Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Meeting Minutes

Date: May 22, 2013 - Place: CHD - Health & Human Services Bldg. LDR Classroom

Presiding: Carlos Wise MD

Attending Members: Mr. Isaiah Hugley, William DeNamur DMD, Rajinder Chhokar

MD, Ms. Yasmin Cathright, Ravindra Agarwal, MD

Absent Members: Mayor?s office

Others Present: Beverley A. Townsend MD, Ed Saidla, Jerome Deal, Sheila

Mayfield, Brenda Forman, Pam Fair, Shawn Taylor, Jack Lockwood,

Carol Popwell, Secretary

Agenda Topic Discussion Decision Responsibility

I. Call to order Dr. Wise called the Columbus Board of Health to order at 1:00pm.

None None

II. Approval of Minutes Dr. Wise asked if there were any questions or comments on the

previous minutes received (April 24, 2013).

Dr. Wise asked for a motion to approve the minutes. A motion was made by

Dr.DeNamur, seconded by Mr. Hugley and approved by all members present. None

III. District Health Director?s Report Dr. Wise called on Dr. Townsend to give the

Director?s Report;

1. We have not received any information from Atlanta in reference to being held

harmless on the GIA cuts effecting the FY 2014 budget



IV. Financial Report Dr. Wise called on Ed Saidla to present the financial report to

the Board. Mr. Saidla presented the following;

1. Written copy of the financial report and overview to include FY2013 budget

is $5,094,957 with four (4) revisions.

2. Expenses are $4,152,468.21 which is $231,158.89 less than same time last


3. Fees collected are $976,229.86, which is a decrease of $3,455.61 from same

time last year.

4. The write offs remain the same; as of March 31, 2013 are $49,130.99, which

is an increase of only $562.26 from December 31, 2012. Breakdown of 23%

Immunizations, 44% STD, 14% Ryan White and 19% the remaining 12 programs


5. We received notice from the Mayor?s office they are proposing an 8% cut for

Public Health in FY 2014 budget allocation. It will be a loss of $162,695.

This cut would affect our programs that provide community services; ie..Vector

Control, Safe Kids, our support of the Cancer Coalition and other community

based activities.

6. In an effort to prepare for the State cuts, we have notified our

Housekeeping staff their positions are being eliminated as of June 28th. We

will outsource the janitorial services.





Dr. Wise asked if restaurant inspections would fall under services loosing

funding. Mr. Saidla responded, that type of service is mandated, so those

inspections have to be performed; even when funding is cut.






Dr. Wise suggested a letter writing effort on behalf of Public Health

Department. Mr. Hugley offered information on cuts to outside agencies were



V. Program Reports Dr. Wise asked if there were any Program Reports.

1) Sheila Mayfield, presented information on the Nursing Program;

a) We are currently involved in a QA/QI process in which a student from

University of Alabama is looking at our Family Planning Title X program to see

how we can streamline services.

b) We serve on Child Fatality Review which Safe Kids is a part of. This

program may be affected by the loss of funding to Public Health. Child

Fatality Review is charged by state law to come with ideas to prevent childhood

deaths. It would be a great loss if Safe Kids can no longer provide services.

2) Brenda Forman, presented information on the WIC Program;

a) Twice a month a nutritionist is a guest on the Dee Armstrong show.

b) We have started our 1st Breastfeeding Support group at Ft. Benning, every


c) Working on a project with Headstart by taking WIC services on the road.

Approximately 60% of children enrolled in Headstart, received WIC services but

for some reason have dropped out of the WIC program. We want to make it easier

for those parents to continue receiving services.

3) Shawn Taylor, presented information on the Environmental Health Program;

a) Vector Control is getting ready for mosquito season

4) Pam Fair, presented information on Public Relations, Emergency Preparedness

& Safe Kids;

a) State has provided funds to provide marketing for three programs;

Great Start GA

Family Planning

Children First

b) A SNS state wide conference will be held next week at Callaway Gardens to

talk about how Public Health will dispense medication to the community in the

event of terrorist attack, national disaster, pandemic epidemic etc..

c) Will also be attending a conference on how to connect with citizens in the

community who may have special needs and getting them to SNS sites, etc..

d) Safe Kids received the United Way Grant allocation in the amount of $42,600.

e) We held the 1st Safe Kids Day at Hollywood Connection on May 18th. Even

with the rain 415 parents and kids showed up to be educated. We issued 324

bike helmets, 88 booster seats, 95 life jackets and 115 safety reflectors for


f) Dr. Chhokar will tape her interview for Business Break.












We will notify the Board members on that air date.













VI. New Business Dr. Wise called on Ed Saidla to present any new business, Mr. Saidla

asked Carol Popwell to share with the Board the following;

1) We have a new location for our June meeting, it will be held in the

Administrative Conference room. No meeting in July, then starting in August

all meetings will be held in the new location.

Ms. Popwell offered to walk any Board members over to the Administrative wing

if they did not know where we are located.


VIII. Adjourned

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned by Dr. Wise. None None


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