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Wednesday, April 5, 2012

U.S. population growth slows, especially in far suburbs Five years ago,

millions of Americans were streaming to new homes on the fringes of

metropolitan areas. Then housing prices collapsed and the Great Recession

slowed growth to levels not seen since the Great Depression in the 1930s.

Growth remained slow last year, and largely confined to counties at the center

of metropolitan areas. Maps show population gain or loss in 2006 and 2011,

based on new Census Bureau estimates.

Source: Census Bureau

America?s romance with sprawl may be over

By Haya El Nasser and Paul Overberg, USA Today

America's romance with sprawl may not be completely over, but it's definitely

on the rocks.

By Roberto E. Rosales, AP

Communities within commuting distance larger cities such as Los Lunas, N.M.,

had been beneficiaries -- or victims -- of urban sprawl. New Census data show

this trend is waning.

EnlargeClose By Roberto E. Rosales, AP

Communities within commuting distance larger cities such as Los Lunas, N.M.,

had been beneficiaries -- or victims -- of urban sprawl. New Census data show

this trend is waning.

Almost three years after the official end of a recession that kept people from

moving and devastated new suburban subdivisions, people continue to avoid

counties on the farthest edge of metropolitan areas, according to Census

estimates out today.

The financial and foreclosure crisis forced more people to rent. Soaring gas

prices made long commutes less appealing. And high unemployment drew more

people to big job centers. As the nation crawls out of the downturn, cities and

older suburbs are leading the way.

Population growth in fringe counties nearly screeched to a halt in the year

that ended July 1, 2011. By comparison, counties at the core of metro areas are

growing faster than the nation as a whole.

"There's a pall being cast on the outer edges," says John McIlwain, senior

fellow for housing at the Urban Land Institute, a non-profit development group

that promotes sustainability. "The foreclosures, the vacancies, the uncompleted

roads. It's uncomfortable out there. The glitz is off."

A USA TODAY analysis shows:

-- All but two of the 39 counties with 1 million-plus people ? Michigan's Wayne

(Detroit) and Ohio's Cuyahoga (Cleveland) ? grew from 2010 to 2011.

-- Twenty-eight of the big counties gained faster than the nation, which grew

at the slowest rate since the Great Depression (0.73%). The counties' median

growth rate was 1.3% (half grew faster, half slower).

-- Those 28 ? including California's Alameda and Contra Costa counties,

Florida's Broward and Hillsborough, Texas' Harris and Dallas ? generated more

than a third of the USA's growth. Before the recession and housing bust, when

people flocked to new development on farmland, they contributed just 27%.

-- "It shows the locational advantage of being in the biggest cities," says

Robert Lang, professor of urban affairs at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas

and author of Megapolitan America. "The core is what's left of our

competitiveness as a country."

-- Central metro counties accounted for 94% of U.S. growth, compared with 85%

just before the recession.

"This could be the end of the exurb as a place where people aspire to go when

they're starting their families," says William Frey, demographer at the

Brookings Institution. "So many people have been burned by this. ? First-time

home buyers, immigrants and minorities took a real big hit."

During the '70s gas shortage and the '80s savings and loan industry crisis,

some predicted the end of suburban sprawl. It didn't happen then, but current

trends could change the nation's growth patterns permanently.

Aging Baby Boomers, who have begun to retire, and Millennials, who are mostly

in their teens and 20s, are more inclined to live in urban areas, McIlwain says.

"I'm not sure we're going to see outward sprawl even if the urge to sprawl

continues," he says. "Counties are getting to the point that they don't have

the money to maintain the roads, water, sewer. ? This is a century of


Maybe, Lang says, "sprawl is the Freddy Krueger of American development. It's

always pronounced dead and yet somehow springs back to life."


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