Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




JANUARY 21, 2014

The meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia was called to order at 5:32

P.M., Tuesday, January 21, 2014, on the 2nd Floor of the Citizens Service

Center, located at 3111 Citizens Way, Columbus, Georgia. Honorable Teresa Pike

Tomlinson, Mayor, presiding.

*** *** ***

PRESENT: Present other than Mayor Tomlinson and Mayor Pro Tem Evelyn Turner

Pugh were Councilors R. Gary Allen, Mike Baker, Jerry Barnes, Glenn Davis,

Bruce Huff, Judy W. Thomas, and Evelyn Woodson. City Manager Isaiah Hugley,

City Attorney Clifton Fay, Clerk of Council Tiny B. Washington, Deputy Clerk of

Council Sandra Davis and Administrative Secretary Lindsey Glisson were also

present. Councilor Evelyn Woodson took her seat at the Council table at 5:40


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ABSENT: Councilor Charles E. McDaniel, Jr., was absent.

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INVOCATION: Reverend Charles R. Hasty, Pastor of First Presbyterian Church.

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PLEDGE: Led by children with the Parks and Recreation, After School Program.

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Mayor Tomlinson made the following announcements to Council and the Public:

Asks that citizens of Columbus take the proper precautions for their pets as

well as their homes because of the cold weather. The city has initiated their

Emergency Management System for the homeless members of the community.

The State of the City speech was given January 21, 2014. The address is

available for viewing on and on video for those who missed

it. She welcomes invitations from Neighborhood Associations and Civic Groups

for questions and answer sessions.

------------------------------------------*** ***


Councilor Barnes took a moment of personal privilege to say, The Dream

Lives festivities that were held on this past weekend was a great success. He

wanted to personally thank all participates and citizens that came to show

their support despite the cold weather. Also, he thanked Mr. Morris Dees for

his powerful presentation.

He also spoke on the other event that took place that weekend, the Stop

the Violence rally. Stopping the violence in the community is a crucial issue

and weighs heavily on the citizens of the community. All the presentations

given were extremely powerful. He thanked all the citizens who participated

and personally thanked Ms. Wanda Early for her giving and selfless nature

toward her community. She was responsible for organizing numerous Community

Events at the Fluellen Recreation Center with the support of local businesses

which she herself sought after also, to include funds she paid out of her own

pocket to fund these events.

------------------------------------------*** ***



City Manager Isaiah Hugley began the session by stating this was the

second of three meetings devoted to Columbus Consolidated Government healthcare

discussions. The following dates are all the scheduled meeting dates for these


January 7, 2014, 5:30 p.m.

January 21, 2014, 5:30 p.m.

January 28, 2014, 5:30 p.m.

On February 11, 2014, during the business meeting there will be a proposal

listed on the City Manager?s agenda for Council?s consideration.

At this meeting the Council will follow the same agenda as the first

meeting where Finance Director Pam Hodge will provide a fifteen minute

overview, Department Heads/ Elected Officials will provide a presentation as to

the impact of their respected Departments and Council will hear feedback from

CCG employees who wish to be heard on the topic.

City Manager Hugley addressed referrals/ questions asked at the last

discussion meeting for Human Resources Director, Reather Hollowell. Director

Hollowell provided a handout with the responses for the questions Council had

and is also available for any further inquiries. Councilor Woodson asked for a

larger printout of the costs associated with the 2014 proposed healthcare

changes to be available at the meeting for the employees present. These boards

were provided by the City Manager?s office and set up at the back of the

Council Chambers to be made assessable for employees to view during the

discussions. Copies of these changes were also made available for employees to

take to share with their co-workers, spouses and dependants if they desire to

do so.

------------------------------------------*** ***


Councilor Gary Allen made a referral on discussions and concern of

citizens of the Midland area on an overlay of the expressway from Highway 80/

Beaver Run Road to Harris County. He officially requested that the Planning

Department begin developing a report for the resolution of this issue and

report back to Council. This request was accepted by the City Manager.

------------------------------------------*** ***


Finance Director Pam Hodge?s Presentation:

Ms. Pam Hodge, Finance Director, came forward to give her presentation

on the current financial standings of the CCG budget. The following

information was provided by Director Hodge to Council during her presentation:


FY03 = 3.47%

FY04 = 4.13%

FY05 = 3.04%

FY06 = 3.33%

FY07 = 5.26%

FY08 = 7.26%

FY09 = 5.71%

FY10 = 2.37%

FY11 = -0.54%

FY12 = 2.11%

FY13 = 3.68%

FY14 = 0.86%

The average property tax from FY03 to FY09 was 4.6% and from FY10 to FY14 is

about 1.7%. The growth in the digest has grown but the property tax rate is

steadily declining. 25% of the revenues within the City?s budget are property



SALES TAX FY 2009 ? 2014 (IN MILLIONS)______________________

2010 = about $67 M

2011 = about $68 M

2012 = about $72 M

2013 = about $69 M

2014 = about $ 67 M

*Partial years annualized

Another major revenue source comes from the Local Option Sales Tax.

Though it grew through 2012, a decline has been seen through 2014.


Downward trend beginning in June 2012 and continuing through FY13 and FY14.

FY14 Sales Tax collection is down 6.60% YTD over FY13.

17 of the last 19 months have reported less revenue than the proceeding year.

Only 2 months (October 2012 and November 2012) reported higher sales tax than

the same month the year before.


