Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members


REGULAR MEETING - 2:00 P.M. ? October 6, 2010

A regular meeting of the Board of Zoning Appeals was held Wednesday, October 6,

2010, at 2:00 P.M., on the First Floor of the Columbus Consolidated Government

Annex Building located at 420 10th Street.

Members Present: Mr. Wright Wade

Mr. Perry Borom

Mr. Bill Hart

Mr. Tom Moore

Members Absent: Mr. Ray Brinegar, III

Also present representing the Inspections and Code Enforcement Department were

Danny Cargill, Secretary of the Board, and Ms. Jacqueline Goodwin, Acting

Recording Secretary.

Call To Order:

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Mr. Wright Wade, Chairperson.



Mr. Lamar Beck, Goo Goo Car Wash, appeared before the Board for 5709

Whitesville Road, to appeal the Decision of the Building Official that 1)

flappers, 2) banners attached to canopy, and 3) banners on pole are not allowed

per the Unified Development Ordinance, Section 4.4.4 Exempt Signs, and Section

4.4.5 Prohibited Signs. The property is zoned GC.

Mr. Beck stated that over the last four weeks they have looked at the case from

both sides. It is very important to us to keep what we have at the car wash.

We have a lot of special services that we offer the customers, and they are

made aware of these services by the signage we use. For examples, we have

multi car wash package savings. For examples, buy four (4) car washes and get

one (1) free, or buy nine (9) car washes and get two (2) free. We have a

fundraiser program which has been very successful, and we promote that program

by the banners and signage. Some of our fundraisers have been for the Boy

Scouts, Boys and Girls Clubs, school booster clubs, and a lot of churches. Our

gift cards and gift certificates, which we sell year round, are sold by the use

of the banners and signage. Our revenue during the Christmas holidays were at

one time over $100,000.00.

Mr. Beck further stated that they have basically the same signage and marketing

approach of most retail businesses. We do have to market our business to let

the customer know what we have to offer. We have used all the signage in

question for over forty years. The location on Whitesville Road is our pilot


Mr. Wade stated that since the last meeting he has looked at many businesses

around Columbus looking for something like this. I go into a fast food place

that has a canopy, and they have signs indicating what they are selling. I?m

looking at one of your signs on a pole under a covered canopy which looks

temporary instead of stationary. Another fast food place that I observed

would have two to three signs before you get to where you order, and where you

order has more signs. I?m trying to distinguish what those businesses have in

selling in comparison to what you have underneath the canopy or outside the car

wash. One other comment, a flapper is a portable sign you can pick up and move

from one location to another. It has advertising or offering of free gifts.

Mr. Beck pointed out that the so called ?flapper sign? is a very high quality

sign. It is filled with water and sand in order for it not to move around, and

is on spring hinges and the wind moves it back and forth. There is a pin where

to lock the sign down, and it would be a stationary sign. There are some of

these around town. This particular sign is 230 feet from the curb. Most

retail businesses don?t have 230 feet depth of property.

Mr. Phil Wise expressed that to be clear, the ?flapper sign? is not to move to

draw attention, but to move to take a little wind load off of it. They can be

locked in place. That?s why we felt like the more proper definition, which is

in the handout, an ?incidental sign?.

Mr. Wade pointed out that the portable sign is blocking the entrance of a lane

as compared to the bank, they put up a ?not open? sign.

Mr. Wise replied that the lane is not used.

Mr. Borom asked Mr. Beck of the number of car washes, and how many

jurisdictions (cities) where they are located.

Mr. Beck replied that there are approximately fifty (50) car washes. They all

look alike with the same signage. We are currently in ten (10) states from

Houston TX, Grand Rapids MI, Jacksonville FL and all between. This is the

first time we had a problem with the banners and signage.

Mr. Moore asked Mr. Cargill if some of the signs which comments were made

earlier, are they not subjected to the same type guidelines.

Mr. Cargill replied that the signs would have the same type guidelines. We

have one sign inspector for the entire city. When a sign is found in

violation, the sign is taken down, but another is placed in a different


Mr. Wise stated that it comes down to how the signs are classified. We read

the sign ordinance and what you have there we felt describe the signs in

question. It is a matter of interpretation if everyone else is in compliance.

There was no opposition present for this appeal.

After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Borom moved to overturn the Decision of the

Building Official, and grant the request based on no opposition, and that other

similar signs have been seen throughout the city. Mr. Hart seconded the motion

and added that a number of signs are exempt because they are in a non

residential zone. The motion was carried unanimously.


Mr. Paul Jones, President, ITV Associates, Inc, and Mr. Ken Woodruff, Vice

President, Wachovia Bank, representing Wachovia Bank (Wells Fargo), appeared

before the Board to appeal the Decision of the Building Official for 3436

Victory Drive, to increase the number of parking spaces from 8 spaces required

to 23 spaces shown. The property is zoned GC.

Mr. Jones stated that they were in the process of trying to repave the parking

lot. Because of the number of employees we have in the facility, and obviously

a small footprint that we have of this property, Wachovia decided they would

like to add additional parking spaces. We went through the permit process, and

provided multiple revisions to give us a 24 feet opening, 24 spaces and a 4

feet wall. When all that was completed, there was the issue of zoning because

of green space. The issue we have with the small footprint would be the 15

spots we currently have, and at one point can have up to 9 employee cars. We

do park when allowed in the Krystal parking lot, but it is a hardship. Should

the relationship with Krystal deteriorate, that would certainly be a problem.

The safety issue we recognize is that both with the current width of the

opening and with the number of spots, we do tend to cue cars on Lumpkin Road.

