Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Agenda Item#__________

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting

September 13, 2011

Agenda Report#_______

TO: Mayor and Councilors

SUBJECT: Sheriff?s Office - FY12 Other Local Option Sales Tax Reallocation

INITIATED BY: Sheriff?s Office / Finance Department

Recommendation: Approve a resolution reallocating $18,000 of the FY12

Budget-Other Local Option Sales Tax for the Sheriff?s Office from Jail Needs

Assessment to Sheriff?s Training Facility ($12,000), Metal Detector replacement

for East Wing ($4,000) and ID Card Printer replacement ($2,000).

Background: The FY12 Budget for the Other Local Option Sales Tax was approved

on June 21, 2011, which included $250,000 for the Sheriff?s Office Jail Needs

Assessment. As part of the FY12 budget, council approves specific personnel,

operating and capital outlay to be purchased.

Analysis: The Jail Needs Assessment was budgeted at $250,000 and the bid totals

approximately $150,000.

Financial Considerations: The balance of the Jail Needs Assessment can be

reallocated to another Other LOST purpose.

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement: The monthly telephone charges will

be paid from the IT General Fund budget. The annual charges are estimated at

$5,568. Ongoing maintenance of the Metal Detector and printer will be paid

from the Sheriff?s Department operating budget, if needed.

Legal Considerations: Council approval required for reallocation of Other LOST


Recommendations/Actions: Approve a resolution reallocating $18,000 of the FY12

Budget-Other Local Option Sales Tax for the Sheriff?s Office from Jail Needs

Assessment to Sheriff?s Training Facility ($12,000), Metal Detector replacement

for East Wing ($4,000) and ID Card Printer replacement ($2,000).


No. _____________

WHEREAS, Columbus Council approved the FY12 Operating Budget on June 21, 2011;


WHEREAS, the FY12 Other Local Option Sales Tax budget for the Sheriff's Office

included $250,000 for the Jail Needs Assessment; and,

WHEREAS, the bid for the Jail Needs Assessment was negotiated for approximately

$150,000; and

WHEREAS, the Sheriff?s Office requests to reallocate $18,000 of the

balance of the Jail Needs Assessment to the Sheriff?s Training

Facility-Telephone Installation ($12,000), Metal Detector replacement for East

Wing ($4,000) and ID Card Printer replacement ($2,000); and,


That the Sheriff?s Office is hereby authorized to reallocate $18,000 to the

Sheriff?s Training Facility, Metal Detector replacement for the East Wing, and

ID Card printer replacement.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia, held on

the 13th day of September, 2011, and adopted at said meeting by the affirmative

vote of __________ members of said council.

Councilor Allen voting ____________.

Councilor Baker voting ____________.

Councilor Barnes voting ____________.

Councilor Davis voting ____________.

Councilor Henderson voting ____________.

Councilor Huff voting ____________.

Councilor McDaniel voting ____________.

Councilor Thomas voting ____________.

Councilor Turner Pugh voting ____________.

Councilor Woodson voting ____________.

____________________________________ ____________________________

Tiny B. Washington, Clerk of Council Teresa Pike Tomlinson, Mayor


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