Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members




OCTOBER 27, 2009

The regular weekly meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia was called

to order at 5:30 P.M, Tuesday, October 27, 2009, on the Plaza Level of the

Government Center, Columbus, Georgia. Honorable W. J. Wetherington, Mayor,


*** *** ***

PRESENT: Present other than Mayor Wetherington and Mayor Pro Tem Evelyn Turner

Pugh were: Councilors R. Gary Allen, Wayne Anthony, Mike Baker, Jerry ?Pops?

Barnes, Berry H. Henderson, Julius H. Hunter, Jr., Charles E. McDaniel, Jr. and

Evelyn Woodson. City Manager Isaiah Hugley, City Attorney Clifton Fay, Clerk of

Council Tiny B. Washington and Deputy Clerk of Council Sandra Davis were also


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ABSENT: Councilor R. Gary Allen was absent, but was excused upon the adoption

of Resolution Number 411-09.

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INVOCATION: Led by Pastor K. Denise Walton, Pastor of South Columbus United

Methodist Church.

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PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Led by Mayor W. J. Wetherington

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A Resolution (397-09) ? Commending Mark Ellis for being recognized as a

member of Forty Under Forty by Georgia Trend Magazine.

A Resolution (398-09) ? Commending Dr. Joseph Surber for being recognized

as a member of Forty Under Forty by Georgia Trend Magazine.

After reading the resolutions in their entirety, Councilor Anthony then

moved their adoption. Seconded by Councilor Hunter and carried unanimously by

those nine members of Council present for this meeting, with Councilor Allen

being absent.

Mr. Ellis and Mr. Surber both thanked the Mayor & Council for their

resolution and for receiving this honor.

*** *** ***



AND ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL:_____________________

A Resolution (399-09) ? Commending and congratulating the local

Alzheimer?s Association Board upon a successful 2009 Memory Walk to benefit the

Columbus/Chattahoochee Valley Region Alzheimer?s Association.

Councilor Davis expressed his appreciation to those present, as well as

those who participated in the 2009 Memory Walk for the Alzheimer?s


He then made a motion to adopt the resolution. Seconded by Councilor

Woodson, which carried unanimously by those nine members of Council present for

this meeting, with Councilor Allen being absent from the meeting.

------------------------------------*** ***


MINUTES OF COUNCIL MEETING: Minutes of the September 29, 2009 Council Meeting

of the Council of the Consolidated Government of Columbus, Georgia were

submitted and approved upon the adoption of a motion made by Councilor McDaniel

and seconded by Councilor Woodson, which carried unanimously by those nine

members of Council present for this meeting, with Councilor Allen being absent.

------------------------------------*** ***





An Ordinance ? Amending the text to the Unified Development Ordinance

(UDO) to amend certain sections including Table 3.1.1, Section 3.2, Section

3.2.63.C.1, Section 3.2.63.G.5(A) and Section 7.12.7; and for other purposes.

(20-A-09-Planning Department)

City Attorney Fay said this text amendment would also allow for the sale

of some seasonal items, holiday items, pumpkins, and etc., which is a

housekeeping measure.

City Manager Hugley then called forward Mr. Will Johnson of the Planning

Department to highlight some of those housekeeping things that we are trying to

do, as well as for him to cite some examples where we are adding Christmas

trees and some other things.

Mr. Will Johnson said we have some text amendments that cover the range of

the Unified Development Ordinance and then went into some details in outlining

the proposed changes as highlighted below:

A single family detached dwelling shall comply with the standards listed below.

Location. A single family detached dwelling shall only be permitted in the

High Uptown Historic District within the UPT zoning district.

Mr. Jones said there is an opportunity for this particular area to have

single-family houses. He said there is a few single-family houses now that are

being used that way and the fact that it is not allowed in the ordinance is

really just an omission. He said they have talked with Historic Columbus and

all this time we thought it allowed single-family houses, so now we are fixing


He said they would be adding a note in the ordinance to state that within

the UPT zoning district, they would only allow the single-family housing in

that High Uptown Historic District because the rest of the district is

predominantly commercial and is not conducive to single-family detached


Mr. Jones said the main changes to the ordinance deals with temporary

uses. He said since they adopted the Unified Development Ordinance in 2005,

they have created temporary uses where they are difficult to obtain, because we

would have situations where traveling amusement parks and carnivals would setup

shops in a commercial parking lot and we weren?t ready to deal with them from a

traffic and public safety standpoint and we needed to put criteria to deal with

them and be ready for them when they came to us and applied for a license. He

said unfortunately, we caught seasonal sales in that temporary use category as

well. He said every since the UDO was adopted in April of 2005, we have came to

the Council every fall asking for a waiver to the temporary use standard

primarily for Christmas tree sales and pumpkin sales. He said to avoid doing

that year after year, they have did some research and found where several

communities have excluded items such as Christmas tree sales, pumpkin sales, as

well as fireworks sales; therefore, they have added language to the UDO which

addresses these issues. He said Christmas tree sales; pumpkin sales and

firework sales would be listed as an exemption in the ordinance, as highlighted


Chapter 3 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

Section 3.2.63.C.1 to add subsections (C), (D), and (E) to read as follows:

(C). Christmas Trees Sales. Christmas tree sales shall be permitted starting

the weekend prior to Thanksgiving and continuing until January 1.

(D). Pumpkin Sales. Pumpkin sales shall be permitted thirty (30) days prior

to October 31.

(E). Fireworks Sales. Fireworks sales shall be permitted for the following:

1) Independence Day. Fireworks sales shall be permitted thirty (30) days prior

to July 4.

2) New Year's Day. Fireworks sales shall be permitted thirty (30) days prior

to January 1.

Chapter 3 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

Section 3.2.63.G.5(A) to read as follows:

(A). Submittal. Applications shall be filed at least 5 days prior to the

opening day of the use or event.

Mr. Johnson also pointed out that we will have a change to our storm-water

management facility and then called upon Ms. Donna Newman, Engineering Director

to explain this change further. He said the way he understands it is that we

don?t have a mechanism in the UDO to manage private detention ponds and

storm-water maintenance facilities; and this language will give us the

oversight to deal with private storm-water management facilities.

Ms. Donna Newman said the reason we have this in the ordinance is because

currently the city only accepts detention ponds that service single-family

residential subdivisions. She said that any other subdivision that would

service a commercial or multi-family development or any other development is

required to be maintained by the owner, and said in previous ordinances, they

had a requirement that explained the differences and responsibilities; however,

when the Unified Development Ordinance was developed that was left out and have

created some problems for them when they have had to go in and enforce this

against a commercial business. She said many times a developer goes in and

develop the property, but then you have a party that comes in and leases the

property, and they don?t always know what the responsibilities are. She said

this is the reason they are requesting this change so they can enforce it, if

they need to; but said typically they always try to work with the businesses to

get them to cut out the detention ponds, and if it is a storm-water water

quality basin, to get them to do routine maintenance on these facilities.

City Manager Hugley said he thinks that this process really works, as we

are now going through the UDO that was adopted in 2005, going through it

section by section, cleaning up typographical errors and fixing omissions and

making adjustments where needed. He said we will go back through the entire UDO

and said after we do that; then we may come back in future years and do the

same section by section because time brings about change. He said this allows

us to keep our UDO current.

