Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




MAY 8, 2012

A meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia was called to order at

9:00A.M., Tuesday, May 8, 2012, on the Plaza Level of the Government Center,

Columbus, Georgia. Honorable Teresa Pike Tomlinson, Mayor, presiding.

*** *** ***

PRESENT: Present other than Mayor Tomlinson was Councilors R. Gary Allen, Mike

Baker, Jerry Barnes, Glenn Davis, Berry H. Henderson, Bruce Huff, Judy Thomas

and Evelyn Woodson. City Manager Isaiah Hugley, City Attorney Clifton Fay,

Clerk of Council Tiny B. Washington and were also present. Mayor Pro Tem Evelyn

Turner Pugh took her seat at the Council table at 9:06 a.m. Councilor Woodson

also took her seat at the Council table at 9: 20 a.m.

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ABSENT: Councilor Charles E. McDaniel, Jr., was absent. Deputy Clerk of

Council Sandra Davis was also absent.

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INVOCATION: Led by a representative of Pastor Gerald Parker, Jr. from New

Providence Baptist Church

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PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by students from St. Mary's Elementary Magnet Academy.

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MR. STEVE VAUGHN, GEBCorp. (ACCG) came forward and gave a brief

description as to what his job is with ACCG and highlight what his experience


been in working with various cities and counties with regards to their pension


He responded to questions and concerns of members of Council.

Mayor Tomlinson thanked Mr. Vaughn for coming down and responding to

questions of the Council.

---------------------------------------*** ***


MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETINGS: Minutes of the April 17 & 24, and May 1, 2012

Meeting of the Council of the Consolidated Government of Columbus, Georgia were

submitted and approved by the Council upon the adoption of a motion made by

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh and seconded by Councilor Allen, which carried

unanimously by those nine members of Council present, with Councilor McDaniel

being absent.

---------------------------------------*** ***






An Ordinance ? Rezoning property located at 6145 and 6157 Crystal Drive

from an SFR1 (Single Family Residential 2) to RMF2 (Residential Multifamily 2)

zoning district. (5-A-12-Crystal Falls Apartments/Mordic) The proposed use is

for multi-family apartments.


Mr. Buddy Mordic, the petitioner was present, but he did not make a

presentation, as there was no one present to oppose this proposed rezoning


*** *** ***

An Ordinance ? Rezoning property located at 4250 Miller Road from a GC

(General Commercial)/NC (Neighborhood Commercial) zoning district.

(6-CA-12-Jones/Cummings) The proposed use is for auto/truck sales (used).


Mr. Carson Cummings, representing the petitioner, Mr. Donnie R. Jones was

present, but neither one of them made a presentation, as there was no one

present to oppose this proposed rezoning ordinance.

City Attorney Fay said we will vote on this ordinance in two weeks at the

regular meeting and said there will be a resolution for a special exception use

request that will also be voted on after the ordinance is adopted.

Councilor Baker then asked City Attorney Fay to read the conditions into

the record.

City Attorney Fay said there is only one condition, which states that the

property is rezoned subject to the following: Increase the maximum lot

coverage percentage from fifty (50) percent to seventy (70) percent for this

particular use for car sales. He said they can use 70% of the property for car

sales; and then asked Mr. Cummings if that is correct.

Mr. Cummings said that is correct, but said also said the minimum lot size

for a used car lot sales is two acres and their lot size is 1.63 acres.

City Attorney Fay said that will be the Special Exception Use request that

will be coming at the same time that we take a vote; which means in effect,

there are two conditions. He said we will take a vote on the zoning ordinance

first and then address the Special Exception Use request.

*** *** ***




An Ordinance ? Providing for the demolition of various structures located


(1) 2703 Wise Street (Ameriquest Mortgage Co., Owner)

(2) 1501 & 1501? Warm Springs Road (Available Properties, LLC, Owner)

(3) 2116 Venezia Drive (Nathaniel & Georgia Mae Bessillieu, Jr., Owners)

(4) 3201 7th Avenue (Lillie F. Bush, Owner)

(5) 1218 22nd Street (Cristina M. Cole, Owner)

(6) 626 43rd Street (Community Bank and Trust, West Georgia, Owner)

(7) 314 Bragg Smith Street (Estate of Diane Coulon Dozier, Owner)

(8) 96 Pelham Drive (Wolfgang Esch, Owner)

(9) 1519 27th Street (Arnold Farley & Willie B. & Harry Lee Davis, etal Owners)

(10) 426 Tennessee Drive (Greater Grace Baptist Church, Owner)

(11) 4208 18th Avenue (Patricia C. Greer, Owner)

(12) 5723 Billings Road (Fred W. & Jill E. Hammond, Jr., Owners)

(13) 78, 84 & 88 Pelham Drive (Jescob Investment, LLC, Owner)

(14) 534 Fulton Avenue (Eva Mae Johnson & Bertha Alexander, Owners)

(15) 4126 Bellamy Street (Melvin & Morris Frank Kindred, Owners)

(16) 2310 N. Lumpkin Road (T. M. Lowe, Owner)

(17) 2406 Winchester Drive (Shirlean Marble & Jerome Patrick, Owners)

(18) 810 Harbison Drive (Jorge R.Merjivar, Owner)

(19) 2648 Willow Street (New Hope Church of God, Owner)

(20) 5783 Forest Road (Gussie Parkham, Owner)

(21) 4902 Pollman Street (Maria E. Phillips, Owner)

(22) 2630 Spenola Street (Royal Palm Masonic Lodge, Owner)

(23) 445 2nd Ave (Juanita W. Williams, Owner)

in the total amount of $269,900.66 for demolition services.

