Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




OCTOBER 25, 2011

The monthly night meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia was called to

order at 5:30 P.M., Tuesday, October 25, 2011, on the Plaza Level of the

Government Center, Columbus, Georgia. Honorable Teresa Pike Tomlinson, Mayor,


*** *** ***

PRESENT: Present other than Mayor Tomlinson and Mayor Pro Tem Evelyn Turner

Pugh were Councilors Mike Baker, Glenn Davis, Berry Henderson, Bruce Huff,

Charles E. McDaniel, and Judy Thomas. City Manager Isaiah Hugley, City Attorney

Clifton Fay, Clerk of Council Tiny B. Washington and Deputy Clerk of Council

Sandra Davis were also present.

Councilors R. Gary Allen and Jerry Barnes took their seats at 5:38 p.m. and

5:45 p.m. respectively.

ABSENT: Councilor Evelyn Woodson was absent.

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INVOCATION: by Reverend Emmett Anniton of Friendship Baptist Church.

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PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by MLK Jr. Elementary School Students.

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Mr. Seth Brown, Crime Prevention Program Director came forward and informed

the Mayor and Council that included in their packet are summary of grants for

the Adult Drug Court, applications, and the amount they are requesting is

$75,122, which makes up about 14% of their current budget.

Following a few comments by Mr. Brown about the Adult Drug Court program,

Councilor Thomas said she did not see the information Mr. Brown is speaking

about in her book. Councilor Henderson pointed out that there is a summary in

eCAP, but Mayor Tomlinson said if other Councilors did not receive this

information, it is only fair that this presentation is postponed. She said this

is an appropriation and Council has to have notice and an opportunity to

review. Mayor Tomlinson that asked Ms. Liz Turner to backtrack this to see

where it has fallen through the cracks so that this does not happen in the


*** *** ***

MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING: Minutes of the August 23, 2011 Special Called

Meeting of the Council of the Consolidated Government of Columbus, Georgia.

Councilor Thomas requested a correction to the minutes, stating that the

list of attendees does not include her name.

Councilor McDaniel moved approval of the minutes as amended. Seconded by

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh and carried unanimously by those seven members of

Council present, with Councilors Allen and Barnes being absent for this vote,

and Councilor Woodson being absent from this meeting.

-----------------------------------------*** ***





THE COUNCIL:________________________________________________________

An Ordinance (11-51) ? Amending the Zoning Atlas of the Consolidated

Government of Columbus, Georgia; this amendment changes certain boundaries of a

district located at 6939 Buena Vista Road from NC (Neighborhood Commercial) to

GC (General Commercial) zoning district.

Councilor McDaniel moved the adoption of the ordinance. Seconded by

Councilor Huff and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council

present, with Councilors Allen and Barnes being absent for this vote, and

Councilor Woodson being absent from this meeting.

*** *** ***

An Ordinance (11-52) ? Repealing the ?No Parking Anytime? zone along the

West curb of Flournoy Drive and the South curb of 17th Street.

Councilor McDaniel moved adoption of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilor

Thomas and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council present, with

Councilors Allen and Barnes being absent for this vote, and Councilor Woodson

being absent from this meeting.

*** *** ***

An Ordinance (11-53) ? Amending Chapter 13 of the Columbus Code by providing

that permits issued by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division, whether

by rule of otherwise, shall satisfy the permit requirements of Section


Councilor McDaniel moved adoption of the ordinance. Seconded by Councilor

Thomas and carried unanimously by those seven members of Council present, with

Councilors Allen and Barnes being absent for this vote, and Councilor Woodson

being absent from this meeting.

------------------------------------------*** ***






An Ordinance - Rezoning property located at 2044, 2046, 2048 and 2050 Mason

Street; 502, 504 and 514 20th Avenue; 2037, 2039 and 2043 Cusseta Road is

proposed for rezoning from RMF2 (Residential Multi-Family 2) to RMF1

(Residential Multi-Family 1) zoning district.


A representative for Habitat for Humanities (petitioner) is present, but

did not make a presentation, as there is no one present to oppose this proposed


City Attorney Fay then informed the petitioner, the Mayor and Council that

this item would be voted on in two weeks.

*** *** ***


Mayor Pro Ten Tuner Pugh asked City Attorney Fay about a previous request

to place a clause in this ordinance that the proposed rezoning had to be used

for the stated purpose only.

Following inquiry by City Attorney Fay, he said that the Clerk of Council?s

Office has the final adopted version. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh then requested

to have a copy of this final/corrected ordinance.

Mayor Tomlinson then asked that we endeavor to coordinate better to make

sure that those Councilors who received a book on Fridays have the most updated

information. She further suggested getting packets to them on Mondays if

something has been changed.

*** *** ***

An Ordinance amending the Unified Development Ordinance to correct

typographical and clerical errors in various chapters.


Mr. Will Johnson, Planning Director came forward and with the use of a

chart, he explained comparisons in Section 3.2.63 (before and after) dealing


Temporary use and special events

Water connection

1500 feet of public sewer line

Platting of large acreage tracks

Language regarding platting

Special exception of variances; Section 10.11.4

Use Table ? Chapter 3

With no one here to oppose these proposed changes to the Unified

Development Ordinance, City Attorney Fay said it would be voted on in two


*** *** ***

An Ordinance amending the Unified Development Ordinance to amend Section

4.2.16 Conversion of Resident6ial Accessory Structure.


City Attorney Fay informed the Mayor and Council of a letter received from

the petitioner, Mr. Karl Douglass requesting this item be withdrawn. Mayor Pro

Tem Turner Pugh then made a motion to withdraw this item. Seconded by Councilor

Allen, which carried unanimously by those nine members of Council present, with

Councilor Woodson being absent from this meeting.