FY05: Revenues = about $122,000

Expenditures = about $120,000

FY06: Revenues = about $130,000

Expenditures = about $125,000

FY07: Revenues = about $142,000

Expenditures = about $132,000

FY08: Revenues = about $142,000

Expenditures = about $149,000

FY09: Revenues = about $142,000

Expenditures = about $149,000

FY10: Revenues = about $142,000

Expenditures = about $143,000

FY11: Revenues = about $148,000

Expenditures = about $150,000

FY12: Revenues = about $148,000

Expenditures = about $150,000

FY13: Revenues = about $152,000

Expenditures = about $155,000

FY14: Revenues = about $142,000

Expenditures = about $150,000

*Since FY08 Expenditures Exceed Revenues.

Though some of the expenditures were conscious decisions made during the

budget process, Reserves can no longer be depleted any further.


Fund Balance as Days of Operating Expenditures

2007: General Fund = about 130 days


Goal = 90 days

Minimum = 60 days

2008: General Fund = about 100 days


Goal = 90 days

Minimum = 60 days

2009: General Fund = about 95 days


Goal = 90 days

Minimum = 60 days

2010: General Fund = about 90 days


Goal = 90 days

Minimum = 60 days

2011: General Fund = about 80 days


Goal = 90 days

Minimum = 60 days

2012: General Fund = about 75 days

OLOST = about 5 days

Goal = 90 days

Minimum = 60 days

2013: General Fund = about 60 days

OLOST = about 10 days

Goal = 90 days

Minimum = 60 days

2014: General Fund = about 50 days

OLOST = about 15 days

Goal = 90 days

Minimum = 60 days

*2014 Undesignated Fund Balance is unaudited.

Starting in 2010, the City began going below their goal of Reserve days.

Starting in 2012, the City began including the Local Option Sales Tax in with

the Reserve days. This particular chart represents the only the funds that

have not been designated for a particular purpose.

Mayor Tomlinson made comments on the Local Option Sales Tax being rolled

into the Fund Balance, and that it has been suggested that this decision was

somehow done in an un-toured way to inflate the Fund Balance and keep the City

above 60 days. As she recalls, in 2011 they had depleted or almost depleted

the OLOST money with making good on the promises that were made about Officers

and others that were going to get stipends and hired.

She said in the year of 2012, this was the first year that the city had

any quantifiable reserve in the OLOST. Instead of spending money because there

was money, the city created a reserve for things that may be needed in the

future. Mayor Tomlinson asks Director Hodge to explain further so that this

cannot be misrepresented or misconstrued in any way.

Director Pam Hodge stated that the Mayor is correct. She said starting in

2009 any collections was either used for a particular purpose during that

budget cycle or was set aside in a reserve for the Rollback Requirements that

occurred in 2011. In 2009 through 2011 any funding that was available in the

OLOST fund was reserved for the Rollback. In 2012 the undesignated reserve was

created and not everything that was expected to be collected in that particular

fiscal year was budgeted for expenditure.

Mayor Tomlinson stated that the undesignated reserve was a segregated

reserve for purposes of the City?s internal purposes, just as the OLOST

collections and expenditures are segregated for financial purposes. It was a

reserve of excess monies not expended.

Director Hodges responded by saying that the Local Option Sales Tax has

two funds. One being for Public Safety, which adds up to 70%; and the other 30%

being for infrastructure. These funds are maintained separately and were only

combined for financial reporting purposes. Anything that was for that

particular fund stays there and is not transferred to any other funds.


Operating Funds

General Fund

OLOST Fund ? Designated Separate from General Fund

Stormwater (Sewer) Fund

Paving Fund

Medical Center Fund

Integrated Waste Fund

Emergency Telephone (E911) Fund

Economic Development Fund

Debt Service Fund, etc.

Monies From Other Funds Cannot be Used to Supplement General Fund

Crime Prevention Grant Example (OLOST)

Green Island Roundabout Example (GDOT Funding)

The City?s budget has over 50 different funds which are accounted for and

reported separately. Each fund is legally required to be used for a particular

purpose and cannot be comingled with any other funds.


Revenues $146.2 M

Expenditures $152.7 M

Deficit ($6.5 M)*

* Roughly 20 jobs per million

* $1.5 ? 2 million FY2015 additional anticipated healthcare cost increase

(assuming Health and Wellness Center savings)



Move toward shared Health Care Costs of 25% employee funded and 75% City funded

for HMO coverage and 30% employee funded and 70% City funded for PPO coverage

($1.6 M)

Eliminate supplemental double-time payments (aka ?Gap Time?) not authorized by

or known to City Council ($1.45 M)

Reform Workers Compensation Administration ($200,000+)

Cease Pension Calculations on non-base pay (Unspecified at this time)

Eliminate supplements to city affiliates such as Keep Columbus Beautiful,

Uptown, Inc., Civil War Museum, etc. (approximately $300,000)

Work with Georgia State Legislature to get Sales Tax data remitted to counties

No General Capital Expenditure in FY2014 or FY2015

Investigate outsourcing city functions, such as Tax Assessor?s re-evaluation

and assessment service

Adjustment of Medical Center Contract

Investigate charging citizens for street light utilities

Ask each department head to supply a list of city services that should/ could

be cut

Ask each department head to supply a list of fee structure adjustment


Ms. Hodge said there are programs and operations that are being evaluated

by departments, employees and management to avoid any job loss in the future.

Some of the money saving points that is being evaluated: services that may be

no longer valid that could be eliminated, are there services that could be

outsourced more efficiently. The items listed on the slides have already been

implemented such as the Worker?s Compensation reform which is expected to have

a savings of $200,000 in administrative cost.

Councilor Huff asked how many years the city has been in the present

percentage of shared healthcare cost with employees. Director Hodge replied

that the present percentages were approved in 2012, making this the second year

phase in.


