Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




A standard part of wireless telecommunications facilities ordinances is the

specification of setbacks for towers. In the case of these facilities, setbacks

are important because they are often used as proxies for a tower's ?fall zone,?

typically defined as the area within a prescribed radius around the base of a

wireless telecommunications tower within which there is a potential hazard from

falling debris, such as ice, collapsing material or the collapse of the tower

itself. In many cases, as you suggest, communities adopt special provisions

regarding setbacks of cell towers from residential properties in particular to

ensure that in the case of a tower collapse, the residential structure is out

of harm?s way.

Here below are some regional distance requirements:



Athens-Clarke County, GA

Total height of the tower plus 400' from single and two-family residential

district boundaries

Augusta, GA

Height of the tower from off-site residential structures; ? height of the tower

from property lines bordering single-family residentially zoned lots

Roswell, GA

Height of the tower from the nearest residential lot line

Savannah, GA

Height of the tower to dwellings and property lines; less if tower has

breakpoint design technology

Cary, NC

Height of the tower from property line of residentially zoned property

Charleston, SC

Height of the tower from residential zoned property, but for flush-mount and

stealth monopoles, ? tower height

Columbia, SC

Setbacks from residential districts range from 150' to 500' depending on the

type of the tower

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Greater of 200' or 200% of tower height from residentially used or zoned


Hialeah, FL

200% of tower height from nearest residential district line

Huntsville, AL

Greater of 200' or tower height to residential structure

Mobile, AL

Greater of 200' or 150% of tower height to closest point of residentially zoned


Tallahassee, FL

200' from nearest residential lot line and 250' from nearest lot line of

single-family or duplex dwelling

Athens-Clarke County and Augusta-Richmond County are the only consolidated

governments in the study.

Former Mayor Poydashef is inquiring about reducing the distance from 300 feet

from a residential structure to the distance requirement in the 1998 zoning

ordinance: height of tower length from nearest residential structure. As you

will see above, the ranges run from the extreme (height of tower plus 400' in

Athens) to minimal (less than height of tower if it has breakpoint design

technology aka monopole in Savannah).

The Personal Communications Industry Association (PCIA) represents the

interests of providers and tower companies. Their language suggestion is as


(B) Setbacks

(1) Property Lines. Unless otherwise stated herein, Support Structures shall be

set back from all property lines a distance equal to their height measured from

the base of the structure to its highest point.

(2) Residential Dwellings. Unless otherwise stated herein, Monopoles, Towers

and other Support Structures shall be set back from all off-site residential

dwellings a distance equal to the height of the structure. There shall be no

setback requirement from dwellings located on the same parcel as the proposed

structure. Existing or Replacement structures shall not be subject to a setback


Regarding collapses, most tower collapses have been lattice/guyed towers.

Considerable research has been done on tower collapses and monopoles have shown

to be the most resilient type.

The Planning Department recommends that any reduction in distance from a

residential structure be considered for monopole cell towers only.


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