Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




An ordinance establishing the need for new urban service districts to encourage

economic development in Columbus, Georgia and establishing a procedure for

enactment of the same; to provide for temporary ad valorem tax millage rate

abatement; and for other purposes.



Chapter 2 of the Columbus Code is hereby amended by adding a new Article VI to

read as follows:

The Columbus Council finds that certain districts in Columbus, Georgia have not

been subject to growth and development through private enterprise and would not

reasonably be anticipated to be developed without the approval of new urban

service districts which include a district redevelopment plan to improve

property values, reduce poverty, reduce unemployment, relieve general distress

and blight, and to relieve a substantial lack of economic development. Such

districts may also include one or more natural, historical, or cultural assets

which have not been adequately preserved or protected and such asset or assets

would not reasonably be anticipated to be adequately preserved, protected, or

improved without the approval of new urban service districts and appropriate

urban service district redevelopment plans. Urban service districts may be

created by the Columbus Council pursuant to Columbus Charter Section 1-103 and

the provisions of this ordinance.

(b) Each urban service district must be created by an ordinance which includes

a plat of the district and a district redevelopment plan. All parcels included

in any Urban Service District must abut and may not contain a noncontiguous

parcel. Each district so approved shall meet three or more of the following


The improvement of some real property in the district is likely to enhance the

value of a substantial portion of the other real property in the district.

Pervasive poverty shall be evidenced in the district by showing that poverty is

widespread throughout the district and shall be established by using the

following criteria:

The poverty rate shall be determined from the data

in the most current of the United States decennial census prepared by the U.S.

Bureau of Census or the American Community Survey and must be at least 13

percent of the residents of the district;

Census geographic block groups with no population shall be treated as having a

poverty rate which meets the standards of subparagraph A. above.

Unemployment shall be evidenced in the district by the use of data published by

the Office of Labor Information Systems of the Georgia Department of Labor

indicating that the average rate of unemployment for the district for the

preceding calendar year is at least 10 percent higher than the state average

rate of unemployment or by evidence of adverse economic conditions brought

about by significant job dislocation within the district such as the closing of

a manufacturing plant or federal facility.

General distress in the district shall be evidenced by adverse conditions

within the district other than those of pervasive poverty and unemployment.

Examples of such adverse conditions include, but are not limited to, a high

incidence of crime, abandoned or dilapidated structures, deteriorated

infrastructure, and substantial population decline.

Underdevelopment in the district shall be evidenced by data indicating

development activities, or lack thereof, through land disturbance permits,

business license fees, building permits, development fees or other similar data

indicating that the level of development in the district is lower than

development activity within the consolidated government.

General distress and blight shall be present in the district and shall be

defined as follows:

The presence of structures, buildings, or improvements that by reasons of

dilapidation; deterioration; age; obsolescence; inadequate provision from

ventilation, light, air, sanitation, or open space; overcrowding; conditions

which endanger life or property by fire or other causes; or any combination of

such factors are conducive to ill health, transmission of disease, infant

mortality, high unemployment, juvenile delinquency, or crime and are

detrimental to the public health, safety, morals, or welfare;

The presence of a predominant number of substandard, vacant, deteriorated, or

deteriorating structures; the predominance of a defective or inadequate street

layout or transportation facilities; or faulty lot layout in relation to size,

accessibility, or usefulness;

Evidence of pervasive poverty, defined as being greater than 10 percent of the

population in the area as determined by unemployment rate that is 10 percent

higher than the state average;

Adverse effects of airport or transportation related noise or environmental

contamination or degradation or other adverse environmental factors; or

The existence of conditions through any combination of the foregoing that

substantially impair the sound growth of the community and retard the provision

of housing accommodations or employment opportunities.

(c) The owner of each parcel or group of parcels in a designated urban

service district may file an application on a form prescribed by the Director

the Department of Community Reinvestment (?the Director?) for a temporary

millage rate abatement on its real property ad valorem taxes for a period not

to exceed ten (10) years as set forth in paragraph (e) of this section below.

For each application seeking a millage rate abatement, the Director, will

review the application and make an initial determination as to whether or not

the planned acquisition and construction or rehabilitation of the property

meets the definition of a Significant Impact Project, Moderate Impact Project

or Light Impact Project as defined below. Upon determination of the applicable

millage rate abatement category or that the project does not qualify for a

millage rate abatement, the Director will notify the owner or agent of his/her

recommendation, and unless the application is withdrawn in writing within five

business days, the Director will present his/her recommendation to Council at

its next meeting for its acceptance or rejection. At the time of the

presentation, the owner or interested parties to the transaction may also be

heard. After approval of any millage rate abatement by Council, the owner or

his/her age nt will negotiate and enter into a developer agreement with the

Director which will contain ascertainable goals and requirements for each year

of the project for which a millage rate abatement is sought and will specify

the conditions triggering the first year of the millage rate abatement as well

as penalties or other provisions for the recapture of millage rate abatements

in the event the goals and requirements of the agreement are not met.