Chapter 7 of the Unified Development Ordinance is hereby amended by amending

Section 7.12.7 by adding subsection F to read as follows:

F. Maintenance of Private Storm water Management Facilities. The

owner/operator of a private storm water management facility (i.e., a facility

not accepted by the city that serves any development) shall perpetually be

responsible for proper operation and maintenance of said facility. Failure to

operate a storm water management facility in accordance with this chapter shall

be a violation of this chapter. Should it become necessary for the city to

perform work in order to maintain a private facility, then the city may place a

lien against the property until full reimbursement for the work performed by

city forces is recovered.

City Attorney Fay then asked if there were any questions or anyone, who

wanted to speak to this ordinance, as it is on first reading, but there were


He said the reference to fireworks in this ordinance is only for the type

of fireworks that are allowed for sale in the State of Georgia. He said

whatever Georgia law allows and nothing else.

City Attorney Fay said this ordinance would be voted on in two weeks.

*** *** ***



An Ordinance (09-50) ? Rezoning property located at 5114 Buena Vista Road

from an SFR2 (Single Family residential 2) zoning district to GC (General

Commercial) zoning district. (19-A-09-Nevells/Evans) The proposed use is for

Retail Sales.

Councilor McDaniel moved the adoption of the ordinance. Seconded by

Councilor Woodson and carried unanimously by those nine members of Council

present for this meeting, with Councilor Allen being absent.

*** *** ***

An Ordinance (09-51) ? Rezoning property located at 7462 Old Moon Road

from an SFR1 (Single Family Residential 1) zoning district to RO (Residential

Office) zoning district. (18-A-09-Price) The proposed use is for Personal Care

Home Type II.

Councilor McDaniel moved the adoption of the ordinance. Seconded by

Councilor Davis and carried unanimously by those nine members of Council

present for this meeting, with Councilor Allen being absent.

*** *** ***



IN INCONCLUSIVE VOTES:________________

City Attorney Fay said we have had a lot of discussion previously on these

ordinances and said unless there is further comments we can go ahead and take a

vote on either one of these ordinances.

Councilor Davis said he has a few questions that he would like for the

Mayor to answer before a vote is taken. He also asked Ms. Judy Thomas,

Assistant to the Mayor, to come forward as well.

Councilor Davis then asked if there would be a mission statement that has

already been created, to which Mayor Wetherington answered, yes. In responding

further to Councilor Davis, as to whether or not there would be a job

description and responsibilities that would need to be approved by the Council,

Mayor Wetherington said that is correct.

Mayor Wetherington said the Internal Auditor has been involved in the

process of developing this Crime Prevention Program and will continue to be


Listed below are the additional questions asked by Councilor Davis and the

responses from Mayor Wetherington:

Councilor Davis: There is going to be a set of standards to measure the

performance both in the department and with the service agreements and the

support programs.

Mayor Wetherington: Yes.

Councilor Davis: Every part of this program will be transparent and open

to the public through reports to this Council in which the citizens could

participate or watch.

Mayor Wetherington: Absolutely.

Councilor Davis: If you would, please name for me some of the essential

elements of the mission in achieving the goal of this Crime Prevention Program.

Mayor Wetherington then called upon Ms. Judy Thomas to respond further to

Councilor Davis.

Ms. Judy Thomas said the Crime Prevention program is designed to provide a

mechanism whereby the Council can have oversight on those programs that we are

looking for that will help prevent crime in our community. She said the board

itself, the director will be looking for innovative programs that meet the

standards that the board and Council will set. She said we are looking and

have, we think, setup in the elements of the board, transparency. She said when

they were working on the Local Option Sales Tax proposal, they heard loud and

clearly that transparency is what the citizens wanted; how are you spending our

money. She said not only will there be periodic reports to this Council, but

those meetings are open meetings and the public is welcomed to attend.

Ms. Thomas said the main thing, the goal of the Office of Crime Prevention

is to enhance and improve the programs and services that are offered in our

community that will help to prevent crime. She said we are looking for

standards and we are looking for people who meet those standards; and we are

not looking to have a board or program just to say we have one. She said we are

looking for programs that work and actually prevents crime.

Councilor Hunter pointed out that he has stated in the past that he

supports the board and said he is sponsoring the ordinance, which will create

an 11-member board. He said if we are going to take the ordinances in order and

vote on Item Number 4 first, then 4(a) second, but obviously if Item 4 passes;

then (4)(a) would become moot. He said when he votes for Item 4, and votes no,

he is not voting against the board, what he is saying is that he is voting for

an 11-member board and he just wants to make that perfectly clear on today.

Councilor Henderson said a few weeks ago, he offered an amendment to

remove all references to Section ?F? from both Items 4& 4(a), which resulted in

an inconclusive vote and then asked City Attorney Fay if it was permissible to

renew that motion on today.

City Attorney Fay said, yes, you can make that same motion again.

Councilor Henderson said for clarification, the primary reason for

removing the reference to the Director of Crime Prevention from the main body

of the ordinance because it does states in Section ?F? that the creation of the

Director is addressed in another ordinance. He said he thinks the opportunity

is still there for those who want to vote for the director, to do so.

Therefore, in light of that, he would like to renew his motion to remove all

reference to Section ?F? from Items 4 & 4(a). Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Turner


Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said the reason she supports removing Section ?F?

from the ordinance is because it is actually covered in Item Number Five.

Councilor Henderson, in further clarifying his motion said that in Items

Number 4 & 4(a) where it talks about the creation of the program, which he is

in 100% support of, the only difference in 4 & 4(a) one offers a board made up

of 7-members and the other offers a board made of 11-members.

He said in both 4 & 4(a) Section ?F? references the Director and gives a broad

overview of what the Director?s job will be, but it references Item Number 5,

which is in fact the ordinance that creates the position of Director and

specifies the pay grade and outlines more clearly the duties; therefore, his

motion is to remove Section ?F? from the main body of 4 & 4(a) the ordinance.

City Attorney Fay in further clarifying this matter, said this would take

out the reference to the Director from the enabling statue.

In responding to Councilor Barnes, Councilor Henderson said it is

housecleaning in one sense, but said it also provides the opportunity that if

you wish to vote for the program and against the director, you can do that

because the director won?t be a part of that main body.

Prior to the Mayor calling the question on the motion, members of the

Council expressed their further views on the matter.

Councilor Hunter said he would reiterate what he said two weeks ago and

said he thinks that we need to keep this section in the ordinance; however, it

may be easier if we went ahead and voted on Item Number 5 with regards to the

Crime Prevention Director?s position. He said once we have that position in

place then we wouldn?t have to have any discussion with regards to Items 4 &

4(a) because if we vote for the Crime Prevention Director?s position. He said

in the final analysis, if we are going to vote to create the Crime Prevention

Director, we are going to need Section ?F? and is going to have to come back to

4 or 4(a) and put it back in. He said what he is suggesting that maybe we need

to just go ahead and vote first with regards to the office of Crime


Mayor Wetherington said he is afraid that we are heading in a direction

where we are going to create a board and not the director and said he just

can?t imagine that; where you are going to have a board and not a director.

He said when we went before the citizens of this community, when we were

campaigning for the L.O.S.T., we promised the citizens of this city that we

were going to put a 100 new officers on the streets, as well as hire some

Deputy Marshal?s and Sheriff deputies and do some infrastructure work.

He said we also said we were going to come up with some ways that we could

reduce crime in Columbus, Georgia. He said our citizens have confidence in us

that we were going to reduce crime in Columbus, Georgia.