Councilor Henderson asked about some of the issues this particular request

is addressing ? how we permit outbuildings on residentially zoned lots

regardless of lot size. He said one structure in particular fell between the

cracks because it was permitted on a larger lot. He said anything in an SFR

Zoning category should have some serious limitations in terms of size of the

footprint, height, and anything above that, we can look at as a special

exception use/variance.

Councilor Henderson clarified that what he is requesting is that Mr. Rick

Jones, Planning Director continues to pursue some type of legislation and bring

it back to us at a later date. He said he had spoken to Mr. Jones about this

and wanted to see if a text change to the UDO can be made to restrict what goes

into a residentially zoned backyard.

Mr. Jones said since the conversation with Councilor Henderson, they have

gone back and looked at the UDO itself and there are provisions in there now

that said you can only provide so much square footage on a building itself and

in some cases, it is no more that 35 percent of the lot that can actually be

covered by buildings - whether it is actual principal structure or accessory


Following further discussions on zoning classifications and restrictions,

Mayor Tomlinson asked Mr. Jones what is the notice requirements related to a

requested text amendment going before the Planning Advisory Commission (PAC),

top which he responded that there is no real notification to individual

property owners because we are talking about having to send notice out to

everybody within the city limits itself. He said we are required by state law

to run that ad in the newspaper ? 15 days prior to the City Council meeting. He

said we also post those ads on our Facebook and web pages, as well as our email

service to let them know of a potential rezoning or text change.

*** *** ***

An Ordinance Providing emergency management authority in Columbus, Georgia

pursuant to O.C.G.A. ??38-3-27 through 38-3-28 and 38-3-54 through 38-3-56.


City Attorney Fay explained that Mr. Riley Land, Emergency Management

Coordinator has already made one presentation to Council and he is present here

today if anyone has any questions.

With no questions from members of Council, and no one here to oppose this

proposed change, City Attorney Fay said this item would be voted on in two


*** *** ***

An Ordinance Amending the Columbus Code by adding a new Subsection 2-81(b)

related to naming of streets for persons after recommendation from the Board of



With no one here to oppose this propose change in the Columbus Code, City

Attorney Fay said item would be voted on in two weeks.

*** *** ***

An ordinance amending the Columbus Code by revising Subsection 3-12(i)

pertaining to the requirements for the permission to cater; and for other



Councilor Baker said he wanted to make sure, as we create these portable

licenses, that those businesses opened extended hours and gets the proper

license; they cannot parlay that license for becoming an alcohol caterer.

He said he don?t see anything that prohibits that.

Councilor Thomas said she and Councilor Baker had a short conversation

about this and he is right, that was not the intent of the ordinance.

She said if that is a concern, it could be a prohibition that can be

written into this type of license because that was not the intent of the

committee to allow that to happen.

Mayor Tomlinson asked if there is another prohibition in place stipulating

certain requirements by a non-retail establishment to cater, to which City

Attorney Fay responded that the 80% rule would prohibit it effectively, but we

could amend another one of the alcohol ordinances being heard tonight to put in

a flat prohibition that ?non-alcohol retail establishments shall not be allowed

to cater outside the license premises?.

Ms. Yvonne Ivey, Business License Department, said there is no prohibitions

or limits as far as catering and there is not prohibition to the districts.

Councilor Baker said he would like for Ms. Ivey to get with Finance

Director Hodge and look at some language because we do not know how this will

interact with other provisions, but if they can just take a look at that and

bring us a recommendation on how we can close that up. He said he would feel

better if they would look at this first.

Councilor Henderson said one of his primary concerns has been the ability

of people who aren?t in the night club business being able to open nomadic-type

night club where they can charge a cover, hire someone to cater the alcohol,

and what bothers him about this is that it seems unfair to those who invested a

lot of money in creating those type of night-life environments. He said there

are some facilities that sell tickets to charitable functions and they will

cater the alcohol and he don?t think there is a way right now that we can do

away with one without doing away with the other, but he would like to see us

try to address that at some point.

Mayor Tomlinson then asked the City Attorney what does it do procedurally if

we had that type of prohibitive language added to the non-retail alcohol

establishments; and if this item has to come back on first reading or is this

hearing considered first reading.

City Attorney Fay explained that this is first reading and the amendments

can be added to paragraphs 7, in the non-alcohol retail category. He said we

can add a sentence to say ?No catering ? non-alcohol retail establishment

licensee shall not be permitted to sell alcoholic beverages outside of license

premises?. He said that could be added as an amendment.

Councilor Baker then moved the approval of the amendment. Seconded by

Councilor Barnes and after further discussions by several members of Council,

Ms. Ivey, and City Attorney Fay, the motion was carried unanimously by those

nine members of Council present with Councilor Woodson being absent from this


Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said we can go ahead with the amendment, but

individuals (after tonight) should have an opportunity to address Council next

week or at the next Council meeting.

*** *** ***

An ordinance Amending Section 3-20(d) of the Columbus Code so as to require

alcoholic beverage licenses for manufacturing, distribution, sale, handling,

possession for sale or transport of alcoholic beverages; and for other purposes.


See discussions below.

*** *** ***

An ordinance Amending the Columbus Code by adding a new subsection 3-1(gg)

to provide procedures and restriction on the issuance of on-premises licenses

to certain Non-alcohol Retail Establishments; and for other purposes.


Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh asked why we only went to 12:00 midnight (in

chapter 12 Section (gg) since a lot of places are open until 1:00 a.m.