1.5% COLA (aggregate)

FY12 = $400,435 (Effective 10/1/2011)

FY13 = $257,414 (Effective 1/5/2013)

FY14 = $289,270 (Effective 1/4/2014)

4% Pension Offset (aggregate)

FY12 = n/a

FY13 = $2,059,316 (Effective 7/7/2012)

FY14 = $2,383,023 (Effective 7/6/2013)

Yearly amounts budgeted for COLA?s and Pension Offset

FY12 = $400,435

FY13 = $2,316,730

FY14 = $2,672,293

TOTAL = $5,389,458

Director Hodge said the pension offset was part of the pension reform to

ensure that pension benefits to all city employees can be sustained into the






Budget YTD $11,500,000

Expenditures YTD $13,126,495

Fund Deficit ($1,626,495)

In addition to our negative balance Year to Date for FY2014, we have $3.8

million negative net position for our FY2013 Health Insurance Fund due to

Incurred but Not Reported Health Cost.

Ms. Hodge said during the last meeting this particular slide showed the

financial standing through November with a fund deficit of $1,285,000. Through

December that deficit has increased to $1,626,495.



HMO Plan


Number of employees enrolled = 571

Change in paycheck (Bi-Weekly) = $0.83

Annual Impact = $21.60

Employee + Spouse:

Number of employees enrolled = 146

Change in paycheck (Bi-Weekly) = $14.86

Annual impact = $386.40

Employee + Child(ren):

Number of employees enrolled = 165

Change in paycheck (Bi-Weekly) = $1.45

Annual impact = $37.80


Number of employees enrolled = 446

Change in paycheck (Bi-Weekly) = $30.34

Annual impact = $788.76



Number of employees enrolled = 108

Change in paycheck (Bi-Weekly) = ($2.37) savings

Annual impact = ($61.56) savings

Employee + Spouse:

Number of employees enrolled = 47

Change in paycheck (Bi-Weekly) = $6.42

Annual impact = $166.92

Employee + Child(ren):

Number of employees enrolled = 42

Change in paycheck (Bi-Weekly) = ($7.21) savings

Annual impact = ($187.44) savings


Number of employees enrolled = 115

Change in paycheck (Bi-Weekly) = $23.34

Annual impact = $606.72

Health & Wellness Center


Number of employees enrolled = 255

Change in paycheck (Bi-Weekly) = $0

Annual Impact = $0

Employee + Spouse:

Number of employees enrolled = 73

Change in paycheck (Bi-Weekly) = $0

Annual impact = $0

Employee + Child(ren):

Number of employees enrolled = 86

Change in paycheck (Bi-Weekly) = $0

Annual impact = $0


Number of employees enrolled = 134

Change in paycheck (Bi-Weekly) = $0

Annual impact = $0


HMO Plan


Number of employees enrolled = 108

Change in paycheck (Bi-Weekly) = $35.24

Annual Impact = $422.88

Employee + Spouse:

Number of employees enrolled = 34

Change in paycheck (Bi-Weekly) = ($5.44) savings

Annual impact = ($65.28) savings

Employee + Child(ren):

Number of employees enrolled = 4

Change in paycheck (Bi-Weekly) = ($50.66) savings

Annual impact = ($607.92) savings


Number of employees enrolled = 10

Change in paycheck (Bi-Weekly) = $93.27

Annual impact = $1,119.24



Number of employees enrolled = 61

Change in paycheck (Bi-Weekly) = $20.24

Annual impact = $242.88

Employee + Spouse:

Number of employees enrolled = 12

Change in paycheck (Bi-Weekly) = ($38.28) savings

Annual impact = ($459.36) savings

Employee + Child(ren):

Number of employees enrolled = 3

Change in paycheck (Bi-Weekly) = ($84.48) savings

Annual impact = ($1,013.76) savings


Number of employees enrolled = 6

Change in paycheck (Bi-Weekly) = $66.99

Annual impact = $803.88

Health & Wellness Center


Number of employees enrolled = 15

Change in paycheck (Bi-Weekly) = $0

Annual Impact = $0

Employee + Spouse:

Number of employees enrolled = 2

Change in paycheck (Bi-Weekly) = $0

Annual impact = $0

Employee + Child(ren):

Number of employees enrolled = 1

Change in paycheck (Bi-Weekly) = $0

Annual impact = $0


Number of employees enrolled = 2

Change in paycheck (Bi-Weekly) = $0

Annual impact = $0

13. 2/3 of employees will see either a savings, no change, or less than

$1.50 impact to their bi-weekly pay check for their premiums.

This information is in addition to any changes in employees? deductibles

and co- pays. Most employees will not see much of an impact, if not a savings

on their bi-weekly paychecks.


$6.5 M = 4.5% cut (all departments)

$6.5 M = 15.3% cut (if excluding Elected Officials and Public Safety)

These budget cuts are substantial to departments and the services they


Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh asked Director Hodge if her department was able

to calculate CCG?s fee to Blue Cross Blue Shield. Director Hodge informed her

that they had not yet but will supply that information to Council.

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District Attorney Julia Slater:

District Attorney Slater begins her presentation by saying there are some

things that Council needs to know while making these decisions. Specifically

to the impacts to the District Attorney?s Office Budget which is 96%


She said last year her office, in an effort to save money in their budget,

looked into their operating budget and it was reduced to the minimum. Some of

the cuts the office made were the research resources for the attorneys, books

and bar membership fees. District Attorney Slater expresses that they have cut

all that they can and still be able to function. Therefore, the only thing

left is personnel.

She said the truth of the matter is they need more personnel. She has

spoken to Council many times about this. It was presented last year that they

had hoped for a fast track system to reduce the length of stay for those who

are in the Muscogee County Jail. It was a plan that came together with

Superior Court Judges, District Attorney?s Office and the Office of the Public

Defender in hopes to reduce jail stay times and eventually save money. The

downside to this system would be that they would need more staffing to make

this possible.