He spoke for several minutes in expressing his further concerns on this

issue, saying we have to do something to curtail the young people from getting

involved in crime, as well as do something for the people who are getting out

of prison that hopefully, they can get jobs. He said we would need to create

some more recreational centers, as well as staff some of the recreational

centers that we have. He said we have to do something on the front end besides

just having the officers on the street. He said we are going to have to try

something new and give our citizens an opportunity to live in a safe city.

Councilor Anthony said this came out of the Crime Prevention commission

that worked for over six months, and this was their recommendation.

Councilor Hunter then made a substitute motion to vote on Item Number 5.

Seconded by Councilor McDaniel.

An Ordinance ? Authorizing the establishment of the Class Title/Pay Grade

of Crime Prevention Director, Grade 24 in the Position Classification Plan of

the Columbus Consolidated Government; and for other purposes.

City Attorney Fay then pointed out that we would vote on the substitute

motion first.

Members of the Council then expressed their further views and concerns

regarding the creation of the Crime Prevention program, after which the Mayor

then called the question on the substitute motion, which resulted in an

inconclusive vote of 5 ? 4. Voting for the motion was Councilors Anthony,

Barnes, Hunter, McDaniel and Woodson. Voting against the motion was Councilors

Baker, Davis, Henderson and Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh.

Mayor Wetherington then called the question on the original motion made by

Councilor Henderson to delete all references with regards to Section ?F? in

both Items 4 & 4(a). Seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh, which resulted in

an inconclusive vote of 4 ? 5. Voting for the motion was Councilors Baker,

Davis, Henderson and Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh. Voting against the motion was

Councilors Anthony, Barnes, Hunter, McDaniel and Woodson.

Councilor Anthony then made a motion to adopt Item Number 4.

An Ordinance ? Amending Chapter 2 of the Columbus Code by creating the

Office of Crime Prevention Board and Office of Crime Prevention; providing for

appointment of seven (7) Board members; providing terms of office; providing

duties for said Board; and for other purposes.

Councilor Baker said he doesn?t disagree with Councilor Hunter when he

talks about the various agencies and various sectors that we need to coordinate

in a sense; he completely agrees with that, but he also goes back to something

that the Mayor Pro Tem said, just because you disagree doesn?t mean that you

are against crime prevention. He said as he has studied and read through all

the various agreements, there is still some provisions in the various programs

that we are establishing that cause him some concern. He said his particular

support or non-support is not against crime prevention, but there are some

provisions in those agreements that cause him some concern that he is not

comfortable with. He said not necessarily coordinating with agencies, but

direct funding of private organizations, that is an area that he is not

comfortable at all with.

Councilor McDaniel then seconded Councilor Anthony?s motion to adopt the

ordinance approving a 7-member board.

The Mayor then called the question on the motion, which resulted in an

inconclusive vote of 5 ? 4. Voting for the motion was Councilors Anthony,

Barnes, Davis, Henderson and McDaniel. Voting against the motion was Councilors

Baker, Hunter, Woodson and Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh.

Councilor Hunter then made a motion to approve Item Number 4(a). Seconded

by Councilor Woodson.

An Ordinance ? Amending Chapter 2 of the Columbus Code by creating the

Office of Crime Prevention Board and Office of Crime Prevention; providing for

appointment of eleven (11) Board members; providing terms of office; providing

duties for said Board; and for other purposes.

Mayor Wetherington then called the question on the motion, which resulted

in an inconclusive 4 ? 5 vote. Voting for the motion was Councilors Anthony,

Hunter, Woodson and Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh. Voting against the motion was

Councilors Barnes, Baker, Davis, Henderson and McDaniel.

After another inconclusive vote, Councilor Hunter said he supports the

Crime Prevention Director, as well as the board, and said his vote is for an

11-member board, but in the final analysis, if an 11-member board is voted

down, he is going to support a 7-member board because he wants this to happen

in this city. He said the only question is whether or not it will be a 7-member

or 11-member board.

Councilor Anthony said if we go with a 7-member board, we can certainly

add more members as we move along, is that right.

Mayor Wetherington said he would think that we could, but we probably

would have to come back to the Council.

City Attorney Fay then pointed out that we have not had any action votes

on all of those items and said if there are no objections, we will bring back

the items in two weeks.

Councilor Barnes said the reason he put forth the ordinance for a 7-member

board is simply because we need to go ahead and get started with something on

this. He said we had 15 people who spent two and a half months gleaning through

a myriad of things that are involved in crime prevention and said in an effort

to kick start this process, he thought that we could take 7-members from the

15-member commission, which are all part of a district. He said he is not

against or adverse to the 11-member board and would prefer it that we have more

representation from the district. He said the Mayor went to the entire city

when he went out talking to the citizens about the Local Option Sales Tax;

therefore, he feels that the entire city should be represented. He said he just

wanted to get this program started, which is essential to starting the full

program, along with hiring the police officers.

Councilor Woodson said she is supporting the 11-member board because we

always have in this community people that comes forward and say the same people

are on the same boards all the time. She said this is a board that is supposed

to belong to the people of Columbus, Georgia as they are the people that voted

for the one-cent sales tax for the crime prevention program. She said just

because you have an 11-member board that doesn?t mean that those 7 people

cannot be a part of that board. She said she would think that you want some

grassroots individuals on this board that are out there day and night

experiencing and knowing which programs work and those that don?t. She said

that is her reason behind the 11-member board because she always believes that

you need those grassroots individuals as part of the community.

She said the director is vital to the program, but she doesn?t agree with

the salary and thinks it should be a little less. She said the board is also

needed, because it will be there to guide the director.

Mayor Wetherington said this Council will have to make the final decision

and the only reason he suggested a 7-member board is to select from the people

that have been on the Commission for the last several months.

Councilor Hunter said in his opinion, the Crime Prevention Director?s

position is so vitally important and we don?t have enough votes on tonight to

vote one way or the other. He said if we voted in a board tonight, we would

have a board without a director and said he would rather wait to see whether or

not we are going to have a director.

Mayor Wetherington said he doesn?t know where this program is going, but

said he is still passionate about getting it approved.

Councilor Anthony said out of the six councilors who are present here

tonight, he thinks we have enough who are in favor or either Item 4 or 4(a) and

the only difference is whether or not we have a 7-member or 11-member board and

it would seem to him that we could agree to go ahead and vote on Item 4, to go

ahead and start with 7-members and then later on next year come back and add

new board members, but to get the project moving.

Mayor Wetherington pointed out that we have already voted on it one time.

City Attorney Fay said we could certainly take a re-vote because we didn?t

have an item pass. He said if someone wants to make the same motion they can do


Councilor McDaniel said it doesn?t make sense to have a board and then not

have a director. He said it doesn?t matter what kind of committee you have, you

still are going to need a director. He said he thinks that we need to wait and

see if we are going to have a director before voting on the board again.

Councilor Davis said what Councilor Henderson was trying to do with his

amendment to the ordinance is not being waived here and everyone is missing the

point. He said there has already been talk and everyone is on the same page

that there are some initial programs that are already out there that are making

a difference; where we have pretty much agreed that we want to give the funding

to them and support these programs and get them going. He said whether you have

a director or not, you can expedite the support that these programs needs

without having that person in place. He said whether it?s a person from within

or whether having a director that you hire; you can expedite these programs, as

the funding is already in place. He said he thinks that is what Councilor

Henderson was trying to say.

Mayor Wetherington asked who is going to administer the program if you

don?t have a director.