Assistant City Attorney Sheftall came forward and stated that the intent

with section (gg) was to create a new category of on premise licensee that had

a primary business, had nothing to do with alcohol sales and they wanted to

have events in which alcohol was present in the evening to promote other

aspects of that business. She said we chose the hours 5:00 p.m. ? 12: midnight

because on type of business we could see using this type of license would be a

movie house that might want to sell beer and so we wanted to make sure it was

light enough to cover that. She said that was the committee?s consensus and

over time if it seems that those hours were not adequate for these type

licenses, they can always be changed. But we thought that was a good starting


Mayor Tomlinson pointed out that these hour limitations do not apply to

restaurants or bars.

Councilor McDaniel asked what is the fee for alcohol license for a

restaurant, to which Ms. Ivey responded that the fee for a beer on- premise

alcoholic beverage license is $500.00; the fee for a wine on premise alcoholic

beverage license is $300.00.

Councilor McDaniel then asked about the $1,000.00 fee alcoholic license.

Ms. Ivey then explained that this is an additional on- premise alcoholic

beverage license in which patrons can bring their own alcohol on the premise,

in addition to the establishment holding a valid on- premise alcoholic beverage

license. She said this is an additional $1,000.00 fee.

After further discussion by several members of Council regarding businesses

that would fall under this section of the ordinance; and requirements for

license, Sergeant Gassaway, Columbus Police Department, came forward and

explained that as far as the enforcement part goes, they check every business

in town that has an alcohol license as part of their job. He said if this were

to come in line, it would give them more businesses to check to make sure they

are in compliance with their licensing as well as the state laws.

With no further discussions, City Attorney Fay pointed out that these would

be voted on in two weeks, with Section 3-1(gg) as amended.

*** *** ***

An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 01-77 to add two (2) additional members

to the Civic Center Advisory Board.

Councilor Henderson said the reasoning for this is because originally the

Ice Rink had a committee and they had a desire to form their own board and the

compromise was to set aside two seats for CHA or Ice Rink representatives on

the Civic Center Board; this was the reason for adding the two seats.

Following a brief discussion regarding appointment of members to this

board, City Attorney Fay said this would be voted on in two weeks.

-----------------------------------------*** ***




A Resolution (334-11) ? Requesting that the members of the local

congressional delegation inquire into the matter and seek a moratorium against

USPS facility closures as well as addressing the proposed reduction in service


Councilor McDaniel moved the approval of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor Thomas and carried unanimously by those nine members of Council

present, with Councilor Woodson being absent from this meeting.

Councilor Davis asked that a copy be forwarded to our State delegation

and/or we can have it placed on our legislative request list in an effort to

let them know we are concerned about this and we need to have a joint effort in

doing all we can to keep our Postal Service and employees in this community.

Ms. Shirley Garris then came forward and stated that she is the President

for the local APWU local 118 and would like to thank the Mayor and Council for

their support. She said in August of this year, she was notified that Columbus,

Georgia Post Office was under area mail processing study, and about one year

ago she stood here for the same reason. They were concerned that they took our

out-going processes and they would come back and get our in-coming processes

and this has happened. She said because of HR 1351, there is an acceleration of

closures and consolidation of post office, not only in Georgia and Columbus,

but also all over the country. She said what that bill would do, it would slow

down the process and return the over funding that we have back to the post

office so that it would give us a chance to actually regroup without cutting

services. As it stands now, if we cut services, once we cut those services, we

probably would never get them back and so this bill is very important. It has

been in the subcommittee but it failed since it did not get the desired


*** *** ***


Councilor McDaniel said he received a phone call from the brother of Mr.

Ken Thomas regarding a property that was listed on and approved for demolition.

Councilor McDaniel then made a motion to delay the demolition of this property

for two weeks.

Mayor Tomlinson then suggested a postponement of action until such time as

we can get more information on when this ordinance was adopted and who voted in

favor of it, as well as any additional background information for Council.

Following further discussion by Mayor Tomlinson, City Manager Hugley, and

several members of Council, Councilor Baker pointed out that a motion may not

be in order but rather a request to administration to handle it that way.

City Attorney Fay explained that the request is to look into it

administratively with the City Manager.

Councilor Henderson said to be consistent anytime we give an extension, at

that later date, we typically asked for a couple of items to be included with

the request and it usually is a signed contract with a license contractor,

financial verification and availability of funds to complete the repairs and

time line; recognizing that if any of those agreed upon benchmarks are not met,

we would go ahead and put the property back on the demolition list. He said his

concern is that if we take it off, we would have to initiate the process from

the beginning because the property now has a different owner.

City Manager Hugley said they would do it administratively as Council

McDaniel has indicated the property has not be demolished, but we also ask that

the new owner get on the public agenda to be called up by Councilor McDaniel at

the next meeting and bring all the information as outlined by Councilor


-----------------------------------------*** ***



City Attorney Fay requested a short executive session at the end of the

regular session to discuss pending and potential litigation.

-----------------------------------------*** ***









Ms. Myers, Director of Communications, came forward, introduced the

Vice-President of Student Affairs Ms. Tara Askew, and an instructor, Ms. Tameka


Ms. Myers said 1961 marked 50 years since Columbus Technical has been part

of the Columbus Georgia community and we are taking this week to ?Paint the

Town Blue? to say thank you to the community and to show our appreciation for

all the support and backing we?ve had throughout the years. Ms. Myers had a

brief presentation and goodie bags which was distributed to the Mayor and

Members of Council.

*** *** ***



Mr. Olson came forward and made some comments about the Charter Review

Commission?s public forum that took place at Eddys Middle School. He made some

references about the lack of a quorum, as there were only 10 members of the

commission present.

