The Columbus Consolidated Government
Planning Department
Post Office Box 1340 Columbus, Georgia 31902-1340
Telephone (706) 653-4116
Fax (706) 653-4120
Introduction: The Waverly Terrace Historic Association requested that the
Planning Department attend one of their meetings in early 2016. The Department
was asked if we would consider submitting a mass rezoning for the area.
Planning?s suggestion was to send three letters out to residents within the
designated area and ask for their participation in the rezoning. After
gathering signatures and verbal approval from 28 residents, the Planning
Department proceeded with requesting rezoning for these participants.
Applicant: Planning Department
Owner: Numerous property owners in Waverly Terrace
Location Various properties in Waverly Terrace
Acreage: N/A
Current Zoning Classification: RMF2 (Residential Multi-family 2), RMF1 (Residential
Multi-family 1), NC (Neighborhood Commercial) and GC (General Commercial)
Proposed Zoning Classification: SFR4 (Single Family Residential 4)
Current Use of Property: Single Family Residential
Proposed Use of Property: Single Family Residential
Council District: District 7 (Woodson)
Planning Advisory Commission's Recommendation: Approval based on the fact that the request is
consistent with the future land use map of the 2028 Comprehensive Plan and it
is compatible with existing land uses.
Planning Departments Recommendation: Conditional Approval based on the fact that the request is
consistent with the future land use map of the 2028 Comprehensive Plan and it
is compatible with existing land uses. The recommended conditions are detailed
in the ordinance. Certain lots will not meet the minimum lot size and lot
width requirements of the SFR4 zoning district. Said lots will be attributed
with conditions that will make the lots zoning compliant.
Fort Benning's Rcommendation: N/A
DRI Rcommendation: N/A
General Land Use: Consistent
Environmental Impacts: The properties do not lie within the floodway and floodplain area.
City Services: Property is served by all city services
Traffic Impact: None
Surrounding Zoning: The surrounding zoning classifications are predominantly
multi-family and single family zones
Reasonableness of Request The request is compatible with existing land uses
School Impact N/A
Buffer Requirements
The sites shall include a category A buffer along all property lines bordered
by the RO, NC and GC zoning districts. The 3 options under category A are:
1) 5 feet with a certain amount of canopy trees, under story trees, and shrubs
/ ornamental grasses per 100 linear feet.
2) 10 feet with a certain amount of shrubs / ornamental grasses per 100 linear
feet and a wood fence or masonry wall.
3) 20 feet undisturbed natural buffer.
Attitude of Property Owners: Twenty eight (28) participating property owners were
notified of the rezoning request.
Additional Information: The purpose of this rezoning request is to bring existing single
family homes into zoning compliance.