Councilor Davis said whether it?s your office, he can?t give you a name

today, but as he said earlier; whether it?s from within this government or if

there is a person that is dedicated as a director. He said the point that is

being missed is that the funding has already been approved and we have programs

out there that we can go ahead and assist and support today.

He said he don?t think that the message came across strong when Councilor

Henderson was making a proposal to move ahead and let?s take steps in the

process, which is not a bad idea.

He said when you have a director and an office, it is still going to take

time to find this person and then you have to go through further process before

the funding start reaching the sources and making a difference.

After more than an hour of discussion on this subject, City Attorney Fay

said we will bring all three of these items back in two weeks and the Council

can vote on them in any order that they chose at that time.

Councilor Hunter then pointed out that there are going to be some members

of the Council absent during that meeting attending the National League of

Cities Conference.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh then asked City Attorney Fay if we could have an

official meeting the first week in December, if we call for it.

Mayor Wetherington said he would put if off and would notify the City

Attorney as to when to list this matter again.

*** *** ***


City Attorney Fay said we would like to have an executive session after

the adjournment of the meeting to discuss a matter of potential litigation.

*** *** ***


Councilor Hunter said he would like to call for a resolution honoring the

Columbus High School girls? softball team for winning the State Championship,

as well as the Northside High School girls? softball team for coming second in

the State.

City Attorney Fay said they are both in process, they are waiting on the

roster for each team.

*** *** ***


Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh asked that City Attorney Fay to prepare a

resolution of condolences for the family of Mr. Harold Bryant.

------------------------------------*** ***




SUMMARY OF THEIR COMMENTS:_________________________________________________




Mr. James Wilkes came forward and said he is here tonight regarding a

problem with two pieces of property that he owns here in Columbus.

He said he didn?t receive a tax bill on either one of his properties until

November of last year and said they don?t know why because they have their

correct address. He said once they didn?t receive a bill by the first of

October, they did followed up with the tax office, which were kind enough to

give them a replacement bill.

Mr. Wilkes said they wrote two checks, Check #238 & #239, which was

written on November 28, 2008 and mailed on the same day to pay for their taxes.

He said since they had the problem in 2008 in receiving their tax bill, they

followed up this year to make sure that they were going to get their bills in

June or July and did receive the bills in August.

He said they noticed on the bill that their 2008 taxes had not been paid

and was totally unaware of that and said they called the tax office to verify

the fact and was told that it had not been paid. He said they were told they

never received the checks. He said since the checks were never cashed, they

can?t produce any canceled checks, but said they do have copies of their check

registers and copies of the bills where they made notations of the checks and

the dates they were mailed, which is their only evidence.

Mr. Wilkes said since they received no notice of the unpaid taxes until it

showed up on their tax bill in 2009, that means they were never given a chance

to correct the problem until then and now. He said in view of this, we feel

that it is somewhat unfair to charge them a penalty or interest on their taxes;

especially in light of their past record for the last twenty-five years in this

city has been to pay their taxes on time, and have never had a late notice on


He said as a retired person and a senior in this area, it does produce a

serious financial problem to expect them to pay both their 2008 & 2009 taxes,

plus penalties and interests all at one time.

Mr. Wilkes said they received their tax bills correctly this year and went

ahead and paid the first two installments on the two homes that they own, which

was paid with Check #3380, with Wachovia Bank and Check #6699 with CB & T Bank

and mailed on the same day in the same envelop. He said as of Sunday, October

25th only one check has been cashed and said they don?t know why. He said what

they would like to request of this Council is to have the penalty and interest

waived, in as much as they were not notified until late this year that their

taxes had not been paid. He said they could have taken corrective action in

January, if someone had notified them that the taxes were delinquent. He said

also with their record of having paid their taxes all these years, he thinks it

is evident that they are not trying to defraud Muscogee County or the City of


He said they would like to find out why only one check has been cashed

as it has been ample time for that other check to be cashed and cleared. He

said he don?t want the same kind of situation coming up again where they are

charged with penalty and interest for taxes that are not paid and don?t get

notified until they get their tax bills in 2010.

Councilor McDaniel said the letter that we received from Tax Commissioner

Huff says that her position is that the property owner has never been late with

tax payments in the past and that her office finds no evidence of gross or

willful neglect by the property owner; therefore, he would like to make a

recommendation that we waive the penalty and interest. Seconded by Councilor


Tax Commissioner Lula Huff said for 2008 on the property that you have

before you, they mailed out the bill in a timely basis with all other tax bills

that are sent. She said it was not returned to them therefore, they have to

assume that the post office made the delivery of the bill. She said by law, if

it is not paid by the due date, they are required by law to attach penalty and

interest to it and said that is why it was attached on October 1, having not

received the 40% or the 60% on it. She said having not received the canceled

checks back, it would have been nice had Mr. Wilkes contacted their office and

said they had not received it and asked what?s the status of it. She said the

process that they use for doing this is a process that is used throughout

Muscogee County and every taxpayer out there is penalized if they have not paid

their taxes by the deadline that has been established by you, by virtue of your

own ordinance, 9-34, Section 10.

She said in reference to Mr. Wilkes second inquiry concerning only one

check having been cashed, this is her first knowledge of this having happened

because they deposit their checks and receipts from the taxpayers immediately,

within 24-hours. She said if that is the case, evidently they didn?t receive

the second check in the envelope.

Tax Commissioner Huff then responded to questions of members of the


Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh then asked Tax Commissioner Huff if she knows

approximately how many individuals have come before this Council and we have

not refunded their interest or penalty for the same reason that Mr. Wilkes is

here, where they say they didn?t receive their tax bill. She asked if it is

just automobile tags where we are not required to send out notification, so

it?s up to the individual to pay their automobile taxes on time or is it both

of them.

Tax Commissioner Huff said on property taxes, they have to send out the

notices for. She said for motor vehicle registration, it is a courtesy. She

said with respect to the number of individuals that you have waived the penalty

and interest on when they have not received their bill; since she has been here

she can?t remember any.

City Attorney Fay said he is only aware of one of dozens of cases.

Mr. Wilkes said Ms. Huff?s office has been extremely helpful to them, very

cooperative. He said Mr. Clouatre worked with him and allowed him to fill out

this form and request this meeting. He said it is not a situation where he

finds any fault with the tax office at all; sometimes things just seems like in

the post office or whatever, they disappear down a black hole and maybe that?s

what happened.

He said they have had a problem a couple of times with them getting their

bills, but any time they contacted the tax office, they have worked with them

very well and cooperated with them.

After more than thirty minutes of discussion on this matter, the question

was then called on Councilor McDaniel?s motion to grant the waiver on the

penalty and interest, which resulted in a 4 ? 5 inconclusive vote. Voting for

the motion was Councilors Barnes, Davis, Hunter and McDaniel. Voting against

the motion was Councilors Baker, Henderson, Woodson and Mayor Pro Tem Turner


Councilor Davis asked Tax Commissioner Huff if there is any way that a

citizen can go on line and see if their bill has been paid or not. Tax

Commissioner said no, not yet, but they can call her office and we can check

for them and let them know. She said in the future that is a process we would

like to have available to the citizens. She said when you do get your bill, at

the request of the Mayor, if you have delinquent taxes, it is listed on that


Councilor Hunter said the vote was inconclusive and then asked if it would

be possible for Mr. Wilkes to come back in four weeks when we have a full


Speaking to Mr. Wilkes, City Attorney Fay said you could ask the Clerk of

Council to list this matter again in four weeks when we have a full Council.

