Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



August 27, 2014

Psalmond Road Recreation Center

12:00 P.M.

Members Present: Bob Johnson, Irene Pate, Carl Brown, Willie Dickerson,

Mike Peacock, Jennifer Collins, Tracy Belt, Derrick Greene, Andre Dye

Members Absent:

City Staff Present: James Worsley, Teresa Snellings, Tommy Groce, Millie Del


Shelley Stephens, Becky Glisson

Call to Order: James Worsley called the meeting to order at 12:10 pm by

greeting and welcoming the board.

Roll was taken.

Todd Stanfill, MCSD Representative, will be removed from this board due to the

fact that he is a resident of Phenix City, Alabama and cannot serve on this


Lyndon Burch resigned from the Board.

Carl Brown made the motion to pass approval of all minutes. Minutes of April

23, 2014 and all past meetings passed.

Dr. Worsley asked for suggestions of keeping the meetings at 12:00 noon. We

cannot pre-order lunches for a board that does not show up.

Director/Staff Update

Millie Deltoro (Community Schools): School just started back. Two middle

schools are included, Fort and Rothchild. We lost Hannan Elementary. We are

currently short on staff. Attendance is very good right now. The Latino

Festival is September 13th from 12:00 noon through 11:00 pm. This is the 2nd

Annual Festival and every is welcome to attend.

Teresa Snellings (Recreation): The Veterans Day Parade is November 8th. Help

the Hooch is approaching again and we will be working with Jennifer on that

event. Fall Festival planning is beginning.

Tommy Groce (Park Services): The Carver v. Spencer game is this weekend which

is one of the biggest rivalries in the city and we expect a large participation

number. We have had four high school football games so far this season and all

have gone well. We also have 25 football events and Memorial Stadium. We have

the BSC softball tournament coming up this weekend. This is a major tournament

and we have 153 teams playing. We are swamped with events through October.

James Worsley: Members will be invited to the GRPA Third District Banquet on

October 1st at 6:00 pm. This will be at the Trade Center. Please make sure

that you RSVP for this event as dinner is involved and we will need a good head


The Rotary Club is donating approximately $10,500 for amentities to Rotary Park

which bears their name. These amenities could include grills, benches,

signage, etc. This will be done on October 18, 2014 and James will send an

email to the board with all of the information.

Midtown Columbus is donating the money for a nine-hole disc golf course at

Dinglewood Park on 13th. The date of this has yet to be determined.

We also received a grant from Hopey?s Foundation for an AED to put in one of

our facilities. The value of this is approximately $1600.00

Reminder that the leadership team will be attending NRPA in Charlotte, NC in

October. We will be bringing back the accreditation award that we will


Updates from the Board:

Irene Pate: Expressed concern over the MCSD taking over the after school

program. Wanted to know what was the reason behind them doing so and will they

be able to eventually take over all of the programs.

James explained a little as to how that works and also expressed his concern

about the leadership from the Muscogee County School District not notifying our

leadership team about the plans to do their own programs in the various

schools. Oftentimes, we are not aware that it is taking place until after the

fact. He is concerned that there is no communication concerning this even

though a lot of our staff works with the district and we work together on an

MOU for joint ventures.

Derrick Greene: Last weekend was the BBQ, Beer and Blues concert at Golden

Park. There was a major wasp problem down there. They are up really high and

could not be reached. Tommy will check into it.

Carl Brown: Thanks to Dr. Worsley, Tommy and Holli for the presentation to the

Sports Council Board. They did a good job presenting about the facilities that

Parks and Recreation manages.

Can we do a work order for the lights at Lakebottom? There are at least one or

two lights out in each area.

Tommy will check into that. Public Works has a new truck and it cannot get

into most of the fences and places where lights are.

The park closes at 11:00 but the timer is set for time change and the lights go

out at 10:15. This is around the tennis court, etc. and all of the sudden they

go out.

Tommy will check with Facility Maintenance but they do change those timers when

the time changes.

Mike Peacock: He wants to commend the local leagues that were in the Little

League World Series. Northern 12 year olds went and Pioneer girls came in 3rd.

Fall league is about to start.

The Aquatic Center staff does a nice job. He recently joined and they keep in

clean and treat people real good.

Has anyone thought of putting sports turf into the budget for the fields.

Discussion was had with James and Tommy concerning budget issues.

Jennifer Collins: As Teresa mentioned, the Help the Hooch event is coming up

on October 3rd and 4th. They would love to break the record and have over

10,000 people this year. Help the Hooch is from 8:00 am to 11:00 am and then

the Watershed Festival is from 11:00 to 1:00.

Bibb City Riverwalk is becoming extremely dangerous with the Whitewater

vehicles riding on it. They have almost been run over several times. It is

also setting a bad example for citizens as they will start driving their cars

on the Riverwalk.

RSVP is partnering with them to give seniors somewhere to volunteer.

Teresa feels this will be a great partnership for us as we will expand our

volunteer base.

Bob Johnson: At the senior centers the number of women outnumber the men. He

thinks that it is about 85% women. Do you want to market/advertise to men?

Something like a ?Meet Up? thing like he has been to where they go to the

movies and then meet up after to discuss.

Irente Pate: Britt David may still have classes for the Fall. Also, Paint the

Shed Day is Money from 9:00 to 1:00 if anyone wants to come out.

With no further discussion, a motion was made and seconded to adjourn the


Our next meeting will be September 24th at Frank Chester Recreation Center.

Meeting Adjourned 1:16 pm.


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