(d) The following definitions shall apply for the purposes of this ordinance:

Significant Impact Projects

New construction, adaptive reuse, or renovation with significant rehabilitation

that meets one or more of the following criteria:

At least 100 additional single family dwelling units, or

A mixed income development with at least 75 additional multifamily and single

family dwelling units with a minimum affordable housing set aside of 10%, or

C. Mixed use development that includes commercial and residential wherein no

fewer than 20 new permanent jobs are created and the residential component has

an affordable housing set aside of at least 10%.

2. Moderate Impact Projects

New construction, adaptive reuse, or renovation of an existing building that

meets one or both of the following criteria:

No fewer than 20 new permanent jobs will be created or maintained in the

District; provided however, in order for maintained rather than created jobs to

meet this criteria, 35% of the project investment will finance exterior

renovation, or

B. At least 50 new residential dwelling units are developed with a minimum

affordable housing set aside of 10%.

3. Light Impact Projects

A significant renovation or rehabilitation project which upgrades, replaces or

improves a residential or commercial structure, and meets one or more of the

following criteria:

A. Restores or renovates the fa?ade and structure, of a deteriorated and/or

uninhabitable building to comply with current building code standards and be

consistent with the character of the original structure and/or neighborhood and

such investment shall be equal to or greater than 50% of the appraised value of

the parcel.

B. Removes a blighted uninhabitable residential structure or blighted

commercial structure and replaces it with a new structure of equal or greater

square footage.

C. Upgrades a commercial or multifamily structure to comply with an industry

recognized environmental certification standard approved by the Director. Such

investment shall be equal to or greater than 30% of the appraised value of the


4. Mixed Income Development

A portion of a development?s units must be reserved for, and made affordable

to, households whose incomes are at least below 80% of the area median.

5. Mixed Use Development

A development that includes residential and commercial/retail uses that are

intended to increase intensity of land uses, increase diversity of land uses

and integrate segregated uses.

6. Adaptive Reuse

A process that adapts buildings for new uses while retaining their historic


7. Affordable Housing Set Aside

A percentage of the total units shall be affordable to households whose incomes

are at least below 80% of the area median income. The affordable units shall be

distributed proportionally throughout the development and phases (where

applicable) and appropriately designed and integrated with market-rate units

throughout the development. Thirty percent (30 %) of affordable units must be

delivered in the first phase and the remainder of the units must be delivered

proportionally based on years of build-out and phasing.

8. Blighted Structure

A structure by reason of dilapidation, deterioration, age, or obsolescence;

inadequate provision for ventilation, light, air, sanitation, or open spaces;

high density of population and overcrowding; existence of conditions which

endanger life or property by fire and other causes; or any combination of such

factors is conducive to ill health, transmission of disease, infant mortality,

juvenile delinquency, or crime and is detrimental to the public health, safety,

morals, or welfare.

9. Permanent Jobs

A job or jobs with no predetermined end date, with a regular work week

of 30 hours or more, and with the same benefits provided to similar employees.

10. Multifamily and Single Family Dwellings

These terms shall be defined as set forth in Section 13.1.1 of Chapter

13 of Appendix A of the Columbus Code (the UDO).

(e) Except as provided herein, any parcel in an Urban Service District will be

taxed at the millage rate set for the entire Urban Service District by Council

each year (?the Default Millage Rate?).the following millage rate abatements

will apply in each abatement category as provided below:

(1)The maximum millage rate for Significant Impact Properties will be seven (7)

mills less than the Default Millage Rate for a maximum period of ten (10) years.

(2)The maximum millage rate for Moderate Impact Properties will be five (5)

mills less than the Default Millage Rate set for a maximum period of ten (10)


(3)The maximum millage rate for Light Impact Properties will be three (3) mills

less that the default millage rate for a maximum period of ten (10) years.

The assessment of any property at a preferred rate for any year will be

contingent on the Director of the Department of Community Reinvestment

certifying to the Tax Commissioner that the taxpayer is in compliance with any

and all requirements of the developer agreement applicable to the impacted



Each Urban Service District designated for millage rate abatement to encourage

economic development in accordance with the guidelines of this ordinance shall

be created by a further ordinance specifying its contiguous boundaries and

providing the conditions under which such District will come into being and

cease to exist. A redevelopment plan for each District so created shall be on

file with the Department of Community Reinvestment.


All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance

are hereby repealed; provided however, nothing herein shall be construed to

prevent any existing or future ordinances pertaining to zoning, design review

standards, or other land use regulation from being fully applicable to

properties contained in designated Urban Service Districts.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia held on the

___ day of _________, 2013, introduced a second time at a regular meeting of

said Council held on the ______ day of ___________, 2013, and adopted at said

meeting by the affirmative vote of ______ members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting____________.

Councilor Baker voting____________.

Councilor Barnes voting___________.

Councilor Davis voting____________.

Councilor Henderson voting________.

Councilor Huff voting_____________.

Councilor McDaniel voting_________.

Councilor Pugh voting_____________.

Councilor Thomas voting___________.

Councilor Woodson voting__________.

__________________________ __________________________




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