City Attorney Fay said these properties doe not make the building code or

are unfit for human habitation and this is the reason they appear here on the

demolition list. He said the total of these demolitions are $269,900.666. He

said we will vote on this ordinance in two weeks.

City Manager Hugley said that we are able to bring these demolitions

forward because of the mid-year budget allocation. He said he would just like

to remind the Mayor and Council, as well as members of the public because he

knows that sometime they get questions about the City demolishing property and

just giving away money. He said we are not giving away money, but said what we

do when we demolish property is that there is a lien placed on the property and

nothing can happen with that property. He said it can?t be sold, exchanged or

any activity occur

on that property until the lien that the City has placed on it is satisfied.

He said we will get the money that we put into the demolition of each and every


Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh asked if we just look at properties on streets

where we have gotten a complaint on. She said she was reading in one of the

City?s newsletters where they have defined blocks in cleaning up the community.

City Manager Hugley said it could be that there have been complaints on the

property or our inspectors could be in a particular area of town and see the

property and see that there is an issue with the property and address it by

being pro-active in that regard. He said many of them come in from citizens

complaining about properties in their neighborhoods next door.

*** *** ***


City Attorney Fay said we will need a short executive session after the

adjournment of today?s meeting to discuss a real estate acquisition matter.

---------------------------------------*** ***





Ms. Slayvan said they are hosting a conference for the family and

professional caregivers at the Columbus Library on Thursday, May 10, 2012. She

said it is an

educational event that is designed to expose the caregivers to new information

and new skills, as well as to allow them an opportunity to meet other

caregivers who are going through the same thing that they are. She said they

will have speakers on Alzheimer?s disease, Developmental disabilities,

Medicare/Medicade, Balancing

care-giving with a professional & personal life. She said they will also have

a skills lab where Rescue Homecare will be doing a demonstration on how to care

for someone in your home. She said registration starts at 10:00 a.m. and the

conference will begin shortly thereafter at 10:30 a.m. ? 4:00 p.m. She said

attendance is free, and lunch will be provided; however, they are taking

reservations throughout today until 5:00 p.m.

Councilors Barnes and Woodson made comments regarding this event and also

encouraged those in the community who might need information regarding some of

these services to please try to attend this conference to get the information

they need.

Mayor Tomlinson asked that our CCG-TV Manager run the notice of this

conference on our CCG TV.

Councilor Woodson asked City Manager Hugley if CCG-TV would be able to

record the conference, to which he said that CCG-TV is available to them. He

said we fund the Regional Commission in the amount of $190,000 annually and

said we would offer CCG-TV to them to come and do a commercial and tell the

citizens what services they offer here in Columbus, Georgia. He said we will go

and film some of their sites and some of the activities so that we can get the

word out because a lot of people don?t know about the Area Agency on Aging and

the other programs that they offer that is a benefit to the citizens of

Muscogee County.

Councilor Woodson said that is a great idea, but said she would like to

see if possible, if the Conference can be recorded because she feels that there

are more questions that will be asked of people who are in need. She said since

it is such short notice and a lot of the caregivers will probably be working.

City Manager Hugley said he will see if we can possible do a portion of it, if

not all of it.

*** *** ***




Mr. Matthew Probst, owner of Liberty Taxi Service came forward and

outlined a proposed he said he would like for the Council to consider to assist

the taxicab owners and drivers with the high cost of fuel. He said he has other

current taxi rates from other cities in the State of Georgia and has done a

comparison on those rates. He said their last rate increase was in 2004 when

the average fuel price was $2.09 per gallon and now we are averaging

approximately $3.60 per gallon.

He then outlined the following increase for each of the following items as

outlined below:

Current Rates:

Proposed Rates:

Flag drop-

$2.00 $2.50

Cost per mile -

$1.80 $2.00

Traffic waiting time

- $19.00 per hour

Additional passenger - $1.00 $3.00

Regular delayed waiting time - $18.00 per hour $19.00

Mr. Probst said they are also asking for a $2.00 fuel surcharge when the

fuel is between $2.90 per gallon and $4.25 per gallon for seven consecutive

days. He said the higher cost of fuel is causing the drivers to work longer

hours because they have to pay for their own gas. The company owners don?t pay

for their gas.