District Attorney Slater said the Legislature has passed a new Juvenile

Code and said this has significantly increased the responsibilities of the

Office of the District Attorney without any funding from the State to make this

possible. With this new code, the Assistant District Attorneys that were

serving Juvenile Court were going twice a week and now are required to go six

times a week to cover hearings. It is said that District Attorney as well has

Juvenile Court Judges will be requesting a person in the future to cover these

hearings now that the Juvenile Justice Code has been passed.

She said that she cannot eliminate any of the positions in her office and

still be able to protect the citizens the way they deserved to be protected or

continue to fulfill her constitutional responsibilities.

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Brian Giffin, Columbus Civic Center:

Mr. Giffin states that he has been employed with the City for 20 years, 15

years with Parks and Recreation and the last 5 with the Civic Center. There is

a network of employees that have been discussing the proposed healthcare


He said most of the confusion lies in the out-of-pocket expenses the

employees will incur when they visit their physicians, go to emergency rooms

and their deductibles. These employees would like to see the changes in

benefits in past and current years to see how they have changed. Examples:

x-rays, certain procedures that are not covered under our insurance programs

now. He said they would like to know when this occurred and why weren?t they


Mr. Giffin spoke on the FOP recommendations and how there were many good

points but ultimately it?s Council?s decision. He said that so many

suggestions have been brought to Council on ways to increase revenues but were

rejected by Council. Example being the admission price for community pools was

suggested to be raised to $5 per person, but Council elected for it to be

brought down to $3 per person.

Another concern of the network of employees? is the pension plan. Mr.

Giffin states in order for him to go to receive his complete pension he has to

go to the natural retirement age of 65. At that point, he will have 38 years

of employment with the City Government. The benefits of the pension end at 30

years. He asked if the 4% that he will be paying in his last 8 years of

employment, is going to go to who since it will not be benefitting him.

Councilor Woodson asked Finance Director Hodge and Human Resources

Director Hollowell to answer Mr. Giffin?s questions on the changes in co-pays

over the years. Director Hodge said that the information that has been

provided only shows 2013 and 2014 but that he was asking about prior years.

Councilor Woodson asked for her to get that information to Mr. Giffin.

City Manager Hugley suggests that the network of employees that Mr. Giffin

is representing have a meeting with Finance Director Hodge and Human Resources

Director Hollowell to directly address any questions they may have.

Councilor Woodson said that she was under the impression that none of the

coverage that our insurance plans offer were to change. Director Hollowell

responded by saying that none of the coverage has changed.

Councilor Woodson asked the staff to answer Mr. Giffin?s concern on paying

into the pension fund for the last years of his employment with CCG until he

reaches his natural retirement age. Director Hodge comes forward to say 30

years is the maximum that the pension plan pays out. Any increase in salary

that last 8 years also increases his benefit. Your calculation of your pension

benefit is number of years of service and your highest 60 consecutive months of

your last 120 months. Any salary increase in those last 8 years would increase

his pension benefit.

Councilor Woodson then spoke on the recommendations from the Fraternal

Order of Police. She said that many of the recommendations are great but will

cost money and she is looking forward to the discussion on those

recommendations. One in particular, moving a department that is a one man show

to another department so that person will not only be responsible for their

programs but also programs of this department that it was recommended to be

moved to. It would not be possible for this person to take on all those

programs especially being so community oriented. She believes that there are

some that would be feasible without little or no problems but that it is

something that Council will have to look further into. Then there were others

that would end up benefitting one department but hurting another.

Councilor Henderson reiterates the only changes that are going to take

place in the benefit structure of the plans themselves are the out of pocket

deductibles and co-pays. There are absolutely no changes on the coverage or

services that our current insurance plans offer. He asked about Dental and

Vision plans though they are voluntary and does not affect the city?s budget,

it does affect employees? paychecks. Director Hollowell came forward to say

that there is no change for those plans. She did say that the Vision insurance

did decrease slightly and the Dental did slightly increase. But there was no

change in coverage and services. Councilor Henderson asked for a copy of the

changes in these voluntary plans.

Councilor Thomas said to Mr. Giffin and all employees that if they attempt

to access any medical services and are denied, do not hesitate to contact the

Human Resources Department to insure that you are being told the correct

information on the services that your insurance plan covers.

Councilor Davis states that he has had numerous discussions with

representatives of other counties who have had to deal with matters that our

city has been confronted with. His thought of the Health and Wellness Center

was, the more employees you get to participate, the more money that would be

saved on healthcare expenses. He has learned that other cities have opened

their healthcare centers to all their employees and he is wondering why CCG

would not allow any and all employees, regardless of the insurance plans they

chose to participate in, utilize the Health and Wellness Center.

City Manager Hugley responded by saying, that most cities that do this are

not self-funded as CCG is, and in some cases these cities do not give their

employees any other choice other than to utilize their healthcare centers. The

larger concern in comparison is that he does not know of many other self-funded

governments. They are smaller, whereas Columbus is one of the larger entities

because it is consolidated and has around 3,000 employees.

Councilor Davis said that it is his understanding that being self-funded

allows you to have more options and flexibility. If the purpose is to have

more employees participate in the Health and Wellness Center he asks why the

administration would not make the Center open to all employees no matter which

insurance plan they chose to enroll in. Councilor Davis then made a referral

for the administration to see if this is a possible option.

City Manager Hugley says that the City does do this to a sense. That if

an employee is enrolled in the Health and Wellness Center where there is no

co-pay or deductable, but you are able to still go to your private physician

where there is a co-pay and deductable. He stated that he is enrolled in the

Health and Wellness Center and he is able to go see any physician he chooses

but there is co-pay associated with those visits outside of the Center. In

essence it is described as being the best of both worlds.