He made some additional comments about the lack of notice in the cafeteria

of Eddy Middle School where the meeting took place.

Mr. Olson then made some comments about the lawsuit and the law

firm representing the city in this matter. He made some references about an

ordinance and a resolution and stated that he would like to see both documents.

Mr. Olson further made mention of a settlement with Orbitz but stated that

nowhere in the news was it covered as to the amount of the settlement and

requested a written response to the issues he addressed here tonight.

Responding to Mr. Olson?s comments, City Attorney Fay explained that the

notices for the public hearings were published in the Ledger-Enquirer. He said

there were two notices published for each public hearing and that is all that

the statute that created the Charter Review Commission requires and that?s what

was followed. He said with respect to the Orbitz settlement, we made this

public last year and it was a total of $450,000.00. The contract that Columbus

has with the law firm of Pope & McGlamry has also been made public and the

Attorney General has copies of them and he has closed his file on the matter.

With respect to any other discussions of Expedia and contracts with lawyers,

Georgia law clearly says that those are attorney/client matters and this

Council has a right to consult with it?s attorney concerning any litigation or

settlement of claims and that is exactly what has happened with Expedia and He said with respect with the final resolution on the Expedia and

Hotel.Com cases, this Council is going to press on for a full recovery for the

taxpayers of Columbus, Georgia including attorney?s fees and expenses, which

Columbus is entitled to under Georgia Law.

With regard to the items Mr. Olson requested, City Attorney Fay explained

that those are attorney/client privileges as they were discussed in executive

sessions and there is no ordinance or resolution covering that.

Mayor Tomlinson then instructed City Attorney Fay to provide Mr. Olson with

a copy of the letter she wrote to the Clerk of Council relating to her former

involvement with the law firm mentioned by Mr. Olson. She then pointed out that

with regard to the comments Mr. Olson made about her campaign contributions,

those contributions are on-line with the Georgia Ethics Commission and are a

matter of public records.

*** *** ***



When called upon to address Council, Mr. Wilder did not respond.

*** *** ***



When called upon to address Council, Mr. Stovall did not respond.

-------------------------------------------*** ***






A Resolution (335-11) - Authorizing the request for Northwestern Benefits

Corporation of Georgia, CCG Benefit Manager, to renew the Blue Cross Medicare

Advantage plan for retirees, the Blue Cross HMO, POS and PPO Medical plans and

the Express Scripts Prescription plan.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved approval of the resolution. Seconded by

Councilor Allen and carried unanimously by those eight members of Council

present, with Councilor Davis being absent for this vote, and Councilor Woodson

being absent from this meeting.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (336-11) ? Authorizing the request to allocate additional

funding, if available, to the United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley for the

implementation of the 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness in the amount of $15,000

in FY12 and $65,000 in FY13.

City Manager Hugley explained that in fiscal year 2011 we allocated

$50,000.00 to United Way to support moving the 10-Year Homeless Plan into

implementation; in the current fiscal year 2012, we allocated an additional

$65,000.00 in CDBG allocation. They have reproached us after having gone to the

private sector to get some corporate citizens to pledge 3-year support to

further move this 10-Year Homeless Plan into implementation. The private sector

has agreed to commit three years of funding but would like to see the city

commit that third year funding as well as go back and increase the FY11

allocation by $15,000.000 so that then they would have three years of funding

at the $65,000.00 level.

City Manager Hugley further explained that we do not have the capacity in

our current fiscal year to allocate an additional $15,000.00 for this effort;

so this resolution is asking Council to pledge $15,000.00 in next fiscal year

out of the FY13 allocation to bring that $50,000.000 up to $65,000.00 and in

addition to the $15,000.00 next year in FY13, we are also asking Council to do

it the third year of $65,000.00. He said in FY13, we are asking you to pledge a

total of $80,000.00 to support this effort so they can move forward with the

three commitments that they have received from the private sector.

Following additional discussions by several members of Council, Mr. Albert

Wall, representative from New Horizon came forward and stated that he is here

in full support of the Ten-year plan for homelessness and New Horizons also

stands firmly behind it. He said they were a part of the original coalition

that wrote the plan and have followed the process all the way through. He said

their concern is that in the period of time between the 15 member task force

and the now 6-member task force, they have not had a lot of communication (both

ways) with the task force and they are concerned to being answerable to an

outside body for funding, policy, and procedure that takes place within New

Horizons. He said having spoken to other service providers; they have concerns

along those lines as well. Mr. McKnight made some additional comments regarding

the functions with 100 % buy-in and requested to have a sit-down with the

?collaborative? one more time and discuss this, and then they would all come

together and present it in mass. He said United Way is a tremendous

organization that does a lot of good, but at the same time, this is not just a

United Way issue, but rather a collaborative issue and we all want to be here

to address this body together ? it is that important.

Mr. Carmen Cavezza then came forward and stated that the city commissioned

them to do this plan and appointed the task force, which consists of all the

service providers, as well as some members of Council. He said they went

through several months of developing this plan, visited cities with successful

plans, attended sessions in Washington that addressed this issue, brought in

people who are experts in this area, scrub this document over and over again

and input from service providers and anyone else was put into the document. He

then made some comments to questions raised by Council regarding having one of

the service providers serve as the umbrella organization.

After an additional 15 minutes of discussions by Mayor Tomlinson and

several members of Council, Councilor Thomas suggested that the language be

changed on the resolution. City Manager Hugley then suggested the following

wording: ?it would be funded from the CDBG allocation or other funding sources

at Council?s discretion?. Councilor Davis then made a motion to approve the

resolution, which was seconded by Councilor Allen. However, before the Mayor

could call the question, Councilor Henderson made a separate motion.