Mr. Wilkes said he is not sure whether or not he will be able to get back down

here because he has been extremely ill and in the hospital in North Carolina

over the last twelve months. He said he is not sure if he can make it in four

weeks, but said he can cooperate with the Clerk of Council and schedule it for

another meeting when there will be a full Council.

City Attorney Fay said that would be fine, he could just coordinate that

with Ms. Washington.

Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said when this matter comes before the Council

again, asked Tax Commissioner Huff to bring us the dollar amount in penalties

and interests that are out there for the number of individuals who have not

paid their taxes, or who have paid their taxes, but paid the penalty and


*** *** ***





PROPERTY: _______________

Ms. Kathy Evers, 627 3rd Avenue said she is here tonight speaking on

behalf of the Historic District Preservation Society, which is the neighborhood

organization in central Columbus. She said that she is here to request on

behalf of Historic Columbus Foundation, in collaboration with the Historic

District Preservation Society, (HOPS), for Council to expand METRA's Parking

Management District to include all of the Columbus Historic District. She said

METRA currently enforces parking requirements from 14th to 9th Street, Bay to

3rd Avenue in the Uptown area. She said they are asking that this area be

expanded to include 8th to 4th Street and Front Avenue to 3rd Avenue, which

would include the residential area adjacent to Uptown in order to curb the

illegal parking on the city property.

She said each of the avenues in the streets and district with the

exception of Broadway have up to 20 feet of green space between the street and

the sidewalk and said this space is city-owned and city maintained.

Ms. Evers said parking is allowed on a defined parking pad or a driveway,

but yet it is not uncommon to find five or six cars parked in front of a single

property. She said their neighborhood organization has reached out to inform

the public of the parking laws and educate them on parking solutions through

their monthly newsletter to their members by hand-delivering a booklet to every

property in the Historic district prepared by our beautification committee and

through one on one conversations with proprietary, property owners and


She said in addition to that the Engineering Department has partnered with

the Board of Historic & Architectural Review to allow paved drives to terminate

at the City?s sidewalk, if assessed to one?s personal property is not

available. She said the investment in the Historic District is substantial,

over the last 10 years the property values of all the parcels in the District

have increased from $24.5 million to $53.6 million. She said since 1992

Historic Columbus Foundation has provided $262 in interest-free loans for

improvements in that neighborhood alone. She said proof of the importance of

the City?s property to the esthetics? of the District was HCF?s willingness to

allow those zero interest free loans, which once was reserved for only

stabilization or restoration of Historic facades for the construction of

driveways on public property and still violations continue.

Ms. Evers said their only course of action is to call 911 and report these

infractions, but said many of us hesitate to tie up valuable public safety

resources for non-emergency issues. She said they realize that funding may not

be available at this time to increase METRA?s authorization, but said having

the expansion approved now will allow for needed enforcement in the future when

funding is available. She said they feel certain that regular monitoring and

enforcement by an authoritative body will help illegal parking and stop the

erosion of the public space. She said this request does not interfere with what

a resident does on his property, nor does it add or modify any law; however,

they are simply asking for additional assistance in enforcing those laws.

Councilor Woodson said she would appreciate it if Ms. Evers would allow

her to take this matter to METRA and discuss it. She said we would take a look

at what we can do. She then asked Ms. Evers if she could identify anyone in the

district that is handicapped that tries to park closer.

Ms. Evers said that would be recognizable by a ramp.

Councilor Woodson said she just wants to make sure that METRA has the

workforce to do this and also that we identify those specific handicapped

areas. She said she wouldn?t want us to make a decision here today without

METRA taking a look into this matter. She said the Director of METRA is present

here tonight and said we will get together and meet on this matter.

Ms. Evers said they came in anticipation of METRA not having the manpower

necessarily to do this right now. She said what they were asking for is the

inclusion of their mandate, should the manpower become available that we could

resource them.

After further discussion of this matter, Mayor Wetherington said he would

remind Chief Boren, Major Graham about this situation and as Councilor Woodson

has stated, we will talk with parking enforcement personnel and maybe we can

give you some relief in this matter.

*** *** ***



Mr. Paul Olson spoke earlier during the meeting and did not respond when

called upon to address the Council on these subject matters.

*** *** ***



Mr. Jim Rhodes came forward and expressed his strong views regarding the

Moon Road widening project, as well as a Veterans? Center for the veterans here

in the Columbus area.

City Manager Hugley, in response to Mayor Wetherington, as to what is the

status of Moon Road, said the information that the Director of the Planning

Department Rick Jones indicates that there are two phases to the Moon Road


He said the first phase is from Wilbur to Whittlesey Road; which will go

from a 2-lane to 3-lane and said final plans are almost complete. He said most

of what is left to be completed, involves the coordination with the local

utilities; and once this work has been accomplished, the final right-of-way

drawings can be finalized. He said once they have the plans acquisition for a

construction easement, property purchases could then begin. He said the

right-of-way acquisition phase would take a minimum of eighteen months, as

there are 100 properties that will be impacted.

City Manager Hugley said the process is moving; it?s an active process;

however, it?s unfortunate it doesn?t move as fast as we all want it to move. He

said it?s only been recently that we came to an agreement whether or not Moon

Road was going to be a 4-lane or a 3-lane.

He said the phase from J. R. Allen Parkway to Veterans Parkway, which is

2-lanes to 4-lanes, those construction plans are completed and the acquisition

for the needed construction easements have begun. He said the construction

easements will be needed from 18 different properties along the roadway and no

additional right-of-way will be required. He said it is anticipated that this

project will be completed in early January 2010 with construction to follow

immediately thereafter.

City Manager Hugley said the project would take approximately 18 months to

complete. He said those are the two sections of Moon Road that are moving

along. He said he wished that we could speed it up, but said some things are

out of our control.

Mr. Rhodes asked if the design that will be going from Wilbur to

Whittlesey Road would include sidewalks. City Manager Hugley said he believes

it does include sidewalks. He said all roads widening with the Georgia

Department of Transportation now include sidewalks.

Mayor Wetherington said you have been down a number of times talking about

Moon Road, but said just recently, the Council decided to do something with

Moon Road, acquiring the property and doing all the things that has to be done

to widen that road, it takes a little time. He said he knows that you are

frustrated, but said at least we are doing something out there.

He said we are doing what has to be done in order to make the improvements on

the road that you want to see. He said just give us time as things are moving

in the right direction now.

Mr. Rhodes continued to express his strong views on the widening of Moon

Road. He also said he would like to ask the Council?s support of a new

Veterans? Center. He said we have talked about this for about five years now

and said that Senator Isakson said that we are going to get one by the end of

2010, as there is money in the stimulus funds. He said we have to do

something. He said we have to be active and let them know that we are counting

on him to do it. He said we want a Veteran Center and said he has asked the

City Manager to try to find some land around the new Library for it.

He said from what he understands the VA doesn?t want Martin Army Hospital

because it will cost $1 million for utilities every year. He said the majority

of the veterans that he has talked with want a Veterans? Center downtown in

Columbus. He said we need to get something moving now because if we don?t it

will go somewhere else. He said he would hope that Councilors Barnes and

Woodson to get the votes to say that this City support a new Veterans? Center.

Mayor Wetherington said if the Senator came to us and said that we are

going to put a Veterans? Center in Columbus, Georgia he believes that we will

find the land. He told Mr. Rhodes to get him to come down and talk with the

City Manager and we will try to find the land.