Mayor Tomlinson states that CCG does encourage as much participation as

possible for the Health and Wellness Center and that option is open to all

employees. The reason CCG did not make it mandatory is because many employees

preferred to keep their own physicians and own insurance plans. She believes

that it would help Council better understand if the entities Councilor Davis

spoke with if their clinic were mandatory or not and if their co-use is similar

to what is available at the Health and Wellness Center.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said that she and Councilor Baker spoke with

Human Resource Director Reather Hollowell before the meeting began and that was

one of the points they spoke about. Specifically, that there are some cities

that have clinics and allow their employees to utilize these facilities

regardless of the insurance plan that they are participants of. Mayor Pro Tem

Turner Pugh reissues the referral originally made by Councilor Davis to

Director Hollowell. She also says the questions asked by Brian Griffin could

be submitted to either Human Resources or the City Manager?s office to get a

response in writing and for this response to be copied to the members of


*** *** ***

Kevin Wells, Public Works, Solid Waste Collection:

Mr. Wells stated that he has met with other employees within his

department and they have a concern that the main point they continue to hear is

the $1.50 increase to premiums and that some employees? premiums will be

increasing by almost $65. There is nothing being said about the increase in

the deductible and other out of pocket expenses that will occur.

He said employees are hoping that Council will somehow compromise on the

expenses so that their out of pocket expenses are not quite as much. Mr. Wells

refers to the memorandum that he sent to Council which listed some options that

the employees had proposed as a compromise with the expenses. Employees

understand that the budget is getting tight but they also do not want to

continue having money taken out of their pockets. But if CCG can come to a

compromise then it would help not only the budget but also the employees.

The next issue that Mr. Wells addresses is the Retirement Plan. He states

that he continues to hear about it but can not seem to get any information as

to the specifics. He has questions as to the fact that overtime and holiday

pay not being counted in the Retirement fund but that employees are being

charged 4% to 8% to go toward the retirement fund then why is it not being

counted toward it. Employees feel that it should not be taken out if it is not

going to reflect on their retirement. The retirement fund was supposed to save

the city money but he is not sure where those funds are going.

Mayor Tomlinson told Mr. Wells that Finance Director Pam Hodge will

address the questions he has concerning the retirement plan. But she asks

which insurance plan premium will increase by $60 a paycheck.

Mr. Wells is referring to the latest chart that he printed with the

proposed premium increases. Director Hodge looked at the chart he is referring

to and said it is reflecting the monthly increases instead of the bi-weekly.

Director Hodge said that the specifics regarding the retirement fund and

overtime or holiday pay has not been discussed as of yet. But, she would

expect that anything that your pension is not calculated on is not subject to

that 4 or 8%.

Mr. Wells stated that as of right now it is part of the 4% that is taken

out of their paychecks. Mayor Tomlinson says that is because it is included

right now. Mr. Wells said that it would be nice for employees to see something

in black and white to understand what changes are being proposed to their


Councilor Henderson thanked Mr. Wells for coming before Council and the

compromises that he proposed. He asked Mr. Wells since he has spoken with

other employees in his department if they have given reasons as to why they

chose not to enroll in the Health and Wellness Center.

Mr. Wells said that there are some employees that participate in the

clinic but that there are some that chose not to. He uses his opinion for an

example, the clinic is getting better as far as the operations; but, the

physicians that they had in the past, he did not agree with the way they were

handling things. Another example being one of his co-workers visited the

clinic to have a physical done and it cost that person $50 more because the

physician at the time refused to administer a physical. That particular

employee was refunded his money after that situation was addressed.

Another concern being that the physicians at the clinic are not able to

order any medication or procedures if a patient is admitted to the hospital.

Mr. Wells stated that he is not comfortable will the fact that his doctor would

not be able to order any tests if he is in the hospital.

Councilor Henderson responded by saying that it varies from doctor to

doctor. Even if you go into a physicians office and pay your co-pay, that

basically covers what takes place in that particular office. If you were to

need a x-ray, if labs were no longer done on site and were sent off to an

independent lab or if you required further diagnostic undertaking, that would

be part of your deductable where you would pay 90% until you had reached your

out of pocket maximum. He appreciates Mr. Wells sharing his options so that it

can better assist CCG in getting the Health and Wellness Center to where it is

not just a viable options but a preferred option.

Mr. Wells stated that he has a concern that if he were to be involved in

an accident and was unable to speak, that the hospital would not be able to

access his medical records if he utilized the Health and Wellness Center.

Councilor Henderson says that he would be very surprised if the hospital would

not be able to access medical histories whether they are enrolled in the clinic

or not.

After that discussion, Councilor Thomas thanked Mr. Wells for his interest

in these issues and giving Council the information that they need. She stated

that Council has not had a discussion on any further changes to the employees?

pension plan. Therefore, the talk amongst employees that Mr. Wells has been

hearing is merely rumors since it has not been discussed.

There was a comment that Mr. Wells made that Councilor Thomas felt needed

to be repeated and emphasized. After using the figures from the proposed

insurance premium increases and decreases, the city is to see $138,000 to

$150,000. After seeing the very small amount that premium change was going to

generate, she no longer wanted to hear about the $1.50 increase to premiums and

wanted to discuss the $1.6 million that will be coming straight out of the

employees? pockets through co-pays and deductibles. She believes that this is

a very legitimate concern and is what is driving her to take a closer look at

what is being proposed to Council.

Councilor Huff asks Mr. Wells to discuss with his co-workers what increase

in co-pays and deductibles that they feel as if they could manage. He asked

that Mr. Wells get back with him on the discussion.