Councilor Henderson then made a motion to amend the resolution, striking

the 7th Whereas, where the resolution mentioned making the funding contingent

upon the continued federal funding (CDBG) and leave in the 8th paragraph

referencing the sole or most probable municipal funding source being the CDBG

funds. Seconded by Councilor Thomas.

Councilor Allen said he is in opposition of this motion because he feels

that this is a program we are taking baby steps with and it should be left

where it is. He said we can always change it at some point in the future and

due to financial constraints, in his opinion, the program should be left where

it is.

Councilor Thomas asked Councilor Henderson if he would accept an editorial

change in striking the second sentence; and in the third sentence, also

striking the word ?contingent?, to which Councilor Henderson agreed.

Mayor Tomlinson called the question of the motion, with amendments made by

Councilor Henderson, which was seconded by Councilor Thomas and carried by a

vote of 6 to 3 with Councilors Allen, Barnes, and Davis voting no, Councilor

Woodson, being absent from this meeting, and all others present voting yes.

Councilor Henderson then made a motion to adopt the resolution as amended.

Seconded by Councilor Thomas and carried unanimously by those nine members of

Council present, with Councilor Woodson being absent from this meeting.

Councilor Davis requested an organization aboard the task force. He said we

only talk about an aspect of this program and would also like to get a better

projection of where we are going with this for future references.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (337-11) ? Authorizing the acceptance of a deed to Sable Oaks

Drive and that portion of Sable Court located in Section Five, Sable Oaks of


Councilor McDaniel moved approval of the resolution. Seconded by Mayor Pro

Tem Turner Pugh and carried unanimously by those eight members of Council

present, with Councilor Huff being absent for this vote and Woodson being

absent from this meeting.

---------------------------------------*** ***







WOODSON BEING ABSENT FROM THIS MEETING:_____________________________

A Resolution (338-11) ? Authorizing the annual contracts for Professional

Architectural & Engineering Services with the firms in the following

categories: Architectural Services: 2WR/Andras Architects; Hecht, Burdeshaw,

Johnson Architects; Sizemore Group; Neal, Kendust & Murray and Kenneth Levy

Architects; Engineering Services: Stantec Consulting Services; URS; Jacobs

Engineering Group; Heath & Lineback Engineers and Wolverton & Associates.

Services will be required on an as needed basis and costs will be negotiated

per project.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (339-11) ? Authorizing the purchase of five (5) zero turn

radius mowers with rear discharge for the Parks and Recreation Department, via

Georgia State Contract, #99999-SPD0000043, from Moridge Manufacturing,

(Moundridge, GA) in the amount of $42,070.00.

The mowers are replacement units and will be used by the Parks and

Recreation Department to cut grass in the City?s parks. The department

currently has five mowers down with repairs approximated at $16,000.00. The

equipment in need of repair meets the requirements for salvage. The new units

are needed immediately, hence the reason for utilizing the State Contract.

Funds are budgeted in the FY12 Budget: Special Proj-Capital Proj Fund ? Capital

Projects ? Gen Fund Supported Cap Project ? Capital Expend ? Over $5,000;


*** *** ***

A Resolution (340-11) ? Authorizing the purchase of two (2) Dial-A-Ride

paratransit buses from National Bus Sales and Leasing, Inc. (Marietta, GA) in

the amount of $264,702.00.

The buses are replacement units and will be used by the METRA Department of

Transportation to provide ADA Complementary Paratransit Service to eligible

persons with disabilities who are, because of their disability, unable to

board, ride or disembark from an accessible vehicle in METRA's regular bus

service. Service is provided with special lift-equipped buses on a

curb-to-curb, shared ride basis.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (341-11) ? Authorizing the purchase of one (1) Cab and Chassis

from Beck Motor Company, (Albany, GA) in the amount of $116,993.00.

The cab and chassis will be used with a 16/18-yard dump truck body purchased in

FY11. It is a replacement vehicle and will be used by the Street Improvements

Division of the Public Services Department to haul dirt, sand and other items

as needed to maintain city streets. The 16/18-yard dump truck body will be

mounted on the cab and chassis.

Per Resolution No. 285-11, Beck Motor Company was the awarded vendor for

RFB 11-0063, Commercial Logging Trash Loader, Option 1: Cab & Chassis Only.

Beck Motor Company has agreed to provide the additional cab and chassis for the

same-awarded bid price of $116,993.00.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (342-11) ? Authorizing the execution of a contract with

Capitol Fence Company, Inc., in the amount of $95,284.00 for fencing services.

Capitol Fence Company, Inc., will replace fencing around two (2) baseball

fields at Britt David Park.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (343-11) ? Authorizing the purchase of seven hundred (700) IBM

Lotus Notes Domino Licenses from IBM (Westford, MA) in the amount of $58,905.00.

The licenses are needed to fulfill a new mandate from the Peace Officer

Standards and Training Council (P.O.S.T.) requiring all officers to have an

e-mail address. The e-mail address must be the governing entity?s email, not a

personal email address. This requirement applies to Police Officers, Deputy

Sheriffs and Deputy Marshals.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (344-11) ? Authorizing the annual contract for the purchase of

traffic citations on an "as needed" basis from Turner-Clack Business Forms,

Inc. (Columbus, GA), for the per ticket cost of $0.07152, and the estimated

contract value of $20,115.00.

Turner-Clack Business Forms, Inc. will provide an initial order of ninety

three thousand seven hundred and fifty (93,750) traffic citations to be used by

the Columbus Police Department. The contract term will be for three years.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (345-11) ? Authorizing the donation of (4) pursuit vehicle bar

lights to Columbus State University.

