Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

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Council Members

January 11, 2012 Summary Minutes

DBHDD Region Six

Regional Planning Board

Regular Board Meeting

Upson County Senior Center

1:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m.

302 S. Bethel Street, Thomaston GA. 30286

Members Present: Glynda King, Chair-Pike, David Kitchens- Sumter, Deborah

Carriker-Houston, LaVonne Harn-Houston, Donald Boyd-Troup, Teresa

Collins-Meriwether, Leslie Edwards-Fayette, Julie Chibbaro-Carroll, Ros


Jim Risher ?Henry, Amy Kuhns-Henry, Joni Jones-Taylor, Elizabeth


Members Absent: John Thompson, Vice Chair-Coweta, Sheila Mallory,

Secretary-Butts, Lee Hubbard-Clay, Mary Jo Page-Marion, Betsy Loiacono-

Houston, Rev Charles Thomas- Carroll, Angela Craig- Henry, Bettye

Patterson-Troup, Sandy Smith-Coweta, Ruth Kuester-Chattahoochee, Becky

Smith-Crawford, Cecil S. Bowen Jr. Crisps, Bertha Thomas- Dooly, Sandi Allen-

Heard, Ashley Ballard ?Peach, Angela Smith-Schley, Frances Phillips- Spalding,

Kim Griffin-Spalding, [13/31 appointed board members was present a quorum was

recognized per Region Six Bylaws. ]

Staff Present: Lee Johnson, Region Coordinator, Joe Coleman, RSA DD, Veronica

Terry, Board Support Service Worker- Region Six

Opening/Welcome Remarks: Chair welcomed board members staff and guest to the

first board meeting of 2012.

RPB Recruitment: Chair, Welcomed new board members Theresa Collins

(Meriwether), Debra Carriker (Houston)

Guest: Ms. Beverly Garland from Muscogee Co.

Minutes of Previous Meeting: 1st motion to approve November 09, 2011 Summary

minutes by Ros Duplechain (Carroll) and 2nd by Teresa Collins (Meriwether).

Chair?s Comments: Chair Greeted and thanked newly appointed board member

Theresa Collins (Meriwether), Debra Carriker (Houston) and guest Beverly

Garland (Muscogee) for serving and showing an interest on The Regional Planning

Board. Glynda then reported that Liaison Charles Ringling with The Leadership

Council indicated that The Department will do a State Wide Regional analysis

for services of care. As we begin to review how past regional plans that have

been developed. The Department has been meeting with State Wide, Providers,

Leadership Council and Community Service Board members to discuss the bringing

together of many better accesses & quality of care in our communities.

Chair then reported that The Department has selected Mercer Government Human

Services to help develop The Technical Assistance for helping The State of

Georgia, all Regions within and Community Service Boards in our Region. The

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families assessment was not renewed for

Addictive Diseases Waiver Programs.

Leadership Council liaison and board members are hoping to speak with Community

Service Boards Association Chair Mr. Frank Berry during the January 27, 2012

meeting. Chair reiterated that board members are always welcome to attend the

Leadership Council Meetings in Macon.

Leadership Council Nominations- Deborah Carriker (Houston) Reverend David

Kitchen (Sumter) will be attending the upcoming meeting as visitors.

MHPAC- Chair reported that this Council reports on the planning of Georgia?s

State Wide Federal Block Grant Dollars. She also indicated that Region Six is

required to fill the vacancy for an Adult Representative and Alternate. Leila

Anderson continues to be Region Six?s Representative for Child & Adolescent and

her alternate is Floyd Thompson. Lee Johnson, Region Coordinator, expressed

that the most intense time for this Council is right around the late fall, as

Region?s State Wide are preparing to gather Regional assessments for the

strengthening of our Regional Community Services i.e. Recovery Based Services.

The Federal Block Grant Plan will be submitted & reviewed by the Federal

Department. Region Six board member Mr. Jim Risher (Henry) was nominated by a

unanimous vote for the Adult Representative for Region Six. Mr. Risher will see

if Mr. Floyd can be his alternate representative.

B.H. Education: Lee Johnson, Regional Coordinator

HANDOUTS - Children Mental Health- 65% could be eligible for

Medicaid/State Children?s Health Insurance Program in GA. However are not near

that determined eligible. Eligibility determination ensures that Children and

Adolescent is receiving both Medical/BH and other services such as dental.

Georgia is 36th in the Nation for the number of Children and Adolescent

living in poverty. {Source is Gain for Children Report}.

Prevalence Rates: 12% of Georgia Children and Adolescents have no insurance.

Figures can lessen significantly if we could just get them determined eligible.