*** *** ***

Richard Hillsinger, Public Works, Right-of-Way Maintenance:

Mr. Hillsinger starts out by saying that he has been a correction officer

for 14 years. The first question that Mr. Hillsinger asked was how much does

the city pay for each individual employee for health insurance? The reason

being, he is one of the employees that do not have insurance through the city.

He wanted to know if CCG paid for every employee or just the employees that are

enrolled in the insurance plans the city offers.

Mayor Tomlinson answered by saying that the city receives bills throughout

the year that they literally write checks for. The total amount is about

$24,000,000. She does believe that CCG assesses it by how many employees we

have for budgeting purposes. But she is not sure if they save money just

because some employees opted out. The Mayor asked Director Hodge to further

explain what it means to be self-funded.

Director Hodge stated that to be self-funded means that Blue Cross Blue

Shield process all the insurance claims for the employer. Then the employer

pays what the insurance company has transmitted to the physician. In other

words if an employee is not enrolled in the insurance provided by CCG, then

they are not paying anything for that employee.

*** *** ***

Eric Gansauer, Public Works, Landscape & Forestry:

Mr. Gansauer starts off my referring to the number of participates in the

Health and Wellness Center as looking anemic. As being a participant himself,

he asked if the clinic is a sinking boat.

Mayor Tomlinson says that Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh wanted to ask if he

was satisfied with the Health and Wellness Center. She believes at first they

did have a lot of misinformation and scary stories. She asked what Mr.

Gansauer?s personal experience has been.

Mr. Gansauer said that the jury is still out as far as he is concerned.

He said that he has seen during a recent visit with Dr. Woods that it is

improving. The main problem that he is having personally is communication

between the clinic and the Specialists that he and his wife use. He adds that

he has been very disappointed with Express Scripts.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh asked what kind of problems he is having

concerning his specialists.

He said his main concern involves the communication on prescriptions that

he is being prescribed by his Specialists that are carried but not available

through the Health and Wellness Center when not directly prescribed by one of

their physicians. Reason being, they are not a licensed pharmacy.

City Manager Hugley responds to a referral made by Mayor Pro Tem Turner

Pugh on this concern. He begins by saying that it was his understanding that

if you are referred to a Specialist and they prescribe a medication, you must

fill that prescription at a pharmacy. Director Hollowell agreed with City

Manager Hugley and further explains that the only medications that will be

dispensed at the clinic are ones that are prescribed by their physicians.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh asked Director Hollowell to address this

problem, let Council and other employees know so there is no further

misconceptions. City Manager Hugley encourages employees to contact Human

Resources with any concerns or questions they may have. Mayor Pro Tem Turner

Pugh says that she wants to ensure that employees know that their issues are

being addressed and not just listened to.

Councilor Henderson said he finds it disturbing and hard to believe that

they have never had this issue come up before, unless this is the first clinic

they have ever done. The fact that CCG was not proactive on informing

employees on the specifics concerns him. He believes that in the future

Council should revisit the administration of the clinic and discuss some of the

misinformation that has come up during this process.

Councilor Barnes said that when you sign up for the Health and Wellness

Center that your primary care physician should contact any specialists you see

for your conditions. At that point it is professional courtesy to allow that

patient to fulfill their ongoing prescriptions at the clinic.

There is further discussion between City Manager Hugley, Councilor Davis,

Councilor Huff and Councilor Thomas on the contract, number of participants and

financial standings of the Health and Wellness Center. After this discussion

it was decided to delay the renewal of the clinic?s contract until April after

the one year mark so that the performance and savings of the center can be


Mr. Gansauer then continued his presentation by saying the Director of

Public Works, Pat Biegler, asked the employees to come up with innovative ways

to save money within their department to propose to Council. It was said that

not only do we have to find ways to cut the budget but also there needs to be

ways to increase it. He believes that the city could generate money by

charging fees to companies that put up signs and billboards because ultimately

they are cutting down property of Columbus to make room for there


------------------------------------------*** ***


Councilor Thomas then takes a moment of personal privilege to say that

this whole process has been rather disturbing because of the great impact that

it will have on their employees. Then you pick up the newspaper and see that

the Fire and EMS answered a call on Friday, January 17th, and saved a young

girl who was inside of a burning home. There were eleven people in this home

when the fire ignited and the girl was asleep in her bed. She recognized that

Chief Meyers and Chief Futrell were present. She experienced her appreciation

of their service.

------------------------------------------*** ***


FOP Recommendations:

Implementation of a priority budgeting process.

Mayor Tomlinson said they will call on the City Manager and Finance

Director to speak on this. The good news for the citizens is, when this first

came up, a lot of people were saying, ?wow, this is a great idea.? The city

has been doing this for many, many years. All CCG departments do long-term

strategic planning. She refers to a disc that all departments with the

exception of some elected officials that provide this to administration with

their strategic plans and prioritized budgets.

City Manager Hugley said that the Strategic Action Plan was done in 2008 to

2014 and the current one is 2015 to 2025. A disc is provided to each of the


Mayor Tomlinson said that they have an Executive Committee Meeting once a week,

General Government Meeting once a month and an all Department Heads Meeting

once a month. During these meetings their strategic plans are discussed,

processed and feedback is given.

Finance Director Pam Hodge explained that all Department Heads prioritize

within their budgets. So they are prioritizing their allocated funds for

specific activities. During the annual budget process they meet with

departments to discuss the priorities for their department. She said that

priority budgeting is a part of their daily activities in CCG.

City Manager Hugley went into detail about the meetings he has with

department heads to go over specifics with their budgets, and said that Finance

Director Hodge is always present at these meetings.

Going from annual budgeting to bi-annual budgeting.