City Attorney Fay, in response to the Mayor with regards to the proposed

ordinance, said there is a draft ordinance which was provided to the members of

Council when this subject came up about a month or so ago. He said they did

some research and looked at what Savannah and August was doing and put together

this draft. He said it has some of the items that Mr. Probst mentioned. He said

there is no fuel surcharge charge. He said they included $2.00 for each

additional passenger instead of $3.00. He said Mr. Probst wants $19.00 waiting

time, but said we increased that to $.35 per minute, which is not to exceed

$21.00 per hour.

He said they also included a subsection (a) where we increased the rate

after the $2.00 for the first 1/6 of a mile or a fraction thereof, $.30 for

each additional 1/6 of a mile. He said these numbers can be changed, but they

do not have a fuel surcharge included. He said this proposed ordinance is

based on what Savannah and Augusta are doing currently, which is close to their

number. He said the Council has discretion to do whatever they want.

Mr. Probst then responded to questions of members of the Council with

regards to waiting time.

Councilor Allen said he doesn?t have a problem with the waiting time

charge, but said he would ask Mr. Probst to consider a fuel charge maybe for a

period of time during the summer months when the fuel prices are higher ? May

through September, just charge a fuel charge and then whatever rate you charge.

He said he doesn?t have a problem with charging while sitting at a traffic

light or in traffic because in his travels that is normally what he


Mr. Probst said most of cities charge for that, but we don?t.

After some additional discussion on this subject, Councilor Allen then

requested that the City Attorney prepare an amendment to the ordinance to

consider a fuel charge.

City Attorney Fay said if you wanted to look at a $2.00 fuel charge from

May through October, they can go ahead and draft that ordinance. He said he

knows that Savannah had that in their ordinance at one time, but phased it out,

but said we certainly can do it from May to October or any other way you want

to adjust it.

Discussion continued on this matter with members of the Council expressing

their further views on this subject.

Councilor Henderson said he wants to incorporate that into the Work

Session. He said he doesn?t know if we need to be involved in the Work Session

and said he hates that the Taxicab Commission has fallen by the wayside, but at

the very least he would like to see this matter vetted by the MWR?s office at

Fort Benning. He said that is the distinction in our area in his mind, he said

we are not like Augusta, Savannah and Atlanta simply because of the size of Ft.

Benning and the number of recruits and trainees that pass through our area. He

said his suggestion was somewhat similar to Councilor Allen?s and that by oral

resolution, to go ahead and add the $2.00 fuel surcharge to immediately offset

the cost of the fuel and then expedite this to a Work Session where we can get

together with Fort Benning, the Convention & Visitors Bureau, Police

Department, Taxicab owners and try to come up with something.

He said let?s just adopt the $2.00 flat fuel surcharge for fare and not

adopt any other aspect of this ordinance until it has gone through some kind of


Seconded by Councilor Allen.

Mayor Tomlinson said she will get together with the City Manager and said

they will pull together some sort of a Commission and said that will help with

the Work Session.

Councilor Barnes said he recognizes the problem that the taxicab drivers

are having, but said there are two sides of this problem. He said we just

finished having a discussion about seniors and said of the situations that they

have. He said there are many seniors who cannot drive and are affected by this,

but said seniors are on a fixed income. He said we just received this

information in our packets this weekend and said we haven?t had an opportunity

to go out and get feedback from our constituents. He said he think the fair

thing would be to have a Work Session on this matter.

City Attorney Fay said we will need an ordinance to get this into effect.

He said he can have the ordinance in two weeks at the next regular Council

meeting and then adopt it at the next regular Council meeting. He said the oral

resolution will not work, because we need an ordinance to put that into effect.

Councilor Henderson then withdrew his motion.

City Attorney Fay said he will have the ordinance with the fuel surcharge

included and said the other items can be discussed at the Work Session whenever

it is held.

After more than thirty minutes of discussion on this matter, members of

the Council expressed their further views and Mr. Probst responding to further

questions of the Council.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh asked City Attorney to find out what the

ordinance is that governs Fort Benning because they don?t go by our ordinance

when he brings back the proposed ordinance.

Councilor Davis said we also need to include Airport Authority or any

other agency that would have significant input.

*** *** ***


Mr. Jim Pound, came forward and said he lives down by Lakebottom Park and

is a member of the Citizens Advisory Committee with MPO and has been a member

for the last seven or eight years. He said he is here today to talk about

congestion in Columbus and the latest project, which is the Williams Road

widening project that is coming up. He then showed a five minute video entitled

?Columbus Traffic Congestion & the proposed widening of Williams Road?. The

following information was outlined in his presentation.