Resolution No. 316-11 declared various vehicles and equipment as surplus.

Said vehicles and equipment will be disposed during an auction to be held on

October 22, 2011. Included in the surplus are several Police Department

vehicles with bar lights. Columbus State University has contacted the City

Manager, Chief of Police, and Fleet Management Division about obtaining the (4)

pursuit vehicle bar lights.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (346-11) ? Authorizing the Letter of Agreement with Corizon (formerly Prison Health

Services (PHS)) for inmate medical services through June 30, 2012, with payment

rendered as follows: 1) From July 1, 2011 through September 30, 2011, the

Variable Professional Fee will be no more than $55,889.61 per month; 2) From

October 1, 2011 through October 31, 2011, the Variable Professional Fee will be

no more than $43,614.61 per month, unless the Columbus Consolidated Government

requests more services than previously agreed upon; 3)From November 1, 2011

through June 30, 2012, the Variable Professional Fee will be no more than

$38,664.61 per month, unless the Columbus Consolidated Government requests more

services than previously agreed upon. The charge will be for hours actually

provided and those hours shall be documented by Columbus and submitted to

Corizon every week. For the Contract Period, the Fixed Administrative Fee will

be $15,276.00 per month.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (347-11) ? Authorizing payment to Ramesh B. Kannegenti, M.D.,

and Sai K. Nandamuru, M.D., to provide Psychiatric services at Muscogee County

Jail at a rate of $500/per day; and approve payment to Sher E. Schwartz, Ph.D.,

to provide Psychologist services at a rate of $88/per hour. Services will be

provided until the RFP for Mental Health Services is awarded.

---------------------------------------*** ***



Ms. Pam Hodge, Finance Director, came forward and provided the following

monthly finance report for September 2011; she also made some comments

regarding the travel policy:


General Fund ? last year we spend $110,000 for travel related items, this year

(to date) is $87,000.

Monthly Report:

LOST ? we have 134 positions filled for public safety, out or 158 authorized


Collected $4.2 million in sale tax for public safety and $1.8 million in

infrastructure sales tax.

Operating Funds Monthly Report ? General fund is up 13.19% or 10.41%

eliminating taxes. Ms. Hodge said this is the first three months of the fiscal

year and we have collected 10% of the budget.

Sales tax up almost 12% for the first two months of collections compared to the

same time last year.

Sewer fund - down 16.18%

Paving fund ? down 14%

Medical Center ?down 7.84%

Integrated Waste ? down 2.75%

Emergency 911 ? up 1.61%

Economic Development ? down 7.84%

Debt Service Fund ? down 53.48%

Transportation ? down 11.49%

Parking Management ? up 28.49%

Trade Center ? up 10.78%

Bull Creek ? down 6.5%

Ox Bow Creek ? down .5%

Civic Center Fund ? down 40%

Following Ms. Hodge?s presentation, she responded to questions and comments

from Council.

------------------------------------------*** ***



City Manager Hugley said a Council member received some concerns a few

weeks ago about miss-use/abuse of 50 parking spaces in the Front Avenue Parking

Garage. He said the city has 50 public parking spaces on the ground floor of

the parking garage on Front Avenue and the other spaces (beyond the 50) as well

spaces on the second and third floors used by Columbus State University and

W.C. Bradley. He said that Council member were informed that he would be

looking at an RFP and provide an update at today?s meeting. He said they have

given thought to the RFP that was going to cost $30,000 and have decided not to

do an RFP but instead do something in-house. He said we have struggled with

many parking issues in the Uptown area in recent years and our challenges

include availability, too much demand and not enough supply for on-street

parking, and we have heard from business owners, patrons, historic district

residents, and they have all voiced concerns. He said we are not going to spend

$30,000 on an RFP, we are going to assemble a team in-house to do a review and

Deputy City Manager Goodwin will provide further information on this.

Deputy City Manager Lisa Goodwin came forward and explained that the team

includes members from Metra Transit System (Parking Management Div), Planning

Division, Planning Department, as well as Traffic Engineering, and herself. She

said what they are going to do, it take a close comprehensive look at parking

in Uptown, based on the boundaries of our parking management district, from 3rd

Avenue to Bay Avenue, 9th Street to 14th Street, which includes our parking

management districts. She said we also have a request from several citizens to

take a look at the historic district as well and some of the parking concerns

they have there. She said we are looking at on-street and off-street parking.

We are also going to take a look at the timed (8hrs, 4hrs, & 2hrs) areas and

will be establishing a time line for making all this happen and bringing it

back to this Council in a draft presentation before we actually go out ant talk

to the stakeholders.

Councilor Thomas suggested the stakeholders be included as the plan is

being developed because the needs of the people who park on Front Avenue are

different from the needs of the people that park on Broadway, First and Second


------------------------------------------*** ***



City Manager Hugley said a few weeks ago, a City Councilor requested that

he do an analysis on the economic impact study done by two Columbus State

University professors, paid for by the Pezold Company. He said this study

related to the de-listing of Columbus hotels by on-line travel companies and in

preparation for his review, he learned that the Columbus Visitors Bureau, since

2002, has paid CSU professor Dr. Mike Daniels to analyze raw data from the CVB

that includes trade shows, conventions, and events that the CVB coordinates. He

said the CVB analysis does not include leisure travel or on-line travel because

meeting and event planners typically book direct. The CSU professors paid by

the Pezold Company focused on the dip between 2008 and 2009 in their 2009

study. This study indicates an estimated $9.3 million loss in hotel sales and

another $9.3 million loss in additional retail sales for a total of $18.6

million loss. He said there is a recent draft by the same professors that

asserts that CCG forfeited $7.4 million from September 2008 thru December 2010.