Director Hodge starts by saying that CCG is required by State and Local law to

have an annual budget process. She said that we could have a bi-annual budget

but by law we would have to adopt an annual budget.

City Attorney Clifton Fays added that it is required by the Charter as well as

State law that the city has an annual Operating and Capital Budget. These

budgets have to be written and passed by Council each year.

(PS1) Consolidate all Public Safety dispatch operations.

This would entail relocating the dispatch operations of the Muscogee County

Sheriff?s Office and the Muscogee County Marshal?s Office into the 911 Center

located within the Public Safety Building.

Columbus Police Chief Ricky Boren starts by saying that his department does

priority budgeting every year and basically every time they have a staff


they constantly look at ways that they may be able to improve their operations,

save money and better serve the citizens.

Major Stan Swiney takes the podium to respond to the recommendation. He said

from his understanding of what each department is responsible for there would

be little savings, if any at all. The personnel and equipment would have to be

relocated to the dispatch center. These costs would be frontloaded and he is

unsure what these costs would be. Then the whole of that dispatch person that

is also responsible for covering non-dispatch duties would have to be covered

by another employee.

Mayor Tomlinson spoke specifically on warrant information being needed at the

different departments and the trouble of getting that information if the

dispatch operations were combined. During a recent Public Safety head meeting,

there was much concern on this recommendation because it would yield to be

extremely less efficient.

Major Swiney said that the day to day operations of the departments are very

different. Councilor Thomas and Major Swiney went further in depth into the

calls each department may receive. Major Swiney stated that the dispatch

center was designed to dispatch Fire, EMS and Police to emergency calls.

(PS2) Eliminate duplicate and substandard Crime Prevention Programs.

This would entail eliminating all operations of the DARE Program within the

Columbus Police Department and the Muscogee County Marshal?s Office. This

program has been reviewed and studied at all levels of government and has been

found to be substandard in the reduction of crime and in some studies may be

counterproductive amongst it?s targeted demographic. The elimination of this

program would allow law enforcement personnel to either be reassigned to other

crime prevention programs or to standard law enforcement functions within their

respected agencies.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh commented by saying that her thirty-five year old son

still talks about Officer Williams who taught the DARE program when he attended

Dawson Elementary School. She said this program leaves a lasting impression

pertaining to Police Officers with these children.

Chief Boren agreed and said he is curious to know what the person who wrote

this particular recommendation?s definition of substandard is. He said that

his department does not do anything in a substandard manner. Everything that

they do is in a professional manner. This program makes a lasting impression

on the children involved. He too, has children that went through the DARE and

GREAT program who still asks about the officers who instructed these programs.

These programs help the children, the adults and the teachers within our


Major Wanna Barker-Wright takes the podium and stated that the DARE and GREAT

programs are the most proactive programs that the Columbus Police Department

offers. She said these programs are servicing over 2,100 students in 29

schools. The officers who instruct these programs are proactive with decision

making, bullying and gaining the trust of these students. There have been

students who have come to give information to the officers on issues that they

may not feel comfortable in informing others. The teachers find it more

comforting with the presence of these officers in the schools. Major

Barker-Wright encouraged Council to talk with the students and parents to see

the positive impact these programs are having.

Mayor Tomlinson said she hears many accolades when she visits schools, she

hears many students speak on these programs and how much they enjoy them. She

asked what would be the cost savings be if these programs were eliminated and

how are these programs funded.

Major Barker-Wright responded by saying that there are 4 officers that were

assigned to these programs from patrol. She says that if these officers are on

the street, they would be getting calls to respond to the schools. In this

case, there would be no cost savings.

Mayor Tomlinson said that after the school tragedies all over the country, they

received many calls from concerned parents to have more police presence in the

schools and this is one way that this can be accomplished. These programs

allow a natural interaction between officers and the children without the

schools looking like a military zone.

Councilor Allen asked how often the officers attend these schools. Major

Barker-Wright says that in most cases they are in the schools twice a week.

This all depends on the number of fifth graders enrolled in these schools.

Councilor Baker pointed out that there is no cost to the city for these

particular programs. Major Barker-Wright confirms this and adds that the only

cost to CCG is associated with the officers? salaries.

Finance Director Hodge added that there is no operational expense related to

these programs in the General Fund. However, there is an allocation for them

in the Drug Alcohol Treatment and Education Fund. This Special Revenue Fund

comes from fees that are assessed for court cases.

Mayor Tomlinson summarizes by reiterating that if CCG was to eliminate the DARE

and GREAT programs it would not benefit the General Fund.

5) (PS3) The transfer of all Crime and Fire Prevention Programs to the Office

of Crime Prevention

The Office of Crime Prevention would absorb the costs of any crime and fire

prevention programs offered within the Columbus Consolidated Government and

could establish a network of retired Public Safety professionals and citizen

volunteers to operate these programs.

Crime Prevention Director Seth Brown responded by saying that this would not be

a cost saving solution. If they were to take on the programs, the retirees

involved would expect some compensation for their work. Therefore, would

establish additional cost for CCG. Director Brown explains that there are no

personnel in his department other than himself. With the paperwork that these

programs involve, plus the calls that are generated from the schools, he would

have to have at least one employee or a part-time assistant to handle this.

The most crucial point is the officers that run these programs are POST

Certified. Retirees are not. It is required that these programs be run by

active POST certified officers.

Fire Chief Meyer said that for years his department has gone to schools

teaching children about fire safety in hopes that they would then take it home

to their families. This education is administered by their Operations

Division. Therefore, there would be no cost savings with the relocation of this

program. It is also an accreditation requirement for the Fire Department to


Police Chief Boren said the other programs that the FOP is referring to is: The

Neighborhood Watch, Crime Stoppers, and Self Protection Awareness for Women,

Traffic Safety Awareness, Crimes against the Elderly, General Safety and

McGruff the Dog. These programs cost very little to the budget but the

dividends that CPD draws in return as far as information and volunteers is in

no comparison.