Mr. Rhodes said they are getting it confused with a hospital as opposed to

a clinic. He said this is for post-traumatic stress syndrome. He said this is

for persons coming out of these terrible wars, as well as for their families


He said we are talking about 60,000 people just in Columbus alone that will be

using this facility. He said if they build one here, they can use it for Phenix

City, Russell County and all of the surrounding areas.

Councilor Barnes said he would like to thank Mr. Rhodes for what he does

and said he never gives up, but keeps pushing. He said he agrees with the Mayor

that our emphasis on Moon Road was due to his prodding, and empathies that you

put to it. He said many of the Veterans in this area do want a Veterans Center.

He said we do have enough Veterans here where we do need one. He said we have

been gathering numbers and signatures and after the Veterans Day parade, there

will be a big meeting where our focus will be generating support among the

citizens for a Veterans? Center. He said he appreciates you coming down here

and letting the people at-large know what your concerns are for Veterans as you

have been fighting for the Veterans? rights for a long time and he respects you

for that greatly. He said it is just a matter of us staying focus. He said

Congressman Bishop did say that he is for a Veterans? Center.

Councilor Woodson said there is some confusion that may be clarified in

the meeting because there are some Veterans asking for a hospital and there are

some Veterans that are asking for a clinic. She said she is hoping that we can

clarify that in this meeting because she thinks this is the reason that we are

not getting the responses that we need from our different Congressmen. She said

one is being asked for a clinic and one is being asked for a hospital.

Mr. Rhodes said Public Law of 1979 provides for the centers, it doesn?t

provide for hospitals and said that is the thing that we are working on. He

said Congress has already approved it.

Councilor Woodson said there is also conversation about a Veterans?

hospital and said that is what Congressman Bishop was talking about in

reference to combining it with Martin Army Hospital. She said the resources

would be there and you wouldn?t have to re-invent the wheel or provide

additional resources. She said the people that went to the clinic, instead of

going to Tuskegee would just go on Fort Benning to make it a little easier for

the other treatments. She said in the meetings that is one of the things that

we need to clarify because you have two Congressmen trying to answer to the

Veterans, but you have two different issues going on and we need to combine


City Manager Hugley said he don?t understand the comment from Mr. Rhodes

about someone getting shot walking out of J. C. Penney and down the sidewalk

out at Peachtree Mall. He said he just wants the record to show that Peachtree

Mall ,? he wants them to be treated fairly. He said he don?t want it over the

air and said he don?t want people to be scared to go to J. C. Penney or

Peachtree Mall and wanted to set the record straight.

Mr. Rhodes said he didn?t mean to say shot. He said we don?t have markings

as you come out of J. C. Penney to go out into the parking area and said the

cars come by there doing 30 or 40 miles per hour and you see people in

wheelchairs sometimes and there is no crossing for them to cross at.

He said about a year ago, he talked to the people out at the mall first

and they didn?t see it as a problem and then he called the City Manager?s

office, but he didn?t remember what happened. He said someone is going to get

killed out there walking out of the store because people are so much in a hurry

and don?t want to slow down. He said J. C. Penney is one of his favorite


Councilor Barnes said with respect to the Veterans? Center said what they

want is a medical center. He said they already have clinics here in the area

and we can go to the one on 13th Street. He said the clinic is not the issue,

but the issue is having a Veterans? Center. He said the main focus of having it

here in Columbus is the fact that not all Veterans are retirees and have the

identification to be able to get on Fort Benning and that is the issue for

having it here in Columbus.

After more than twenty minutes of discussion on this subject, this matter

was concluded.

*** *** ***




Mr. Bert Coker, who requested to be listed on today?s public agenda, did

not respond when given the opportunity to address the Council.

------------------------------------*** ***







WITH COUNCILOR ALLEN BEING ABSENT:___________________________________________

A Resolution (400-09) ? Authorizing the submission of the Recovery Bond

Notice of Intent to Issue Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds in the

amount of $2,090,000 and Recovery Zone Facility Bonds in the amount of


City Manager Hugley said both types of Recovery Zone Bonds would expire on

December 31, 2010 and said what we are asking you to do in this resolution is

to allow us to notify the Department of Community Affairs that we intend to use

both bonds. He said if we don?t notify them by this deadline, then they will

reallocate those bonds funding opportunity to other portions of the State; so,

we want to put them on notice and this is what we are doing.

Councilor Davis then asked, from a Federal standpoint is there a criterion

for the private developments.

City Manager Hugley said it is in the materials provided. He said the

Recovery Zone Economic Development Bonds are for public infrastructure and

facilities and the Recovery Zone Facility Bonds are tax-exempt private activity

bonds for financing Economy Development. He said the Recovery Zone Economic

Bond has an option to issue as a tax credit bond a direct pay taxable bond that

will benefit the borrower with a 45 percent direct subsidy from the U. S.

Treasury on interest payments; so there are guidelines and they tell you

exactly how this system is to be used.

Councilor Davis said what you are saying, is if we don?t apply, we don?t

get it, there is a deadline. City Manager Hugley said we have to let them know

that we intend to apply and we will determine if we are able to use the $2

million that is available to us when we go through the bond packing that we are

doing right now that we brought to you a few weeks ago; for the $131.5


A Resolution (401-09) ? Authorizing the submission of an application, and

if approved, accepts an Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Justice

Assistance Grant for $265,755 through the American Recovery and Reinvestment

Act (ARRA) of 2009.

A Resolution (402-09) ? Authorizing the approval of a variance to the City

Code Section 4.4.22 Encroachments into public rights-of-way to allow the new

YMCA, 1237 1st Avenue, to attach a marquis sign into the Broadway right-of-way

beyond the maximum encroachment of five feet to allow a permanent encroachment

of 6 ft. 6 inches.

A Resolution (403-09) ? Authorizing the execution of a "Temporary and

Limited Purpose Easement Agreement" with The Medical Center Hospital Authority

for the use part of the unused Rail Line from 18th Street to 10th Avenue.

A Resolution (404-09) ? Authorizing the approval to enter into a

Memorandum of Understanding with the development partnership of Thayer, Burgin

and Willis for construction of a two lane roadway between Garret and Macon


*** *** ***






A Resolution (405-09) ? Authorizing the approval of the purchase of

various ancillary equipment from Hall-Mark Fire Apparatus, Inc., (Ocala,

Florida) in the amount of $54,611.85. The equipment will be installed on

recently purchased pumpers that will be utilized by the Fire/EMS Department at

Station #1. The ancillary equipment includes: axes, hydrant wrench, shovels,

rope, various nozzles, folding ladder and various other rescue equipment. To

accomplish this purchase, the City is participating in an RFP administered by

the City of Tallahassee, Florida. The City?s Procurement Ordinance, Article

9-101, ?Cooperative Purchasing Authorized,? allows for participation in the RFP.

The RFP administered by the City of Tallahassee, Request for Proposal No.

0152-05-VA-TC, is an annual contract for Fire Apparatus and Special Application

Vehicles. Hall-Mark Fire Apparatus was the successful vendor and entered into

Contract #1274 with the City of Tallahassee for a 5-year period, with the

option to renew for an additional five years. The contract began on June 15,

2006. The procurement process administered by the City of Tallahassee meets

the procurement requirements of Columbus Consolidated Government; and Hallmark

has agreed to provide the fire apparatus to the City under the same contract.