He said the CSU professors paid by the CVB indicated a dip during the same

time period (2008-2009) of $19.4 million but shows a return in 2010 by $19.4


He reminded Council that the $19.4 million figure and analysis done by Dr.

Daniel does not take into consideration leisure travel; it only include

conventions, trade shows, and other events. He said we believe the dip between

2008 and 2009 is a result of the economy and not de-listing.

He also pointed out that the report does not address the increase in supply

between 2007 and 2010.

Mr. Peter Bowden, Executive Director of Convention & Visitors Bureau, then

came forward and made a presentation from a chart and handout provided to


He said the handout provided to Council is the summary of the analysis that

CSU has been doing for the CVB since 2003.

He made some additional comments from the chart as well as other findings

from Dr. Daniel as a result of his study.

Mr. Bowden said they also did another analysis regarding whether of not

Columbus is actually de-listed or is it just an anomaly with what?s remaining

with the Expedia case and found that Columbus hotels are listed, even when they

use various other search engines. Hotels are also represented when trying to

book on-line. He said for someone to say that Columbus is de-listed is not a

complete statement.

------------------------------------------*** ***



Ms. Pam Hodge, Finance Director came forward and made a presentation on the

hotel/motel tax revenue. She said our total revenue in FY07 thru FY11; we

generated $3.7 million in FY 05 and almost $5.3 million in FY11. She said we

did have an increase in the rate effective August 1, 2009, which would have

been in FY10 numbers.

She said we did have a change in the hotel/motel rate in FY10; in FY07, one

percent generated $533,000. In FY11 we generated $661,000, which is a 23.86%

increase between FY07 and FY11. For one percent of hotel/motel tax, we have an

increase of 23%. She said in FY07 we had 41 hotels that were reporting to us;

in FY11 we had 51 hotels that were reporting to us. An increase in the number

of rooms that was available.

She said Phenix City has 10 hotels that report hotel/motel tax.

City Manager Hugley said they have asked Smith Travel to do a critique on

the Pezold study done by the two CSU professors and as soon as that comes in,

we will provide it to Council. He said we just don?t have any city/CCG data

that supports the findings asserted in the original study or the most recent

draft study conducted.

------------------------------------------*** ***






(1) Letter from Clerk of Council Washington, Re: Airport Commission.

(2) Memorandum from Clerk of Council Washington, Re: Board of Tax Assessors.

(3) Letter from Clerk of Council Washington, Re: Board of Elections &


(4) Memorandum from Clerk of Council Washington, Re: Hospital Authority.

(5) Notice from Mayor Tomlinson of the Presentation on Passenger Rail in

Georgia as presented by Gordon McKenna- CEO, Georgians for Passenger Rail,

Wednesday, November 9, 2011, at 8:00 a.m. in the Ground Floor Conference Room,

Government Center.

(6) Copy of the audited financial statements and the Compliance Reports for the

Columbus Department of Public Health as presented by Albright, Fortenberry &

Ninas, LLP, for the year ended June 30, 2011.

(7) Application submitted by Bruce Williams to temporarily close Adair Avenue

from Adair Court south to just past Adair Apartments at 1021 Adair Avenue

(vehicles can turn around in the driveway of Adair Apartments), on Saturday,

October 22, 2011, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., in connection with ?First

Annual Block Party?. (The Police Chief has approved the application.)

(8) Application submitted by Bernard Spicer to temporarily close 8th Street

from 7th Avenue to 9th Avenue, north and south intersection of 8th Avenue at

8th Street, on Saturday, October 29, 2011, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., in

connection with ?Annual Fall Festival?. (The Police Chief has approved the


(9) Application submitted by Cecil Cheves to temporarily close various streets

(See Attached Sheet), on Saturday, November 12, 2011, from 6:30 a.m. to 2:30

p.m., in connection with ?26.2 Mile Soldier Marathon?. (The Police Chief has

approved the application.)

(10) Application submitted by Alana Miller to temporarily close the Dillingham

Street Bridge, on Sunday, November 6, 2011, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., in

connection with ?Community Share A Meal?. (The Police Chief has approved the


*** *** ***




A Resolution (348-11) ? Excusing Councilor Evelyn Woodson from the October

18, 2011 Special Called Meeting.

Councilor Henderson moved approval of the resolution. Seconded by Councilor

Allen and carried unanimously by those nine members of Council present, with

Councilor Woodson absent from this meeting.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (349-11) ? Excusing Councilor Jerry ?Pops? Barnes from the

October 18, 2011 Special Called Meeting.

Councilor Henderson moved approval of the resolution. Seconded by Councilor

Allen and carried unanimously by those nine members of Council present, with

Councilor Woodson absent from this meeting.

*** *** ***

A Resolution (350-11) ? Excusing Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh from the October

18, 2011 Special Called Meeting.

Councilor Henderson moved approval of the resolution. Seconded by Councilor

Allen and carried unanimously by those nine members of Council present, with

Councilor Woodson absent from this meeting.

*** *** ***

Letter from Mr. Oz Roberts resigning from his position on the Convention &

Visitors Bureau, Board of Commissioners.

Councilors McDaniel moved the acceptance of the letter, with regret.

Seconded by Mayor Pro tem Turner Pugh and carried unanimously by those nine

members of Council present, with Councilor Woodson being absent from this


*** *** ***


Board of Elections & Registration, June 9, 2011

Board of Tax Assessors, No. 36-11.

Convention & Visitors Bureau, September 21, 2011.

Crime Prevention Board, January 19, 2011.

