Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

The Airport made a profit of $74,134.36 with an adjusted net profit without

depreciation and amortization of $54,304.84 in June. Year over year it amounts

to an approximate increase of 35% (without depreciation) in profit over last

year (see Summary of Airport Revenues & Expenses).

Propellers Restaurant sales were down slightly over last year; hangar and

other rents were down significantly as was the revenue from the FBO. No

accruals were made for the car rental revenues for June as actual numbers were


Accruals were made to adjust for June payroll expenses billed in July which

accounts for the increase in payroll expense as compared to last year. Overall

expenses were up mainly due to increased fuel prices.

Update on Airport Improvement Projects 37 & 38:

AIP 37 ? Taxiway C Relocation & Airfield Electrical Improvement Project

$3,923,867; Balance: $853,616.

AIP 38 ? Airport Perimeter Fencing & Crack Seal, Seal Coat & Mark GA Apron

Project $384,678; Balance: $322,107.

Cash flow was negative for the month (see the Cash Flow Summary).

Lorrie Brewer

Chief Accountant

Columbus Airport Commission

(706) 324-2449 Extension 1412

Fax: (706) 324-1016

Sonya Hollis

Columbus Airport Commission Meeting

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

9:30 a.m.

Marketing Report

Propeller?s Customer Survey Report has been completed.Sonya Hollis

The findings were very positive and will work towards reaching our goals for

the restaurants marketing plan for 2014-2015.

Public Art Program is going wellSonya Hollis

. The 3-D piece on loan from CSU by Joe Sanders has been with us for a year and

has been removed. Columbus Museum is going to place an exhibit on the wall that

is being featured at their location for the fall titled Leaving Mississippi:

Reflections on Heroes and Folklore by Najee Dorsey. Installation scheduled for


I?m still working with Director Howell on Non-Aeronautical Revenue projects and

hope to have something presented to the commission at the next commission


Sonya Hollis

FBO will celebrate their 5thSonya Hollis

Anniversary on Saturday, August 16. Invitations went out last week. Please

mark your calendars.

Social media Update:

Sonya Hollis

Linked in members up by 1%

Facebook Likes up by 2%

Twitter Followers up by 5%

Presentation to the Columbus Airport Commission on

July 23, 2014

Airport Director Howell and Chief Cooper continue working on the Columbus

Airport Fencing Project as it pertains to Wildlife Management and overall

security of the airport. The Wildlife Management Plan continues to be a work

in progress.

Airport Director Howell and Chief Cooper continue working with TSA in

addressing several corrections being made to the ASP Manual. Chief Cooper has

now received TSA approval on several changes to the ASP dated July 14, 2014.

The written changes to the ASP were completed and now those changes have to be

implemented on the airfield.

The final phase of the Columbus Consolidated Government dredging project of the

water shed lake located on the northwest side of the approach end of R/W 6 was

initiated on July 8, 2014. The final phase of this project involved the

redistribution of the dredging material that was removed from the water shed,

grading the impacted area and adding seed and straw.

While contractors were onsite, they removed approximately 40+ pine trees along

I-185 located on the airport property and graded a wash area where FAA cabling

was exposed to the elements. The pine trees were located at the approach end of

R/W 6 along I-185. Contractors also installed a catch basin and drainage piping

at the low area of the access road and ran the piping under the gravel access

road to assist in the control of water in this area.

Chief Cooper is scheduled to attend the Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police

Summer Conference at Savannah, Georgia on July 27 ? 30. This is mandatory

training required by all Police Chiefs throughout the State of Georgia.


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