east 94.39 feet to an iron; thence

running north 8 degrees 2 minutes west 105 feet to an iron; thence running

north 84 degrees 45 minutes east 155.4 feet to an iron on the western boundary

line of the property of W.G. and Mae Tyler; thence running south 5 degrees 39

minutes east, along the western boundary line of the property of W.G. and Mae

Tyler, 295. 37 feet to an iron on the northern side of the Buena Vista Road;

thence running South 84 degrees 30 minutes west, along the northern side of

Buena Vista Road, 249.75 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.

A map or plat of the above described property appears of record In the Office

of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Muscogee County, Georgia, in Plat Book 7,

Page 230.

The above described land is conveyed subject to an easement or Right-of-way of

ingress and egress, said right-of-way being 18 feet wide and extending along

the western boundary of the property hereby conveyed from the Buena Vista Road

to the lot now or formerly owned by James I. Skipper, said right-of-way having

been granted to James I. Skipper by Mrs. Annie Lou Skipper Clark by Deed dated

November 8, 1950.


All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Coweta Reserve

of Muscogee County, Georgia, and being part of land Lot 152, and being more

particularly described as follows:

BEGINNING at an iron on the north side of Buena Vista Road, which iron is 499.5

feet westerly (as measured along the north side of Buena Vista Road) from an

iron at the intersection of the north side of said Buena Vista Road with the

east line of said Land Lot 152; thence running north 4 degrees west 185 feet to

an iron; thence running north 80 degrees east 94.39 feet to an iron; thence

running north 08 degrees 2 minutes west 105 feet to an iron; thence running

north 84 degrees 45 minutes east 155.4 feet to an iron on the western boundary

line of the property of W.G. and Mae Tyler; thence running south 5degrees 39

minutes east, along the western boundary line of the property of W.G. and Mae

Tyler, 295.37 feet to an iron on the northern side of the Buena Vista Road;

thence running South 84 degrees 30 minutes west, along the northern side of

Buena Vista Road, 249.75 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.

A map or plat of the above described property appears of record in the Office

of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Muscogee County, Georgia, in Plat Book 7,

Page 230.


All that lot, tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Part Of Land

Lot 152 of the Coweta Reserve of Columbus, Muscogee County, Georgia, and being

more particularly described as follows:

TO ARRIVE AT THE POINT OF BEGINNING, start at an iron pin which is located at

the point where the line dividing Land Lot 152 of the Coweta Reserve and Land

Lot 12 of the Ninth (9th) District is intersected by the northern old

right-of-way line of Buena Vista Road, and running thence south 84 degrees 30

minutes west, a distance of 499.50 feet to a point; running thence north 04

degrees 00 minutes west, a distance of 16 feet to an iron pin; running thence

North 04 degrees 00 minutes west, a distance of 406.64 feet to an iron pin

which is the POINT OF BEGINNING of the property conveyed; and from said POINT

OF BEGINNING, running thence North 04 degrees 00 minutes west, a distance of

54.0 feet to an iron pin; running thence north 84 degrees 45 minutes east, a

distance of 245.85 feet to an iron pin; running thence south 02 degrees 51

minutes east, a distance of 54.0 feet to an iron pin; running thence south 84

degrees 45 minutes west, a distance of 244.76 feet to an iron pin, which is the

POINT OF BEGINNING of the property herein conveyed; and from said POINT OF

BEGINNING, running thence North 04 degrees 00 minutes west, a distance of 54.0

feet to an iron pin; running thence north 84 degrees 45 minutes east, a

distance of 245. 85 feet to an iron pin; running thence south 02 degrees 51

minutes east, a distance of 54.0 feet to an iron pin; running thence south 84

degrees 45 minutes west, a distance of 244.76 feet to an iron pin, which is the

POINT OF BEGINNING of the property herein conveyed.

The afore described property is shown upon a map or plat entitled, ?Part of

Land Lot 152, Coweta Reserve, Columbus, Muscogee County, Georgia?, dated

February 13, 1979 and prepared by Thomas L. French, Jr., Registered Land

Surveyor, and recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of

Muscogee County, Georgia, in Plat Book 69, Page 95.


All that lot, tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in Land Lot 152,

Coweta Reserve, Columbus, Muscogee County, Georgia and being described within

the following metes and bounds, to wit: to arrive at the point of beginning of

the property hereby conveyed, commence at the iron pin which marks the

southeast terminus of the mitered intersection of the easterly margin of Floyd

Road and the North margin if Buena Vista Road and from said point running

thence in an easterly direction along said North margin of Buena Vista Road a

distance of 227.67 feet to the iron pin which marks the point of beginning of

the property hereby conveyed; and from said point of beginning running thence

North 01 degree 45 minutes 15 seconds West a distance of 240.40 feet to an iron

pin; running thence South 85 degrees 31 minutes 40 seconds East a distance of

89.36 feet to an iron pin; running thence South 02 degrees 27 minutes 20

seconds East a distance of 59.45 feet to an iron pin; running thence South 01

degree 52 minutes 50 seconds East a distance of 169.0 feet to an iron pin

located on said North margin of Buena Vista Road; running thence South 86

degrees 43 minutes West along said North margin of Buena Vista Road a distance

of 89.96 feet to the iron pin which marks the point of beginning of the

property hereby conveyed.

The above described property is shown on a survey entitled ?Part of Land Lot

1512 Coweta Reserve Columbus, Muscogee County, Georgia? prepared by Moon, Meeks

& Patrick, Inc. under date of March 11, 1993.


All that tract and parcel of land BEING LOCATED IN Land Lot 152, Coweta

Reserve, Muscogee County, Georgia, that is shown and identified as ?PARCEL A,

0.4667 ACRES? on that certain plat of survey entitled ?Replat of Part of Land

lot 152, Coweta Reserve, Columbus Muscogee County, Georgia,? dated November 10,

1995, prepared by William A. White-surveyor, and recorded in Plat Book 129,

page 93, in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Muscogee County,


The Above-described Property is being rezoned with the following Condition:

1. A hundred foot buffer shall be placed at the North East corner and run the

length of the property heading west to the limits of disturbance as shown on

the site plan submitted with the application.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia held on the

11th day of August, 2015; introduced a second time at a regular meeting of said

Council held on the day of , 2015 and adopted at said

meeting by the affirmative vote of members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting________.

Councilor Baker voting________.

Councilor Barnes voting_______.

Councilor Buck voting_________.

Councilor Davis voting________.

Councilor Henderson voting____.

Councilor Huff voting_________.

Councilor Pugh voting_________.

Councilor Thomas voting_______.

Councilor Woodson voting______.

_____________________________ ______________________________




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