7.4 % of age 0-9 years will experience significant behavioral health

impairment. Children and Adolescents over the age of 9 years will increase to

11% and too experience significant behavioral health impairment. 5% of our

children and adolescents will experience extreme functional behavioral

impairments. {Source: Carter Center, Voices of Children.}

Community Levels of Care: That is provided by private insurance, Peachcare

(State Children?s Health Insurance Program) State Health Plan Children and

Adolescent Medicaid,

The Medicaid Rehabilitation Option MRO Federal eligible for Child and

Adolescent BH. Matched with state dollars and lastly peer state dollars are

state fee for services. Detailed report attached to original meeting minutes.

Residential Level of Care: Lee reported that DBHDD does not provide placement

of children of any kind. Foster home placement and group services are provided

by The Division of Family and Children Services. Therapeutic service to

Children and Adolescents by DBHDD includes prescriptions and counseling. The

highest level of care for Child and Adolescent services is located within the

Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities. Those facilities are located one

in Macon, Savannah, and near Augusta. The remaining four facilities are located

in the general Atlanta area. As well these Child and Adolescent services are

for long term, youth with Serious Emotional Disturbance, and with both

Developmental Disabilities/ Serious Emotional Disturbance. Reviews are every 30

days, to see if the youth still requires that level of intensive care. The

Outdoor Therapeutic Youth Program in Warm Springs minus the prescriptions and

counseling are provided by a couple of Community Service Boards. The Outdoor

Wilderness Camp for Child and Adolescent Mental Health is usually paid for by

The Division of Family and Children Services or Georgia Department of Juvenile

Justice. It can occupy 30-35 beds however sessions have been averaging 32 for

both male/female.

Non-Waiver CME /Waiver Services: Our Federal Waiver program for an alternative

to Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility care is where we would instead

of putting the youth into a Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility; would

develop an Wellness Recovery Action Plan with the support of community

services around the Child and Adolescent. Our federal grant will no longer

exist at the end of 2012. We have been as high as 354 in the program. Lee

affirmed we are in the process of combining Non-Waiver and Waiver so that we

will have two Care Management entities for community youth services . The

total of two verses five entities will save us a lot of administrative dollars

and allows us to keep the program and develop it. The New Managed Care

Terms(Handout) Lee indicated the glossary would provide assistance on the

frequently used terminology by Leadership Council and the Regional

Coordinator members when discussing State Wide topics such as The Regional

Behavioral Health Authority.

RC/Updates: Lee Johnson, Regional Coordinator

Reiterated Chairperson?s earlier report of the Gap Analysis format for the

Regional Offices: to standardize collecting data and development of the Annual

Federal Block Grants. Regional Coordinators State Wide will meet in Macon

January 20, 2012 to discuss the new standardization of the Fiscal Year Plans

State Wide. The final month to provide Region Analysis to The Federal

Department is sometime in June. Legislative Notes: Lee then reported that there

are two major Reform Bills (1) Juvenile Justice which is vast; the reform

writing started was about four years ago. The reform bill is now in process of

becoming an actual bill and being introduced. It carries a lot of key in

collecting the data over the last four years. (2).Criminal Justice -Legislative

is at the summit where they would rather invest in some form of a criminal

justice reform rather than keep building more prisons. Our State Governor has

set aside $10,000, 000 in his budget for more Accountability Courts.

Our Region?s budget outside of The Accountability Courts is being supported by

the Governor and The Office of Planning and Budget and is reviewed by our

Legislative. Lee reported that we have taken a 2% budget cut in Adult (BH)

which mostly came out of {CORE } traditional outpatient services & our

providers. We are shifting our philosophies toward more Severe Persistent

Mental Illness in Adult (MH) in emergency room facilities, the chronic

homeless, Severe Persistent Mental Illness ?leaving our jail/prison systems.

Addictive Diseases: We have taken some major budget reduction from the federal

government in our Temporary Assistance Needing funding for women pregnant/ with

children. This program is mostly referred to by Division Family and Children

Services. Treatment programs for women with an addictive disease along with

their families and children have lost $ 20,000,000 in Federal money. We do

however have a two month extension to continue these services through this

Fiscal Year. With the help of The Office Planning and Budget-the Governor?s

Office has worked with us to try to replace some of the $20,000,000. The Care

Management Entity for Children and Adolescent located in Coweta has been

providing services for a month. Pathways donated the office to The Care

Management Entity. We are also talking about increasing The Crisis

Stabilization Unit in Meriwether Co. Our Region is developing Clubhouses for

Child and Adolescent (BH) there is one in Henry County is coming as well.

Veronica D. Terry, Board Support Service Worker Region Six

Reported on the Rural Human Services Transportation: Solution


*Why Coordinated Transportation?

*Transportation Planning

*The ?Big 3 State Agencies?

*Coordination Preferred Outcomes

*DHS Coordinated Transportation System Overview

Full Report Attached to the original meeting minutes.

Handouts: Lee Johnson

SAMHSA- Working Definition of ?Recovery? Which has become the ?Official

definition of Recovery.