2011 Congestion Management Report

Shows congestion points on major roads in Columbus

All significant congestion is at intersections, almost all are traffic light


No congestion due to width of roads

Poorly timed traffic lights are a major contributor

Poorly designed intersections are another major contributor

Columbus should focus on innovative intersection designs to minimize congestion

He then showed a map, and pointed out that what we need are Simple,

efficient, cost-effective intersection design

These do not show up as congested in 2011 Congestion Management Report

Pedestrian friendly

Brown Ave/Peacock at Wynnton Rd

Warm Springs & Blackmon Road roundabout

Complex, costly, congested

This brand new intersection shows up as congested in the Congestion

Management Report and is very pedestrian un-friendly

Williams Road at Whitesville Road

He also showed a Congestion Management Report for Williams Road

City Plan for Williams Road

Traffic currently at 12,000 VPD and projected to be 25,000 VPD in 20 years

Widen road to either 3 lanes or 4 lanes

Roundabout at north exit of I-185

Traffic light or roundabout at Fortson Road

Align Lloyd?s Road and Stevens Lane

Add three more sets of traffic lights

Cost - $7,000,000 - $8,000,000

Problems with City Plan

Why widen?

Congestion is not due to the width of the road

Two lane road can easily handle 25,000 VPD

Road widening is the most expensive part of road construction projects and

provides almost no relief to congestion

Road widening causes other problems

Higher speeds cause more serious accidents

Need to have more traffic control devices at more intersections, thereby

causing more congestion

Citizens do not want to live on widened roads

Problems with City Plan

Will not address congestion at Williams Road/Whitesville Road that was created

by the new, huge, traffic light controlled intersection

It is extremely rare to have a roundabout on one side of an interstate

interchange and a traffic light on the other ? not sure if it is even


Addition of at least three new traffic light controlled intersections will

increase, not decrease, travel time on this road

Expensive - $8,000,000

Alternative Plan

Keep Williams Road as a two lane road

Add single lane roundabout at Fortson Road

Later options

Align Lloyd?s Road and Stevens Lane and install single lane roundabout

Add roundabouts as needed at subdivision access roads

Have city wide bike/pedestrian plan before beginning to construct multi-use


Contract with qualified roundabout engineers to evaluate I-185 exits ? use

approved GDOT roundabout peer reviewer to do the study

Estimated cost of $500,000 - $1,000,000

Savings of $7,000,000

Use the $7,000,000 savings to correctly address numerous congestion points in

Columbus and support alternative forms of transportation

Mr. Pound said he just wants us to keep it simple and address the

congestion issues.

Mayor Tomlinson said Mr. Pound serves on our Citizens Advisory Commission

for the Metropolitan Planning Organization and does a great job. She said

approximately 10 or 12 years ago, he was laughed out of the room as it being

other worldly suggestion and now we are here realizing the benefits of that;

new wave road design works it way up to State Department of Transportations

throughout the country hundreds of millions of dollars of taxpayers funds are

going to be saved on initiative uses of things such as round-about, three-lane

roads, as opposed to five-lane roads, and etc.

Councilor Henderson said he appreciates Mr. Pound being here on today and

said he likes some of the comments that he made and said at a later date, he

would like to have a written response to some of these problems that Mr. Pound

has alleged, as well as some of the suggestions that he has made from our

traffic personnel so that we can take a look at that.

He said he would like to commend our Planning Department because they had

an open house at Northside High School to talk about the proposed William Road

changes and there were a lot of people there with a lot of different ideas. He

said because round-a-bouts are new to this area and if people haven?t traveled

to an area where they have used them, a single lane round-a-bout is difficult

enough. He said one of the proposals was a double-lane round-a-bout and he is

somewhat concerned about that. He said when we talk about putting additional

traffic lights, he would hope that it doesn?t end up like Veterans Parkway did,

where you have all those traffic signals and at certain times of the day and

any weekend day you can?t go from in front of Main Street Village to Moon Road

in a reasonable amount of time.

Councilor Henderson said he thinks this is good food for thought and at

the very least, we need to have our traffic personnel to look it over and give

us a response to it.

Councilor Allen said he would like to echo the comments regarding the Warm

Springs Road/Blackmon Road round-a-bout. He said we didn?t get thanked very

often for our work, but said thanks to Deputy City Manager David Arrington,

Director of Engineering Donna Newman, and Traffic Engineer Ron Hamlett,

we went through three neighborhood meetings and educating the neighbors and

even allowed them to vote on which plan they liked; traffic light versus a

round-a-bout and said at the last meeting, they actually voted for the

round-a-bout. He said he has had people to stop him when he was out in the

community and thank him for the round-a-bout. He said it is truly a lot better

than having a traffic signal there and said he echoes what Mr. Pound has said.

*** *** ***


OF PERSONAL PROPERTY:_________________

Mr. Lorenza Wilder, who requested to be listed on today?s agenda to speak

to the subject of speeding in his neighborhood; break-in and theft of personal

property did not respond when given the opportunity to address the Council.

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A Resolution (123-12) ? Authorizing the approval of the Muscogee County

Pre-Disaster Hazard Mitigation Plan as required by the Federal Emergency

Management Agency and the Georgia Emergency Management Agency every five

years. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved the adoption of the resolution.