Mayor Tomlinson asked what the operational cost of these programs and how does

it affect the General Fund. Chief Boren said that this is a service provided

by CPD and it does not directly affect the General Fund other than the cost of


Councilor Barnes spoke on the dedication of the persons involved in these

programs. He describes them as the eyes and ears of the community.

(PS4) Transfer of the Arson Investigator Positions from Fire/EMS to Police


These positions are P.O.S.T. certified Peace Officer slots and should be

located within a law enforcement agency. By moving these positions into the

Columbus Police Department these investigators would be allowed access to more

investigative resources and training.

Fire Chief Meyer responds by saying, the Arson Investigators have all the

resources needed to perform their investigations. He said that he has not

heard or seen any other public safety departments come together quite like here

in Columbus. There are many employees of Fire/EMS that are POST certified to

include him. He explained that if the first responders to a fire can not

without a doubt conclude on the cause of fire, the investigator is called to

the scene. Last year there were 180 fires that were investigated in Columbus.

The findings of these investigators are also the way their department forms

their fire prevention education programs based on the trends in the community.

The investigator also plays the role of the fire inspector within the city.

Mayor Tomlinson said that there are ongoing discussions between the Public

Safety heads and her on open cases. They come together once a month for

meetings and discuss how each department can do their part in helping to solve

these cases.

18) (GG3) Columbus Consolidated Government Printing Operations and CSU

Enter into a Public/Private partnership with Columbus State University to

process and deliver all CCG printing needs via the CSU printing department.

Director Greg Coates begins by saying the Printing Division called and

acquired tangible figures to contradict the FOP?s assumption that it would save

money by transferring these tasks to CSU. Printing Supervisor, Parrish Green,

explains the slide that was presented to Council on the difference in cost for

printing between CCG and CSU. An example given is a print job that is a high

demand for the DMV brochure, the estimated cost given by CSU was $9,820,

whereas CCG?s cost is $2,175.50.

Mr. Green explained the reason for the CCG Print Shop is providing

services to CCG at the most cost effective and timely manner. The cost

differences prove that their department succeeds in these goals. He estimates

that the city saves around sixty to seventy-five percent on printing costs


Councilor Henderson proposes a question on the cost that is shown for

CCG. He points out that the cost does not include labor cost or the

maintenance cost of machinery. He then made a referral to see some kind of cost

allocation to include labor and maintenance.

Director Coates said that CSU has labor cost as does CCG. CSU has four

full time and two part time employees, CCG has just four full time employees.

He also said that if these jobs were outsourced, they would not put as much

care into getting the materials back to departments as the CCG print shop

does. Councilor Henderson agrees by saying, even if the cost was equal or our

cost was a little higher, he believes there is still a benefit from having the

printing done within the city because of the quick turnaround of orders.

Especially, when something comes up within the city for some type of Media


There was a short discussion between City Manager Hugley and Mayor

Tomlinson on the CSU printing service on whether or not they are in the

actually business or if it is something they do just for their establishment

and if they would even be interested in taking on the responsibility of

handling the printing for a government of our size.

Councilor Thomas said that once this information is gathered, Council

should have a discussion on the value of having this service accessible to us

and if it is cheaper to outsource these tasks, is it worth not having this

available to us.

Mayor Tomlinson said Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh asked why the FOP chose

CSU. If it was decided to out source the responsibilities of the print shop,

they would have to go through the RFP process and not just sole source them.

City Manager Hugley confirms this and says that whomever the city contracted

with for these jobs, they would have to meet our performance standards

otherwise we would be at their mercy.

Councilor Woodson added to the referral for someone to inquire on

whether or not the CSU price included their personnel cost or not. That way

the figures that are being compared are representing the same costs.

Ms. Day, an employee of the CCG Print Shop, said that she just wanted

to be sure her division was heard from and informed decisions were made. There

is a lot of information to this that the public may not be aware of.

Councilor Allen asked if it costs less for materials to be printed in

black and white verses color, even when the technology has developed so much

over the years. The print shop personnel present respond by saying, yes.

Councilor Allen made a referral for them to get with the City Manager to see if

this is a step that could be taken to help saving a little money.

Mayor Tomlinson said she agrees that the city could dial back a bit on

the use of color copies. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said that this is something

that Council needs to come to a consensus on because at times there are

arguments that they are not able to see or understand what is being presented

to them if it does not include color.

After the employees of the Print Shop leaves the podium, Mayor Pro Tem

Turner Pugh then tells City Manager Hugley that they can now go to black and

white copies, she believes that Council would not argue this change.

------------------------------------------*** ***


The City Attorney requested an Executive Session to discuss matters of

litigation. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh made a motion to go into Executive

Session. Seconded by Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those nine

members of Council present, with Councilor McDaniel being absent for this

meeting. Council went into Executive Session at 8:35 p.m.

------------------------------------------*** ***


The City Council Meeting was called back to order at 9:02 p.m. after a

brief Executive Session. Mayor Tomlinson pointed out that the Council meet in

an executive session to discuss matters of litigation, but there were no votes


------------------------------------------*** ***


With there being no further business to come before the Council, Mayor

Tomlinson then entertained a motion for adjournment. Councilor Allen so

moved. Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh and carried unanimously by those

nine members of Council present, with Councilor McDaniel being absent for this

meeting, with the time of adjournment being 9:03 p.m.

Tiny B. Washington, MMC

Clerk of Council

The Council of Columbus, Georgia


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