MHPAC-November 08, & 17, Meeting Minutes

Provider Services and Informational Brochures

GMHCN-Pipeline Newsletter

DD Education: Joe Coleman- DD, RSA

DBHDD Provider Open Enrollment ?Accept and process applications to become New

DD providers. Open enrollment is twice a year in January and July. In Macon GA,

in the month of December there was a State Wide Enrollment. There was also

Educational and Informational Open Forums for professionals working with people

diagnosed with an Intellectual Disability who are considering becoming a DD

provider. Lee, RC, further added that other new providers were one of the top

priorities of 2011 plan from our board members.

New Waiver Slots-Our Region was awarded 26/100 State Wide for new waiver slots.

These wavier slots were determined by staff reporting individual needs and

collecting data which was presented to our Atlanta office. Chair expressed the

importance of board members, individuals and their families advocating concerns

with our Legislators.

Waiver Conversions: Converting from Grant-in Aide funding (State) funding which

is paid at the 100% rate to Waiver (Federal dollars) individuals determined

eligible for Medicaid. The savings have shown from spending 100% cents to 38 %

cents and Federal dollars pays for 62% on the dollar.

Hospital Transitions: This will afford individuals receiving government

disability benefits living in State Hospital Facilities the opportunity to live

in community settings. Presently individuals are being transferred from Central

State Hospital in Milledgeville focus is on having all of the individuals

transitioned into community surroundings by the end of fiscal year 2012.

DD Aging Specialist: (Handout Aging & Disability Resource Connection) List of

Area Agency Aging providers within Region Six.

Recent development in Region Six is the hiring of Heather Nix who is our

Aging Specialist. Ms. Nix business cards were given to present board

members. Reports indicate that with growing medical knowledge and application

in regards to persons diagnosed with an intellectual disability there is an

increase in mortality. Ms. Nix will be available to provide Education Sessions

to our board members and communities on the subject of anticipating the needs

of our DD aging population.

Joe informed board members in relation to the four Area Agency Aging providers

now serving our Region. (1)Southern Crescent: Butts, Carroll, Coweta, Heard,

Lamar, Meriwether, Pike, Spalding, Troup and Upson. (2) River Valley Regional

Commission: Americus, GA-Harris, Muscogee-Chattahoochee, Stewart, Quitman,

Clay, Randolph, Talbot, Marion, Webster, Taylor, Schley Sumter, Dooly Crisp.

(3)Middle GA. Regional Commission: Crawford, Houston, Peach and one located in

Perry, GA. Macon-Bibb and Warner Robins, GA. (4)Atlanta Regional Commission:

Fayetteville and Henry.

Informal Taxonomy of DD: (Handout) Developmental Disabilities results from

chronic conditions/disorders that developed before the age of 22 and

significantly limit an individual?s ability to function mentally and/or

physically. Generally defined by a person having an IQ score of 70 or less.

Adaptive Functioning is defined as below average performance in 2 or more areas

i.e. communication, self-care, home living, social/interpersonal skills, use of

community resources, self-direction, functional academics, work leisure, health

and safety. Mental Retardation now referred to as an ?Intellectual Disability?

is characterized by significant deficits or impairments in adaptive and

intellectual functioning before age eighteen that is going to interfere with

the person?s mental and/or physical aptitude.{Source: is the Federals

definitions for both DD and Intellectual Disabilities}.

Person Centered Planning: Informational, Explains how the Developmental or

Intellectual Disability person chooses to live their life. Developmental

Behavior model are designed for individuals with gifts, talents, has the

ability to contribute, and expresses ambition. Our position is not to make

decisions for our individuals but to listen to what their dreams are and to

assist those person with pursuing those dreams.

Psychotropic Medication (Article Handout) the importance of staying vigil and

remaining aware from too much to not enough medication and finding the balance

applicable to our DD/Intellectual Disability population.

RPB Annual Plan: Handout: Annual Fiscal Year 2013

Board member Leslie Edwards (Fayette) May have located two possible places to

hold one of four Community Forums. Lee, RC, suggested space for about 30-40

people with the ability to break off into two forums for BH and DD if need be.

At this time we are awaiting approval for locations in Columbus- Main Public

Library, Warner Robins- Flint Energies and Americus-South GA. Tech. The chief

goal of these forums is to receive input, collect data from our individuals,

their families, communities, providers, to determine the top five priority

services; the questionnaires will be given out at this time.

Lee lastly reported on an Article this week in the Atlanta Journal around the

Source Cuts that have occurred because we are not able to meet the Federal

definition for The Source Waiver in GA.; which for essentially nursing home

level waivers we had a number of folks with DD to receiving that are now


All Detail Reports with in this Summary Report are attached to the Original

Meeting Minutes.

Public Comments: None

Adjournment: Chair 3:05 p.m. Next RPB March 14, 2012


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