Seconded by Councilor Allen and carried unanimously by those eight members of

Council present at the time, with Councilor Davis being absent for the vote and

Councilor McDaniel being absent from the meeting.

A Resolution (124-12) ? Authorizing the approval to enter into agreements

with utility companies for $1,356,235.25 as follows: Georgia Power

$1,076,653.40; AT&T $84,825.32; Charter Communications $107,280; and Knology

to $87,476.45 to relocate service lines for Phase II of the Veterans Parkway

Streetscapes Project - 13th Street to Victory Drive . Mayor Pro Tem Turner

Pugh moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded by Councilor Allen and

carried unanimously by those eight members of Council present at the time, with

Councilor Davis being absent for the vote and Councilor McDaniel being absent

from the meeting.

*** *** ***




A Resolution (125-12) ? Authorizing the approval to reallocate $1,000,000

in Transportation Enhancement Funds, previously approved to fund a pedestrian

bridge and viewing platform on the Riverwalk, to another City project to be

determined and to authorize funding of the construction of the pedestrian

bridge and viewing platform in an amount not to exceed $1,000,000 with 1999

SPLOST funds. Approval is also being requesting to execute a Memorandum of

Understanding with Uptown Columbus, Inc., for construction of the pedestrian


City Manager Hugley acknowledged the presence of Mr. John Turner and

Richard Bishop who was present in the Council Chambers.

He then went into some details in explaining the reason for the request.

He said Mr. Sam Wellborn; a board member of the Department of Transportation

forwarded a letter to the Mayor giving his support of the reallocation of these


Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved the adoption of the resolution. Seconded

by Councilor Huff.

City Manager Hugley and Deputy City Manager Arrington then responded to

questions of members of the Council and after some twenty minutes of discussion

on this matter, the question was then call on the motion as made by Mayor Pro

Tem Turner Pugh, which was carried by a vote of 8 to 1, with Councilors Allen,

Barnes, Davis, Henderson, Huff, Woodson and Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh voting

yes and Councilor Baker voting no and Councilor McDaniel being absent from the


*** *** ***




A Resolution (126-12) ? Authorizing the approval to submit an application,

and if approved, accept an Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance (JAG) grant

for the Federal Fiscal Year 2012 in the amount of $99,081 with no local match

as follows: Mental Health Court $50,000, Adult Felony Drug Court $9,081, and

Juvenile Drug Court $40,000. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved the adoption of

the resolution. Seconded by Councilor Allen and carried unanimously by those

nine members of Council present for this meeting, with Councilor McDaniel being


*** *** ***






A Resolution (127-12) ? Authorizing the approval to purchase one (1)

eductor truck (Combination Jet/Vacuum Sewer Cleaner with all standards

equipment V312/1000) via National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) Contract

#031710-AMI, from Atlantic Machinery, Inc. (Silver Spring, MD), in the

amount of $285,370.00. The eductor truck was approved in the FY12 Mid-Year

Budget, and will be used by the Rainwater Division of the Public Services

Department to clean storm/drain pipes. It is a replacement unit.

The purchase will be accomplished via Request for Proposal (RFP) #031710,

initiated by the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA), whereby Atlantic

Machinery, Inc., was the successful vendor contracted to provide Public Utility

Vehicles and/or Services, Apparatus, Equipment, and/or Accessories. The

contract, which commenced May 27, 2010, is good through May 27, 2014. The

National Joint Powers Alliance is a Service Cooperative created by Minnesota

Statute 123A.21. This statute was created in 1978 and revised in 1995 to allow

participating governmental and municipal agencies to reduce the cost of

purchased goods by leveraging their combined purchasing power. The NJPA bid

process meets the Procurement Ordinance requirements for Columbus Consolidated


A Resolution (128-12) ? Authorizing the approval to purchase five (5)

Service Trucks via Georgia Statewide Contract, SWC #S-90795-B40, from Allan

Vigil Ford (Morrow, GA) in the amount of $133,173.42. Three (3) trucks will

be used by Fleet Maintenance: one (1) 2012 Ford F-350 Regular Cab, V8 Long Bed

4 x 2 [1 ton] truck at $39,961.00; and, two (2) 2012 Ford F-250 Regular Cab, V8

Long Bed 4 x 2 [? ton] trucks at $22,898.00 each, for a total cost of

$45,796.00. Facilities Maintenance with utilize two (2) 2012 Ford F-250

Regular Cab, V8 Long Bed 4 x 2 [? ton] trucks at $23,708.21 each, for a total

cost of $47,416.42.

The service trucks were approved in the FY12 Mid-Year Budget, and will be used

by personnel to haul tools and equipment needed to service vehicles in the

field and for facility maintenance. These are replacement vehicles.

