Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
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Council Members

Region 6 Planning Board Meeting

January 15, 2014


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order on Wednesday, January 15, 2014 at 1:00 pm by L.

David Kitchens, Board Chair.

Opening prayer was given by L. David Kitchens.

Members Present:

Sheila Mallory


Judge Betty Cason


Lee Hubbard


Irene Cheyne


Sharon Herbert


Amy Kuhns


Angela Craig


James Risher


Katherine McHan


Teresa Collins


Geraldine M. Jackson


Marilyn Roberts


L. David Kitchens, Chair


George E. Carriker


Mary Jo Page


Conference Call:

Tommy Allen


Claudette Boulter


Tiffani Staci


Robert Andrews


David Miller



Julia Chibbaro


Sandra Smith


Neydi Belmonte


Jackie Begg


Sharon Herbert


Keith Brown


LaVonne Harn


Frank Dunford


Edward Barnell


Ashley Ballard


Glynda King


Sher'Londa Walker


Joni Jones


Patrick Arrington



Handout #1: November 13, 2013 Approved Minutes

Handout #2: ?A Lesson From Geese?

Handout #3: ?Working while Disabled?


November 13, 2013 Minutes

L. David Kitchens


? Motion to approve given by Lee Hubbard, 2nd Motion to approve given by Sheila


? All members approved minutes as written (handout #1)

Final version will be sent via email and mail.

Board Education

Stuart Perry

Perry Wellness Center

Stuart Perry of the Perry Wellness Center was introduced and given the floor:

? Mr. Perry first recognized Ms. Mary Jo Page and her advocacy for the

populations we serve

? Mr. Perry passed out a book to those present that he had written. The book

describes his life and his journey through recovery.

? Mr. Perry gave a small foreshadow of what started his initial illness and his


o 9 years after his father?s suicide he went to Bradley Center and was first

diagnosed, for 4 years he went from one doctor to the next until he found the

right psychologist in his own back yard at Middle Flint

o With the right supports and medication he made it out of his illness and was

able to recover

o He became one of the first 20 people to be a consumer advocate with the

Department, he also worked with NAMI out of Atlanta and did a 1000 mile walk to

Chicago to the AMA headquarters with 10,000 petitions in hand

o After all this he had the vision that people with Behavioral Health Issues

could take care of themselves

o A Peer Wellness Center was opened in Americus and was named after his father

?The Tom Perry Wellness Center?. The center was ran by a contracted agency

o He then took the Center over but was not funded by the state for 1 year. They

had to prove that they could follow the rules and be beneficiary to the

individuals served

o The Center is now one of the biggest facilities in the state. They are funded

by Medicaid and their internal farmer?s market

? Mr. Perry then handed out a description of ?geese? because the Center?s

mascot it the goose (handout #2)

? The goal of the Center is to work with you and get you back out in the

community: many of their individuals go to college or have jobs in town

? Lee Johnson told the group that 3 years ago the center was only serving 40

individuals and now they are at capacity and are trying to add-on to serve over


? At the center peers are on top of each other to ensure they are working their

recovery right

? The center also has a new program: Whole Health and Wellness (WHAM) and they

have added a nurse to their staff

? Chris Newland told the group that what makes this center so special is seeing

their life in state mental hospitals of those with SPMI(Severe and Persistent

Mental Illness) but now at the center you see them living life fully

? The Center is currently building a large greenhouse out of old windows, the

expansion can be seen at

? L. David Kitchens told the group that he lives in Americus and the Center has

an excellent reputation in the community. He also thanked Mr. Perry for the


If additional copies of the book are requested please let Erika Ball know and

she can request them from Stuart Perry.

Perry Wellness Center website:

Region 6 Annual Plan

L. David Kitchens

Jim Risher

Ad-Hoc Committee::

? Good overall product except for the acronyms were confusing.

? The plan covers Board and activities, Adult and C&A(Child & Adolescent)

Mental Health and Addictive Diseases and Crisis Centers

? Irene Cheyne asked if anyone else received the plan before today. Only a few

said they had

? The Plan is due to Atlanta by the end of February

? Irene Cheyne told the group that there was a plan at the last meeting and a

list of names of people who wanted to have a part in the planning, but now it

seems that no one ever received it except Jim. This is such an important

document and we have not been able to address it.

? This plan is what sets us up with the state to ensure we get a small piece of

the pie, we need to do what we can to ensure he Region 6 staff have the very

best plan to send to Atlanta

? We have so much potential and as a Board this is our role to have every

opportunity to us to ensure we take an active role and the plan is one of the

ways we do this

? Lee Johnson: A special meeting can be held, per by-laws the Chair can request


? L. David Kitchens: As the Chairman he appointed an Ad-Hoc Committee and asked

Jim Risher to serve as head of the committee. We can vote today and post-pone

the vote on the Annual plan

Motions to Vote on Plan or post-pone:

? Mary Jo Page motioned to post pone the approval of the Plan, 2nd Motion was

received via teleconference. All approved to post-pone the approval of the

Annual Plan

A Special Meeting will be held:

? February 12, 2014 at 1:00 pm

? Upson County Senior Center

? Ad-Hoc Committee Members:

? Allen, Belmont, Cheyne, Carriker, Jackson, Risher, Collins, Herbert

? Jim Risher, Committee Head: 770-266-8645, email:

? L. David Kitchens, Board Chair: 706-483-1885, email:

? All changes and suggestions are due to Jim Risher and Erika Ball by close of

business on February 5, 2014

Special Meeting Called

Notice and Annual Plan Draft will be sent via email and USPS to all Board


Leadership Council

November 27, 2013

Irene Cheyne

Meeting Overview:

? The Leadership Council is all of the regions represented together

? Michael Link, Director of Regional Operations was in attendance

? The definition of recovery was given and it was created with input from 30+

listening sessions throughout the state. It calls for compassion and


? There is no comparable definition in DD but plans are in place to see how to

get one

Community Work Incentive Program (CWIC):

? A program through Social Security for people with disabilities under SSI and

SSDI that may be concerned with how working can affect their benefits

? There are many programs out there were the person can work and still receive

their benefits

? It is recommended that the person call social security and speak to CWIC to

find out how working will affect them

? If Social Security administration first says no to a request to be on a work

incentive program then the recommended immediate action is to appeal, there is

a good chance the denial will be overturned

? Handout # 3, Working with Disabled

Handout will be sent to all providers and Board Members

Mental Health Planning Advisory Council

Jim Risher

Amy Kuhns

Jim Risher:

? Janice Heard and Danton Sealy gave a report on Technical Assistance

? The MHPAC is attempting to gain a grant to transition to a Behavioral Health

Council and to rework the bylaws to coincide with the changes

? Legislation updates: CSB Bill rewrite concerning the financing and

administration of CSBs HB512 rewrite concerning weapons permits for individuals

who have been involuntarily confined for Mental Health Issues.

? New Federal bills affect Medicare Part D, affects funding for medication for

depression and organ transplants

? Dr. Timberlake gave statistics on the ACT(Assertive Community Treatment)


Amy Kuhns:

? There was discussion around Grady Hospital and that they may be dropping

Mental Health Services

? Mobile Crisis services are ahead of schedule, all counties in Georgia will be

covered by 7/1/14

? CBAY(Community Based Alternative for Youth) services have been reactivated,

stay at a PRTF(Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility) less than 90 days

then they can be transferred to CBAY(Community Based Alternatives for Youth)

? System of Care Academy June 24-26: set to target chairs of interagency

planning committees and providers

MHPAC Minutes were included in Board Packet

Developmental Disabilities Report

Lee Johnson

DD Report:

? The Department is calling this year ?A Year of Change?: there may be some new

products and staff are in training at the regional office level on new

ISPs(Individual Service Plan) (rollout new ISP is July 1)

? The Exceptional Rate process should be seeing changes soon

? The Regional Office has a new HQM(Health and Safety Quality Manager): Deborah


? The Region is developing and has asked for proposals for Developmental

Disabilities crisis/emergency respite

? We are deep into transition work and all the follow-ups and the DOJ

independent reviewer looking behind to ensure the health safety and wellness of


Betty Cason asked: how are waivers allotted to Regions?

Lee: After the state budget is approved, last year there were 150 waivers for

hospital transitions than Regions received 150 additional waivers. Last year

Region 6 commandeered 40% of the 150 but this year they will most likely be

divided by percentages of census. Also every year the Region tracks who has

left waiver services (vacancy rate) and we fill vacancies quickly because we

follow most in need and most emergent individuals.

Behavioral Health Report

Chris Newland

BH Report:

? Staff spend a lot of time focusing on Mobile Crisis Services and Crisis

Stabilization and inpatient

? There are now 4 CSUs(Crisis Stabilization Unit) in the Region, it has been 90

days since Region 6 has had any direct admissions to West Central Hospital from

the community

? There are plans in place for a new Peer Respite & Wellness Center in the

Northeast corner of the region

? A community collaborative was held by Benchmark yesterday

Irene Cheyne asked: How did invites go out for the collaborative? She also

stated she attended along with several other Board members and it was very

important to hear the struggles providers face and it helped her understand the

crisis intervention process.

? Chris will ensure Board members are notified of the next scheduled

collaborative meeting which is April 17th

? There are 2 new ITRs (Intensive Treatment Residential) in Region 6, a male

home with Pathways and a female home with McTrail. ITRs(Intensive Treatment

Residential) are designed to get individuals out of West Central who have been

there receiving long-term treatment. The individuals will also receive ACT

(Assertive Community Treatment) Services

? Sarah Romero is the New Transition Coordinator and Emily Gregory is the new

Compliance Officer

? Craig Nursing center at Central State Hospital is set to close March 31st.

The Region has 4 individuals there but plans are in place for discharge

Regional Coordinator?s Report

Lee Johnson

? The Commissioner has signed a letter of intent for McIntosh Trail to have a

24 bed CSU(Crisis Stabilization Unit) and have a BHCC(Behavioral Health Crisis

Center) and for Pathways to have a BHCC

? There will be a new Intensive Case Management team in July 1 (NHCSB) and

Middle Flint will now split their ICM (Intensive Case Management) with Phoenix

instead of NHCSB

? There is an amendment to Phoenix Center CSU to help with an immediate need

for acuity level then there are plans are being developed to expand

? There also may be 3 additional CM(Case Management) positions in FY15

? An article regarding Perry Wellness Center has also been included in the


? The legislative session this year is very short with very little new revenue

which has been earmarked for mandatory settlement services and the Board of


? We have included a CMS handout outlining the initiative to move to community

based services

? There will be 3 CSB CEOs that will be retiring soon: New Horizons at the end

of May, Phoenix Center at the end of the summer, and McIntosh Trail at the end

of May

Public Comments


? The mileage reimbursement form will be sent to all in attendance ?


L. David Kitchens, Chairman

The meeting was adjourned at 3:04 pm

Special Meeting: Annual Plan: Wednesday, February 12, 2014 at 1:00 pm

Minutes recorded and submitted by: Erika Ball, Region 6 Administrative



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