A Resolution (406-09) ? Authorizing the approval of the contract with

Hecht Burdeshaw Architects, Inc., (Columbus, GA) in the amount of $92,714, for

architectural/engineering services related to the Riverwalk ?14th Street Bridge


Recently, the Georgia Department of Transportation awarded $3.5 million in

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) funds (Stimulus funding)

for the redevelopment of the 14th Street Pedestrian Bridge. With these funds

the city will be able to complete this vital section of the Riverwalk for the

community. This project however cannot begin without the completion of the

necessary architectural and engineering documentation. The approval of this

contract will authorize the final design work for the 14th Street Bridge begun

in 2004, by Hecht Burdeshaw Architects, under a previous contract with Uptown

Columbus. This contract will include producing bid documents, negotiation

services and construction administration services. Hecht Burdeshaw Architects

is recommended to complete the design services due to their experience,

knowledge and previous work on the project.

A Resolution (407-09) ? Authorizing the purchase of one hundred (100)

MW810 mobile data/ automatic vehicle location (AVL) workstations, in the amount

of $1,120,700 from Motorola Corporation. The unit cost for the Mobile Data/AVL

is $11,207. The equipment will be installed in police vehicles purchased due

to the expansion of the Police Department?s authorized strength by one hundred

new officers.

This purchase is part of a continuing project aimed at equipping all

appropriate public safety vehicles with advanced technology, in order to

maximize the efficiency of public safety response calls, for service, from the

public. Per Resolution No. 431-00 (RFP No. 00-0022), Council awarded a

contract with Motorola to provide mobile data units for public safety

departments. To maintain uniformity of the equipment, the City has continued

to purchase the equipment from Motorola. Consequently, the vendor is

considered the only known source to provide the equipment, in accordance with

the Procurement Ordinance, Article 3-114.

A Resolution (408-09) ? Authorizing the execution of a contract with

Renaissance Marketing, Inc., (Savannah, Georgia), to provide bus advertising to

be placed on the exterior and/or interior of METRA buses.

The contract term shall be for two years with the option to renew for three (3)

additional twelve-month periods. The contract renewal will be contingent upon

the mutual agreement of the City and the Contractor.

A Resolution (409-09) ? Authorizing the execution of a contract amendment

with Jordan, Jones & Goulding (Columbus, GA) for additional engineering

services required for the Veterans Parkway Widening Project from Old Moon Road

to Hancock Road in the amount of $341,650, plus payment for any contingencies

due to unforeseen issues.

Georgia DOT is requiring that the City move forward and complete the

preliminary design for this project in order to facilitate the acquisition of

the Right of Way. The amendment to the contract is required due to several

changes that have occurred over the last three years while waiting for

Categorical Exclusion to be approved by the Federal Highway Administration.

*** *** ***


Councilor Woodson said she has a letter regarding some abandoned property

that she would like for the staff to look into.

*** *** ***


Councilor Woodson said she would like for the City Manager and his staff

to look into a request for a speed bump on Mongolian Avenue.

*** *** ***

Councilor Woodson said she would like to thank to everyone for the prayers

and telephone calls during the last two weeks during her mother?s illness. She

said she would like to especially thank the Sheriff?s Department for the

Chaplain that came out to pray with them.

*** *** ***


Councilor Anthony said he would like for the City Manager to have the

staff to check the area of 17th Avenue & 22nd Avenue and 11th Avenue to 15th

Avenue where there is leaves backup.

------------------------------------*** ***






Notice of GMA?s 2010 Mayors? Day Conference, January 22, 2010 through January

25, 2010, in Atlanta, Georgia.

Memorandum from GMA, Re: District 8 Fall Meeting, November 18, 2009, Marion

County Senior Center, in Buena Vista, Georgia.

Copy of the audited financial statements and the Compliance Reports for the

Columbus Department of Public Health for the year ended June 30, 2009.

Memorandum from Clerk of Council Washington, Re: Convention & Trade Center


Memorandum from Clerk of Council Washington, Re: Uptown Facade Board.

Memorandum from Clerk of Council Washington, Re: Local Government Advisory

Body. (State-wide Water Management Plan)

Letter from Ms. Elizabeth Barker, Historic Columbus Foundation, Inc.,

requesting an expansion of METRA?s management area to include all of the

Columbus Historic District.

Mayor?s Committee for Persons with Disabilities Weekly Report for the week of

September 21, 2009 through September 28, 2009.

*** *** ***


WASHINGTON AND APPROVED BY THE COUNCIL:_______________________________

A Resolution (410-09) ? Approving and receiving the report of the Finance

Director of those alcoholic beverage licenses that were approved and/or denied

during the month of September 2009. Councilor Henderson moved the adoption of

the resolution. Seconded by Councilor McDaniel and carried unanimously by those

nine members of Council present for this meeting, with Councilor Allen being


*** *** ***




Clerk of Council Washington submitted information from City Manager Hugley

requesting consideration to approve naming of the new city service building

?The J. R. Allen Consolidated Government City Service Center?.

Councilor Henderson moved the request be forwarded to the Board of Honor

for a recommendation. Seconded by Councilor Baker.

Councilor McDaniel said this name if awfully long that you are proposing

and said he was wondering if it would be better to just say the J. R. Allen

City Service Center. He said everybody knows it is the Consolidated Government

and he would propose that we take Consolidated

Government out and just have it beneath it.

City Manager Hugley said he doesn't have a problem with that, it could be

the J. R. Allen City Service Center and then right below that, have Columbus

Consolidated Government in small print.

Councilor Anthony said maybe it could say the J. R. Allen Citizens Service


The question was then called on the motion to refer this matter to the

Board of Honor, which carried unanimously by those nine members of Council

present for this meeting, with Councilor Allen being absent.

*** *** ***




Board of Tax Assessors, No. 36-09.

Board of Water Commissioners, September 14, 2009.

Board of Zoning Appeals, July 3, 2009.

Board of Zoning Appeals, August 5, 2009.

Civic Center Advisory Board, January 15, 2009.

Civic Center Advisory Board, February 19, 2009.

Civic Center Advisory Board, April 23, 2009.

Convention & Visitors Bureau, September 8, 2009.

Convention & Visitors Bureau, September 16, 2009.

Development Authority, September 3, 2009.

Housing Authority, March 18, 2009.

Housing Authority, April 15, 2009.

Housing Authority, May 20, 2009.

Uptown Facade Board, September 21, 2009.

Councilor McDaniel made a motion that the minutes be received. Seconded by

Councilor Henderson and carried unanimously by those nine members of Council

present for this meeting, with Councilor Allen being absent.

*** *** ***



A Resolution (411-09) ? Excusing Councilor R. Gary Allen from the October

27, 2009 Council Meeting. Councilor Henderson moved the adoption of the

resolution. Seconded by Councilor Baker and carried unanimously by those nine

members of Council present for this meeting, with Councilor Allen being absent.

*** *** ***





Petition submitted by Robert M. McKenna to rezone 3.136 acres of property

located at 7590 Moon Road from SFR1 (Single Family Residential 1) to RMF2

(Residential Multi Family 2). (Recommended for approval by both the Planning

Advisory Commission and the Planning Department.) (23-A-09-McKenna)

*** *** ***



Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that the terms of office of

Ms. Jeannie McKee, Dr. John Bloszies, Dr. Patrice Holt and Ms. Gail Simpson on

the Animal Control Advisory Board expired on October 15, 2009. She said Ms.

McKee, and Dr. Bloszies are both eligible to succeed themselves, but Dr. Holt

and Ms. Simpson are not eligible to succeed themselves. She said Dr. Bloszies

represents the Veterinary Association and Ms. McKee and Ms. Simpson serve in an

at-large position and Dr. Holt is also a veterinarian that must practice in a

one-stop pet registration program.

