Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members

Meeting Minutes

Date: September 25, 2013 - Place: CHD - Health & Human Services Bldg. LDR


Presiding: Carlos Wise MD

Attending Members: Ms. Judy Tucker for Mayor, Mr. David Arrington for City

Manager, William DeNamur DMD, Rajinder Chhokar MD, Ms. Yasmin Cathright,

Ravindra Agarwal, MD

Others Present: Beverley A. Townsend MD, Ed Saidla, Joanne Strickland, Jerome

Deal, Brenda Forman, Sheila Mayfield, Shondell Duncan, MPH student with

Benedictine University, Carol Popwell, Secretary

Agenda Topic Discussion Decision Responsibility

I. Call to order Dr. DeNamur called the Columbus Board of Health to order at 1:00pm.

None None

II. Approval of Minutes Dr. DeNamur asked if there were any questions or comments on

the previous minutes received (August 28, 2013).

Dr. DeNamur asked for a motion to approve the minutes. A motion was made by

Dr. Chhokar, seconded by Ms. Cathright and approved by all members present.


III. District Health Director?s Report Dr. Wise arrived and called on Dr. Townsend to

give the Director?s Report;

1. We are focusing on providing Flu vaccinations to the community

2. Vital Records satellite office opened this past month, things are going well

3. Thank you for your service to Public Health







IV. Financial Report Dr. Wise called on Joanne Strickland to present the financial

report to the Board. Ms. Strickland presented the following;

1. Written copy of the financial report and overview provided.

2. FY14 budget is $5,636,053, no revisions at this time.

3. Expenses are $850,306.84 - compared to this time last year we have saved


4. Fees collected are $297,402.03, which is an increase of $13,175.92 from same

time last year.

5. The write offs remain the same; per Federal guidelines we can only do write

offs every 15 months.




Dr. Wise asked the source of the increase.





Ms. Strickland responded; Private Insurance, Vital Records and Environmental

Health all impact the increased revenue.


V. Program Reports

Dr. Wise asked if there were any Program Reports.

1) Sheila Mayfield, presented information on Nursing Program;

a) Wal-Mart clinics are going well; we were visited by a representative from

Wal-Mart?s home office. He was impressed with our interaction with Wal-Mart

customers and our event set up.

b) October 2nd we will begin visiting local schools to provide flu vaccine for

students, teachers and for the 1st time their families.

c) We have provided outreach services to some local businesses as well.

d) We have a limited supply of High Dose Flu Vaccine; we are looking into

providing a Drive-Thru Flu clinic specifically for citizens 65 + years of age.

2) Jerome Deal, presented information on the Environmental Health Program for

Shawn Taylor;

a) Fee collections are going better than expected, local establishments are

mailing their annual payments in a timely manner. We are continuing with our

routine inspections.

b) Last week with the assistance of City Government, one of our local motel

conditions had deteriorated to the point we could no longer provide a permit to

remain open to the public.

3) Brenda Forman, presented information on the WIC Program;

a) WIC is currently handing out a cookbook designed specifically for kids.

b) WIC is active in providing Outreach services in the community. One of the

largest right now is Head start.

c) As of October 1, WIC clinic will open at 7:30 am and close at 6 pm; Monday ?

Friday. Saturday clinic beginning January 1, 2014 will open at 8:00 am and

close at 1:00 pm.

d) We have approx. 9,000 clients for the Columbus clinic and approx. 2,000 at

Ft. Benning.

4) Pam Fair, presented information on EP, Safe Kids and Public Information;

a) EP - we have been busy with a new Outreach for media with PMB Broadcast

Radio, we get 1 hour of airtime every other week.

b) PIO ? has been very busy putting out information on Flu and Pertussis.

Feedback from local media affiliates, see Public Health as a resource in the

community and come to us for information on a wide range of topics.

c) Safe Kids ? is very busy; we are back out into the elementary schools

educating children on the importance of using a booster seat. We have

partnered with Hollywood Connection as the distribution center for the parents

to come in; get educated as well and purchase a booster seat for $5.00.






Mr. Arrington expressed appreciation to the Health Department for their






















VI. New Business

Dr. Wise called on Ed Saidla to present to the Board. Mr. Saidla presented the


1. The last vehicle replaced by CHD was in 2008. We have a 1998 truck

utilized by the Vector Control program that needs to be replaced. We would

like to request the purchase of a 2014 Ford F150 which will be utilized by the

Vector Control Program. Price $17,516 - purchased through Allen Vigil Ford

Dr. Wise asked for a motion to approve the purchase of the 2014 Ford F150. A

motion was made by Dr. Chhokar seconded by Dr. DeNamur and approved by all

members present.


VII. Adjourned

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned by Dr. Wise. None None


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