Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Agenda Item # ______

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting

_______, 2009

Agenda Report #______

TO: Mayor and Council

SUBJECT: Alcohol and Drug Free Workplace Policy

INITIATED: Human Resources Department

Recommendation: Approve an ordinance amending Human Resources Policy Number

220-506 (Alcohol and Drug Free Workplace Policy) adopted by Ordinance No.

01-101 by adding an expanded definition for ?Safety Sensitive Position? under

Section III (Basis for Testing for Drugs or Alcohol/Random Testing), and adding

and new table, Table D-2 Dilute/Adulterated Drug Test Results and Required

Actions under Section IV (Testing Procedures).

Background: On January 16, 1990 Columbus Council adopted the City?s first Drug

Free Workplace Policy, with a revision of this policy adopted on July 6, 1993,

and the last revision adopted on October 16, 2001. The proposed revision

expands the definition of Safety Sensitive Position and adds a new table, Table

D-2, Dilute/Adulterated Drug Test Results and Required Actions.

Analysis: The current Alcohol and Drug Free Workplace Policy has been effective

in addressing various incidents of employee and applicant drug/alcohol use and

abuse. By expanding the definition of ?Safety Sensitive Position,? the revised

policy will enhance the City?s ability to protect employees and citizens when

employees are assigned City vehicles including all motorized vehicles and when

employees use, operate and/or perform maintenance, installation and/or repair

of City property.

Current definition for Safety Sensitive Positions: Are those positions in which

employees are assigned a City vehicle and/or required to drive a City vehicle

to perform their job duties.

Recommended expanded definition for Safety Sensitive Positions: Are those

positions in which (1) employees are assigned a City vehicle and/or required to

drive a City vehicle to perform their job duties. City vehicles include all

motorized vehicles; by example, cars, heavy duty and small trucks, dump trucks,

fork-lift, Zamboni, tractors, golf carts, riding lawn mowers and other special

operating vehicles; or (2) employees who use, operate and/or perform

maintenance, installation, and/or repair of City property, vehicles, and/or

equipment, including but not limited to electrical work, carpentry work,

welding, using power tools and equipment, set up and/or assembly of stage

equipment or bleachers or performing other similar jobs where a collapse or

malfunction could cause serious injuries to themselves, other employees, the

public and/or significant loss or destruction of property or resources.

By adding Table D-2, Dilute/Adulterated Drug Test Results and Required Actions

under Section IV (Testing Procedures), this will address an area not covered in

the current policy and it will enhance our ability to address the current

methods used by employees and applicants to avoid positive drug test results.



Test Result Action Required

Positive Dilute A Positive Dilute test result will be considered a positive test

Negative Dilute and Adulteration Test Results

METRA PersonnelMETRA personnel that are subject to FTA and/or DOT requirements

will be tested according to the current requirements issued by those agencies.

In cases where the CCG requirements exceed those required by the agencies, the

employee will also be subject to the CCG requirements.

Negative Dilute - EmployeesCCG employees that test Negative Dilute will be

directed to retest without notice. The retest will be by hair when a

sufficient sample is available, otherwise by urine.

Negative Dilute - ApplicantsCCG applicants that test Negative Dilute will be

referred to the Human Resources Director for special handling. The HR Director

will arrange retesting by hair or urine in a manner that provides the minimum

possible advance notice and that he/she determines is most likely to prevent

actions by the applicant to influence the testing outcome.

Adulteration Test ResultsCCG employees and applicants with test results

indicating adulteration will be referred to the Human Resources Director for

special handling. In consultation with the Medical Review Officer if the HR

Director determines that the employee or applicant has tampered with the

specimen or caused the adulteration, the test result will be considered a

positive test. If it is determined that the employee or applicant did not

cause the adulteration, retesting by hair or urine will occur.

In all cases a retest will be treated as the test of record. If a Negative

Dilute retest is also Negative Dilute the results will be accepted as a

negative result.

Legal: Changes in personnel policies require the approval of City Council.

Financial Considerations: The change in definition for safety sensitive

positions will increase the size of the random testing pool and the annual cost

of testing will increase by less than $1,000. No additional funding request is

anticipated for FY2010.

Recommendation/Actions: Human Resources recommends approval of the Ordinance.


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