A Resolution (129-12) ? Authorizing the approval to purchase one (1)

backhoe (Caterpillar Model 416F Backhoe Loader) via National Joint Powers

Alliance (NJPA) Contract #060311-CAT, from Yancey Brothers (Fortson, GA), in

the amount of $67,000.00. The backhoe was approved in the FY12 Mid-Year

Budget, and will be used to pull, load, move and manage equipment on the yard

at the Heavy Equipment Shop. It is a replacement unit.

The purchase will be accomplished via Request for Proposal (RFP) #060311,

initiated by the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA), whereby Caterpillar,

Inc., was one of the successful vendors contracted to provide Heavy

Construction Equipment Together With Related Accessories, Supplies, and

Services. The contract, which commenced July 19, 2011, is good through July

19, 2015. The National Joint Powers Alliance is a Service Cooperative created

by Minnesota Statute 123A.21. This statute was created in 1978 and revised in

1995 to allow participating governmental and municipal agencies to reduce the

cost of purchased goods by leveraging their combined purchasing power. The

NJPA bid process meets the Procurement Ordinance requirements for Columbus

Consolidated Government.

A Resolution (130-12) ? Authorizing the approval to purchase one (1)

Sprayer Truck via Georgia Statewide Contract #99999-SPD-SPD0000039, from Peach

State Truck Centers (Norcross, GA), in the amount of $142,424.00. The sprayer

truck was approved in the FY12 Mid-Year Budget, and will be used to spray

herbicide on the right-of-way for weed control. It is a replacement unit.

A Resolution (131-12) ? Authorizing the approval to purchase one (1) Fuel

Truck via Georgia Statewide Contract #99999-SPD-SPD0000039, from Wade Ford

(Smyrna, GA), in the amount of $62,876.00. The fuel truck was approved in the

FY12 Mid-Year Budget, and will be used to service and fuel tractors and other

equipment that cannot drive to fueling point. It is a replacement unit.

A Resolution (132-12) ? Authorizing the approval to enter into a contract

for the rental of plotter/printer services from The Overby Company (Columbus,

GA) for the monthly rental rate of $314.00 per month and a plotting charge of

$0.30 per square foot. The Contractor will provide, repair, and maintain the

plotter/printer, as well as, provide all expendable supplies, excluding the

plotter paper. The plotter/printer will be utilized by Geographic Information

Systems Division to draw charts and blue prints. The contract term shall be

for sixty (60) months. The contract will be automatically renewed (without the

need for any further action) every 12 months until the end of such 60-month


A Resolution (133-12) ? Authorizing the approval to purchase one (1) E-One

1500 GPM Side Mount Rescue Pumper with 1030 Gallon Booster Tank Mounted on a

new 2012 Custom E-One typhoon Cab and Chassis, in the amount of $356,411.00 (if

pre-paid in full, the discounted cost will be $347,186.00); and applicable

loose equipment in the amount of $33,464.89, from Hall-Mark Fire Apparatus,

Inc., (Ocala, Florida). This replacement fire apparatus was approved in the

FY12 Midyear Budget and will be assigned to Fire Station #1. The new fire

truck will replace a unit that is a 2000 model (12 years old).

To accomplish this purchase, the Department of Fire & EMS is participating in

Bid No 11-10-1202 administered by the Florida Fire Chief?s Association, the

Florida Sheriff?s Association and the Florida Association of Counties. The

cooperative bid was administered by the aforementioned organizations to be

extended and guaranteed to any and all units of local governments and public

safety agencies. The bid contract covers the period of January 1, 2012

through December 31, 2012. The procurement process administered by the

entities in the State of Florida meets the procurement requirements of Columbus

Consolidated Government. The City?s Procurement Ordinance, Article 9-101,

?Cooperative Purchasing Authorized,? allows for participation in this Bid.

Hall-Mark Fire Apparatus is one of the awarded vendors on the contract, and the

fire apparatus, as well as the loose equipment, under the same contract.

A Resolution (134-12) ? Authorizing the approval to purchase LifePak monitor/defibrillator and

accessories from Physio Control (Redmond, WA) in the amount of $33,488.00. The

monitor/defibrillator will be used by the Fire & EMS Department and assigned to

Ambulance M-6 at Fire Station #6. The only "reserve" cardiac monitor is

currently in use at the Training Center, where the Department teaches EMS

certification classes in-house. The LifePak brand is requested to maintain

uniformity of the medical equipment throughout the department. The Department

currently has seventeen (17) LifePak monitor/defibrillators. Physio Control is

the manufacturer of the LifePak monitor/defibrillators, and is considered the

only known source for the purchase, per the Procurement Ordinance #3-114.

A Resolution (135-12) ? Authorizing the approval to execute Amendment One

to the contract for the 2011 Cut and Cover project, with Southeastern Site

Development, for the purpose of including $32,617.00 for the Rosemont Drive

drainage system project. Per Resolution No. 402-11, Council authorized the

execution of a construction contract with Southeastern Site Development, Inc.,

in the amount of $1,505,263.19, for the 2011 Cut and Cover Project - 2nd Avenue

and 11th Street, 17th Avenue, and Robert E. Lee Drive.