Councilor Henderson then nominated Ms. McKee and Dr. Bloszies to succeed

themselves for another term of office. Clerk of Council Washington said she

would bring this back in two weeks for the Council?s confirmation.

*** *** ***



Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Mr. Hidoe Kabumoto has

resigned his seat on the C.I.R.C.L.E. and pointed out that Council needs to

nominate someone to fill this unexpired position.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Mr. Tyrone Rowe is no longer

a resident of Muscogee County and pointed out that this is

Council District 6 representative and that Councilor Allen is working on

getting a replacement for someone to fill this unexpired term.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that we are still working trying to

get a replacement for someone to fill the seat of Rev. Joseph Roberson, who is

no longer a resident of Muscogee County.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that we would need to submit three

nominees to the Hospital Authority for someone to fill the unexpired term of

the late Mr. Franklyn Lambert from which the Authority will select someone.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Ms. Susie Hamlet, the

District 7 representative on the Keep Columbus Beautiful Commission cannot

succeed herself for another term of office.

Councilor Woodson asked Clerk of Council Washington to go ahead and

contact Ms. Gloria Weston Smart and get the name of the individual that they

are recommending for this position.

Clerk of Council Washington also pointed out that we need someone to fill

Ms. Peggy Myles' seat for the District 1 representative, as she is no longer a

resident of District One.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Dr. John E. Stephens has

resigned from his position as the District 9 representative on the Public

Safety Advisory Commission and this is Councilor Anthony's appointment.

Councilor Anthony then nominated Mr. John Pezold. Clerk of Council

Washington said because this is a District appointment, Mr. Pezold can be

confirmed. Councilor Henderson so moved. Seconded by Councilor Baker and

carried unanimously by those nine members of Council present for this meeting,

with Councilor Allen being absent.

She also pointed out that Sarah Sillitto's District 5 seat has been

declared vacant and that Councilor Baker is working on getting a replacement

for this position.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Mr. Bradford Haines has

resigned from his District 2 seat on the Recreation Advisory Board and advises

that Councilor Davis is working on a replacement for this position.

*** *** ***


Clerk of Council Washington pointed out that Councilor Henderson is

nominating Ms. Emily Lewis for his Council District 10 representative and that

she may be confirmed. Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh moved she he confirmed.

Seconded by Councilor Henderson and carried unanimously by those nine members

of Council present with Councilor Allen being absent.

Clerk of Council Washington also pointed out that we still need nominees

for the following Districts for the 2009/2010 school years on the Youth

Advisory Council. Council Districts 1, 2, 7, 9 and the Mayor's appointment.

*** *** ***


Councilor McDaniel said he thinks this Council should adopt a resolution

commending Mr. Franklyn Lambert for all of his service to the community and

said he would like for it to be sponsored by the entire Council.

*** *** ***


Councilor Woodson asked Clerk of Council Washington if she needs a

representative for the Youth Advisory Council for District 7 or did the young

man who represented the district last year is still on there. Clerk of Council

Washington said she would have to check on that, as she is not sure of what the

status of that young man is.

*** *** ***


Councilor Henderson said during the passing of his mother and the grieving

period that his family went through, he would like to publicly express to every

member of this Council, the Clerk's office, the City Attorney's office, the

City Manager's staff, how much it meant for all of us to see all of you there

and the support we received from everyone. He said on behalf of his family, he

would like to say thank you.

*** *** ***


City Manager Hugley said he inadvertently left off the Finance Report from

his Agenda and said he would like to call up Finance Director Pam Hodge to give

the Finance Report.

Finance Director Pam Hodge then went into some details in giving the

September Revenue Report. She pointed out in the Local Option Sales Tax there

are 82 of the 100 police officers hired at the end of September. She said

there are four of the E-911 positions and one of the court related positions

that were approved and is filled by the end of September. She said revenues

collected for two months worth of collections on the 70% is $4.1 million and

for the 30% revenue collected is $1.7 million; which represents two months of

collection. She also pointed out that they outlined the itemized details of

what has been spent in each of the different departments was included in the

information provided to the Council. She said the majority of the public

safety expenditures have to do with the $3,000 supplement that was approved.

Ms. Hodge said on the operating funds the September 2009 report, the

general funds shows that we are down 16.97% from this same period of time last

year. She said in FY-09, it did include the Continental Carbon settlement, so

if you take that out, general funds revenues are actually up 2.42% from where

we were last year. She said we have had two months of sales tax collection and

for those two months compared to the same two months last year, we were up

9.36%. She said we did get a check from the State in September, which was much

greater than it has been in the past.

Sewer Fund up 4.73%. Paving Fund down 6.39%. Ms. Hodge said some of these

funds where the majority of some of these funds are from taxes, we won't see

that until the October report. She said we have received some revenue from the

Tax Commissioner Office and we are seeing good tax collections for the month of


Medical Center Fund down 6.82%. Integrated Waste Fund down slightly 4.15%

which represents about a $75,000 decrease in the Integrated Waste Fund. The

E-911 Fund is down slightly at 1.29% which represents about $5,000 decrease in

that fund. Economic Development down 6.82%.

Debt Service down 6.88%, Transportation Fund up 5.5% of about $24,000.

Trade Center Fund down 18.01%, Bull Creek & Oxbow Golf Course; both of the golf

courses are seeing an increase in revenue from that same time period on last

year. The Civic Center is seeing an increase of $69,000 at a12.5%.

After fifteen minutes of outlining the various funds, Ms. Hodge then

concluded her presentation and offered to answer any questions of the Mayor &


Mayor Pro Tem Turner Pugh said on the Medical Center Fund, why is there

such a big jump in September when you look at July & August report.

Ms. Hodge said for the month of September what we are seeing in the detail,

which is located on Page 13 of 19, is that we did get one distribution from the

Tax Commissioner's office for real and personal property. She said that would

be anyone who has paid before his or her October 1st deadline. She said those

would be advanced payments on actual property taxes. She said the other two

months what you are seeing is the monthly distribution on the motor vehicle

side, which is typically a month late payment that we received from the Tax

Commissioner's office. She said taxes are collected in October & December, so

we did receive $357,000 on real property for the month of September.

Ms. Hodge then responded to further questions of members of the Council

regarding the Finance Report.

*** *** ***

Mayor Wetherington then asked if there was anyone who was not listed on

the agenda, but had an issue to bring before the Council, they could be heard

at this time. There were none.

*** *** ***


Regarding an earlier request of City Attorney Fay for an executive

session, Councilor Anthony then made a motion to allow the Council to go into

an executive session to discuss a matter of potential litigation. Seconded by

Councilor Henderson and carried unanimously by those nine members of Council

present for this meeting.

*** *** ***

At 7:40 p.m., the regular meeting was adjourned to allow the Council to go

into an executive session to discuss a matter of potential litigation.

At 8:09 p.m., the meeting was called back to order at which time Mayor

Wetherington pointed out that the Council did meet in an executive session and

discussed a matter of potential litigation, but there were no votes taken.

*** *** ***

With there being no other business to come before the Council, Mayor Pro

Tem Turner Pugh then made a motion for adjournment. Seconded by Councilor

Woodson and carried unanimously by those nine members of Council present for

this meeting, with Councilor Allen being absent, with the time now being 8:10


Tiny B. Washington, CMC

Clerk of Council

The Council of Columbus, Georgia


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