We believe by having additional spots available to our employees and customers,

that will help eliminate some of the cuing and potential access occurring on

Lumpkin Road, and free up that intersection back out Victory Drive. We

recognize that it will not allow a lot of green space, and there is not a lot

there now. We feel this will benefit both our employees and customers and the

safety related issues. We hope you will allow us to make these changes and

would appreciate your consideration.

Mr. Wade asked if the number of Kiosk had increased, or is there four as shown

on the plans, and are there always nine employees.

Mr. Jones replied ?No?, and that it is not always nine employees; but on busy

days, the first of the month, the third of the month, 15th, etc, especially

when customers receive government checks.

Mr. Wade asked Mr. Cargill if the Board approves this appeal, would they have

to go to Engineering.

Mr. Cargill replied that they would have to go to the Engineering Department

for site development.

Mr. Hart asked if the objection from the city is in regards to green space.

Mr. Cargill replied that it is the square footage, and the parking requirements

specified because of the size of the building. There is a specific number of

allowed parking spaces.

Mr. Woodruff stated they have a commitment to the South Columbus area. We

remodeled the inside of that branch several years ago to increase the number of


There was no opposition present for this appeal.

After a brief discussion, Mr. Borom moved to approve the appeal based on their

need for more parking spaces in that location, and it would make the use of the

facility better for the customers and employees. Also, there is no

opposition. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hart, and carried unanimously. Mr.

Wade added that it was mentioned that at times during the month they need

additional parking, and they have used the Krystal parking lot.


The next case was a variance request from the zoning ordinance for Mr. Jose

Gutierrez, 2243 Simmons Avenue, to reduce the rear setback requirement from 30?

to 18?-6? shown, and to reduce the side setback requirement from 8? required to

6?6? shown. The property is zoned SFR3.

No one was in attendance to present the appeal request to the Board. Also,

there was no opposition present for this appeal.

Mr. Moore moved to table the request until the next scheduled meeting on

Wednesday, November 3, 2010. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hart, and carried



Mr. Philip Denson, Denson Contracting Company, appeared before the Board to

request a variance from the zoning ordinance for 440 Bradley Park Drive, to

increase the sign area from 6 square feet allowed to 117 square feet, and one

sign allowed and four shown. The property is zoned SFR2.

Mr. Denson stated that it is actually 47 feet. What we are actually trying to

do at Brookstone is to remove one sign that is visible from Bradley Park Drive,

that has the letters that you actually remove by hand, and replace it with the

one that has the text where you can get more information. The copy area is

actually one-half foot smaller than the sign that is currently there. We

really want to replace one sign with one that is smaller but it will have the

scrolling text on the bottom. I would like to point out that sign No. 4, which

is way offset from Bradley Park Drive (does not know the linear footage to the

sign), is not very visible from Bradley Park Drive. Signs No. 1 and No. 2,

which are the main entrances, are masonry signs. We want to replace one old

sign (removable letter type) with a much more ecstatic pleasing sign that will

provide more information.

Mr. Hart asked how far would it be from the right-of-way.

Mr. Denson replied that it is 6 feet off from Brookstone Drive, which puts it

approximately 75 feet from Bradley Park Drive.

There was no opposition present for this appeal.

After a brief discussion, Mr. Moore moved to approve the appeal request that

the sign area would be smaller than the current sign area. The motion was

seconded by Mr. Borom, and carried unanimously.


Mr. John Bullock, Leisure Lifestyles, representing Mrs. Rhonda Clippinger,

appeared before the Board to appeal the Decision of the Building Official for

1920 17th Street, to install an in ground swimming pool in the front yard.

Accessory structures are not allowed in the front yard. The property is zoned


Mr. Bullock stated that the way the house is positioned on the lot, the front

door of the house actually faces out toward Lakebottom Park. The property is

located across the street from Columbus High School. (Mr. Bullock presented

elevations to the Board.) I have been to the house approximately six times,

and never realized, until I was informed by Inspections and Code, that the way

the house is positioned on the lot, the pool is actually being placed in the

front yard. The owner has received approval from the Board of Historic and

Architectural Review. It is a small pool and she has, since the first time of

submittal, moved the pool inwards closer to the house. The location of the

pool is approximately 100+ feet from the sidewalk, actually 20 feet higher than

street level. (presented pictures to the Board) You can?t see the house from

the road. We are asking for the variance to be able to build the pool.

Unfortunately, we can?t put it behind the house because of the way it sits on

the lot. The house sits far back on the property, and there is not enough

available space.

Mr. Moore asked if the Board of Historic and Architectural Review understood

that the pool would be in the front yard.

Mr. Bullock replied that I don?t think they realized that it would be in the

front yard. As I previously stated, the six times I was there, it just never

hit me, because of the way the house sits on the property, that the front door

does not face the front of the property but the side. Therefore when you walk

through the house, you make the assumption that you are walking out the back

door. The house is turned 90 degrees on the property.

Mr. Hart asked if someone had spoken to the neighbors.

Mr. Bullock stated that the owner has spoken to the neighbors.

There was no opposition present for this appeal.

After a brief discussion, Mr. Hart moved to overturn the Decision of the

Building Official and grant the appeal request based on no opposition, and with

the configuration of the driveway, you can not differentiate the front from the

rear. The house cannot be seen from the road or the neighbors. The motion was

seconded by Mr. Borom, and carried unanimously.


Mr. Moore moved to excuse Mr. Ray Brinegar, III, due to a business

appointment. The motion was seconded by Mr. Borom and carried unanimously.


The minutes of the regular meeting of September 1, 2010 were presented for

approval as written.

Mr. Moore moved to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of September 1,

2010. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hart, and carried unanimously.


There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned

at 2:50 p.m.

Wright Wade William L. Duck, Jr.

Chairperson Secretary

Perry Borom Danny Cargill

Vice Chairperson Acting Secretary


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