Contract Amendment One is for the construction of a drainage system that will

help reduce flooding on Rosemont Drive. The Engineering Department received

many complaints from an owner of apartments located in the area. The owner

provided video of a flood event in which the existing system was surging. It

was noted that the system has a restriction where the pipe changed from a

larger size pipe to a smaller one; there are also some utility conflicts in the


The Engineering Department would like to have the work performed before the

volatile storm season begins. If the traditional bidding process is followed,

it would be mid-summer before the work could begin because of the time involved

in developing plans, specifications and receiving bids. Therefore, the

Engineering Department requested pricing from (2) contractors that are

currently under contract performing similar work:

*** *** ***


City Manager Hugley said he would ask for a delay on the employee

coaching update. He said he would like to say that part of his ongoing concern

is that we are allowing one or two employees to coach or train and receive

money while they are also being paid by the City. He said administratively,

effective June 1, 2012 he would like to discontinue that practice. He said we

will not allow employees to be on the clock and being paid by the City and then

training and that person paying them and they receive that revenue. He said

they will be allowed to continue to coach when they are not working for the

City. He said we will bring forward a final presentation regarding coaching

within the next few weeks.

Councilor Allen said he doesn?t have a problem with what City Manager

Hugley has just suggested, but said he just want to clarify that they will be

allowed to continue to coach on their days off before or after work.

*** *** ***


Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said she needs for Deputy City Manager Arrington

to give an update on the Forrest Road project.

Deputy City Manager Arrington said the last time he spoke to the Council

regarding the Forrest Road project, he mentioned that we were planning on going

out for an RFP for professional services for right-of-way acquisition and

following that we would assign the right-of-way acquisition services not only

for the Forrest Road project, but for a number of other projects to these

agencies in order to speed up bringing forward some of these projects for


He said in April we did conduct the request for proposals for right-of-way

acquisition services and received six proposals and over the last several weeks

we have been in the process of evaluating those proposals. He said they will be

meeting again on this Thursday and hopefully to bring forward a recommendation

to the Council on May 22nd to either three or four of these firms for proposal


Deputy City Manager Arrington said upon the award of those contracts to

these firms, we will be getting price quotes from them and then assigning them

projects to include the Forrest Road project, which is the project from

Woodruff Road to Floyd Road east to Schatulga Road. He said it is the project

that we have the largest number of parcels to acquire before bringing the

project forward. He said we do have a number of projects that are ready to go

with the exception of requiring the necessary right-of-way before proceeding

with construction; those include River Road/Bradley Park Drive, Veterans

Parkway/Double Churches Road, Forrest Road Bridge Replacement projects, which

includes two bridges on Forrest Road that must be replace, Double Churches

/Whitesville Road Intersection Fort Benning/Brennan Road Realignment,

Northstar/St. Mary?s Road; which will be a round-a-bout.

He said their focus over the last several months has been on bringing

forward those projects that we have other funding, other than just City funding

involved; which includes the Whittlesey Road project, where the State gave us a

deadline to have right-of-way done, as well as the Brown Avenue Bridge project,

which they have a hard deadline to get back with the State on. He said the

other projects are

Eastern Connector, which is the extension of Muscogee Technology Parkway for

the Industrial Development and finally the Moon Road Project, which has been a

priority of the Council for some time now. He said they have been focusing hard

on getting all of those parcels acquired that they can on that. He said they

will be bringing back some of those parcel to the Council for action within the

next month or so. He said they are hoping to have this to the Council by the

meeting of May 22nd or no longer than June.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said we have been talking about the Forrest Road

project and buying right-of-way for several years now and said every year it

gets moved up another year. She said we need to start seeing some real movement

on this project.

Deputy City Manager Arrington said we hope the approach that we are taking

with bringing on more additional professional services under contract with the

City will allow us to advance these projects in a much more timely manner and

it will certainly expand our capacity to acquire our right-of-way now and into

the future.

Councilor Huff then asked Deputy City Manager Arrington once we get the

approval process is there a timeline on the Brennan Road/Fort Benning Road, and

St. Mary?s Road/Northstar Drive project. Deputy City Manager Arrington said

they will be able to develop a timeline once they get the quotes from the

different right-of-way acquisition firms. He said they will bring to us a

timeline for completing that process and we will hold them to that. He said

once we have that in hand, then they will be able to project out the bid

schedule for construction. He said we will be able to give a much more

definitive timeline on all of these projects once we get those firms under


---------------------------------------*** ***






(1) Memorandum from Clerk of Council Washington, Re: Columbus Golf Authority.

(2) Memorandum from Clerk of Council Washington, Re: Employees? Pension Board

of Trustees.