Crime Prevention Board, February 16 & March 23, 2011.

Crime Prevention Board, May 25 & June 22, 2011.

Family & Children Services, August 10, 2011.

Planning Advisory Commission, July 20, 2011.

Planning Advisory Commission, August 3 & 17, 2011.

Planning Advisory Commission, September 21, 2011.

Recreation Advisory Board, July 27, 2011.

Councilor McDaniel moved acceptance of the minutes. Seconded by Councilor

Allen and carried unanimously by those nine members of the Council present,

with Councilor Woodson being absent from this meeting.

*** *** ***



(a) Petition submitted by Joseph A. Sillitto to rezone 3.24 acres of property

located at 2040 Warm Springs Road from NC (Neighborhood Commercial) to RO

(Residential Office) district. (Recommended for approval by both the Planning

Advisory Commission and the Planning Department.) (24-A-11-Sillitto)

(b) Petition submitted by Martin R. Flournoy to rezone 0.42 acres of property

located at 5372 Veterans Parkway from NC (Neighborhood Commercial) to GC

(General Commercial) district. (Recommended for approval by both the Planning

Advisory Commission and the Planning Department.) (25-A-11-Flournoy)

*** *** ***



Clerk of Councilor Washington informed the Mayor and Council that Ms. Jo

McDaniel is eligible to be confirmed. Councilor Henderson moved the

confirmation. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh, and carried unanimously by

those nine members of Council present, with Councilor Woodson being absent from

this meeting.

Councilor Allen nominated Mr. Terry Gumbert for Ms. Jeannie McKee?s seat on

the Animal Control Advisory Board. Ms. Washington informed the Mayor and

Council that this would be back in two weeks for confirmation. She also pointed

out that we are still waiting to hear from the Veterinary Association regarding

the seat of Dr. Brook Glass.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington informed the Mayor and Council that Mr. Milton

Hirsch is eligible to succeed himself and he is eligible for confirmation.

Councilor McDaniel moved the confirmation. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Turner

Pugh and carried unanimously by those nine members of Council present, with

Councilor Woodson being absent from this meeting.

Ms. Washington also pointed out that Mr. Billy Watson who serves on this

board has been nominated to serve on another board.

Councilor McDaniel then asked if the stipulations regarding board members

not being able to serve on more than one board applies to Mr. Watson, given

that persons serving on the Board of Honor are elected officials.

City Attorney Fay responded that he is looking into making an exception to

the two-board prohibition for the Board of Honor because they are former

elected officials.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington informed the Mayor and Council that the seats

of Mr. Jose Cardona and Mr. Bradford Haines have been declared vacant. A

nominee is needed for the seat of Mr. Cardona, which is a council District 6

representative. She also informed the Mayor and Council that Councilor Davis is

nominating Mr. Jack Hayes to succeed Mr. Haines.

Councilor Henderson then moved to confirm Mr. Hayes. Seconded by Mayor Pro

Tem Turner Pugh and carried unanimously by those nine members of Council

present, with Councilor Woodson being absent from this meeting. No further

actions taken.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington informed the Mayor and Council that Ms. Lori

Auten cannot succeed herself. This is a Mayor?s appointment. No action taken.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington informed the Mayor and Council that Mr. Winston

Bailey can be confirmed. Councilor McDaniel moved the confirmation. Seconded by

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh and carried unanimously by those nine members of

Council present, with Councilor Woodson being absent from this meeting.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington explained that Mayor Tomlinson is re-appointing

Ms. Rhunell Bankston and she can be confirmed. Mayor Pro Tem Turner moved the

confirmation. Seconded by Councilor Allen and carried unanimously by those nine

members of Council present, with Councilor Woodson being absent from this


*** *** ***


Clerk of Councilor Washington explained to the Mayor and Council that Mr.

Gregory Wagner and Mr. Jeremy Hobbs are eligible to succeed themselves; but Mr.

Charles Kurtz cannot succeed himself.

Councilor Allen then made a motion to re-nominate and confirm Mr. Wagner.

Seconded by Councilor McDaniel, which carried unanimously by those nine members

of Council present, with Councilor Woodson being absent from this meeting. No

further actions taken.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington explained that Ms. Betsy Reed has resigned her

seat on this board. No action taken.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington explained that Ms. Sonya Eddings has been

re-nominated to serve another term and is now eligible to be confirmed. Mayor

Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved the confirmation. Seconded by Councilor Henderson and

carried unanimously by those nine members of Council present, with Councilor

Woodson being absent from this meeting.

Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that we are waiting to hear from

Uptown Columbus, Inc. to determine if they are going to re-appoint Ms. Brenda

Price. No further actions take.

----------------------------------------*** ***



Regarding the requests made earlier by City Attorney Fay, Councilor

Henderson made a motion to allow the Council to go into an executive session to

discuss pending and potential litigation. Seconded by Councilor McDaniel and

carried unanimously by those eight members of Council present, with Councilor

Barnes being absent for this vote, Councilor Woodson being absent from this

meeting, and the time being 8:45 p.m.

At 8:58 p.m., the regular session was called back to order at which time

Mayor Tomlinson pointed out that the Council met into an executive session to

discuss pending and potential litigation, but no action was taken.

----------------------------------------*** ***


With no further business to come before this Council, Mayor Pro Tem Turner

Pugh then made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Councilor Henderson, and

carried unanimously by those eight members of Council present, with Councilor

Barnes being absent for this vote, Councilor Woodson being absent from this

meeting, and the time being 9:00 p.m.

Tiny B. Washington, CMC

Clerk of Council

The Council of Columbus, Georgia


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