(3) Memorandum from Clerk of Council Washington, Re: Family & Children Services


(4) Application of Richard Bishop to temporarily close Broadway from 11th

Street to 12th Street, on Saturday, May 5, 2012, from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.,

in connection with ?Arthritis Walk?. (The Police Chief has approved the


(5) Application of Lisa Woods to temporarily close Fulton Avenue from 6th

Street to 538 Fulton Avenue, on Friday, May 25, 2012, from 7:00 p.m. to

Midnight, in connection with ?Graduation Celebration?. (The Police Chief has

approved the application).

(6) Application of Tanya Bryant to temporarily close 20th Street from 1st

Avenue to 2nd Avenue, on Saturday, May 26, 2012, from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in

connection with ?Crunk for Christ Rally Tour?. (The Police Chief has approved

the application).

*** *** ***


Councilor Huff said he would like to nominate Gerald Miley for the seat of

the individual who will be rotating off the board.

*** *** ***




A Resolution (135-12) ? Excusing Councilor R. Gary Allen from the May 1,

2012 Special Called Meeting. Councilor Huff moved the adoption of the

resolution. Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those nine

members of Council present for this meeting, with Councilor McDaniel being


*** *** ***




Board of Tax Assessors, No. 15-12 & 16-12.

Columbus Civic Center, April 19, 2012.

Columbus Convention & visitors Bureau, February 14, 2012.

Development Authority, January 5 & February 2, 2012.

Greater Columbus Golf Authority, March 27, 2012,

Hospital Authority of Columbus, March 27, 2012.

New Horizons Service Board, February 14 & March 14, 2011.

New Horizons Service Board, April 11, May 9, & June 13, 2011.

River Valley Regional Commission, February 22 & March 28, 2012.

Councilor Henderson made a motion that these minutes be received. Seconded

by Councilor Allen and carried unanimously by those nine members of Council

present for this meeting, with Councilor McDaniel being absent.

*** *** ***



Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Councilor McDaniel had Mr.

Millard ?Ken? Toole, Sr., to succeed Perry Borom, Jr., whose term of office

expired on March 31, 2012. She further pointed out that Councilor Huff also

nominated Mr. Ed Adams at the last Council meeting and said she will now take a

roll call vote to determine who will be elected to succeed Mr. Borom.

After a roll call vote was taken by Clerk of Council Washington, it was

determine that Mr. Ed Allen was elected. Mr. Adams received seven votes and Mr.

Toole received two votes. She then asked for a motion to confirm Mr. Adams.

Councilor Woodson then so moved. Seconded by Councilor Huff and carried

unanimously by those nine members present for this meeting.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Mr. Michael P. Fox, Jr. has

contacted the Clerk of Council?s office and does desire to serve another term

of office on this board. Councilor Henderson then nominated Mr. Fox for another

term of office; after which it was pointed out by Clerk of Council Washington

that she would bring this back at the next regular Council meeting for the

Council?s vote.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that we still need a nominee for

someone to fill the expired seat of Mr. Edgardo Cardona, whose seat has been

declared vacant.

Councilor Allen, District 6 Councilor said he is still working to find a

replacement for this position.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that the term of office of Mr.

Glen Heinzelman on the Planning Advisory Commission has expired and then

advised that he is eligible to succeed himself for another term of office and

that he would like to be reappointed. Councilor Henderson then nominated Mr.

Heinzelman for another term of office.

Clerk of Council Washington also pointed out that Mr. Fred Ghent, who was

recently appointed this board and accepted passed away recently and that

advises that Council will need to nominate someone to fill this seat. Councilor

Allen asked that a resolution be drafted for Mr. Ghent?s family.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Mrs. Annie E. Clark, who

served on the Retirees Health Benefit Committee recently passed away and

advises that Council will need to nominate someone else to fill this seat.

Councilor Barnes said he would like to have a resolution for Ms. Clark?s

family, as well.

Councilor Thomas asked if Ms. Clark?s position is a designed seat. Clerk

of Council Washington said she would have to check that and let the Council


*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Councilor McDaniel is

nominating Mr. Jeremy Cummings to fill the seat of Ms. Claudya Muller on the

Tree Board and said she will bring this back at the next Council meeting.

*** *** ***


Mayor Tomlinson said she would entertain a motion to allow the Council to

go into an executive session to discuss a real estate acquisition matter.

Councilor Thomas so moved. Seconded by Councilor Huff and carried unanimously

by those nine members of Council present for this meeting, with Councilor

McDaniel being absent.

*** *** ***

At 11:35 a.m. this meeting was adjourned to allow the Council to go into

executive to discuss a real estate acquisition


At 12:00 noon this meeting was called back to order at which time Mayor

Tomlinson pointed out that the Council met in executive, but there were no

votes taken and with there being no other business to come before the Council,

she then entertained a motion for adjournment.

Councilor Barnes so moved. Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried

unanimously by those nine members of Council present for this meeting, with

Councilor McDaniel being absent and the time of adjournment being 12:04 p.m.

Tiny B. Washington, CMC

Clerk of Council

Council of Columbus, Georgia


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