Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
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Council Members

Land Bank Authority Board Meeting

July 1, 2015

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Land Bank Authority Board Meeting

June 3, 2015

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Land Bank Authority

Board Meeting Minutes

July 1, 2015

10:00 a.m.

A meeting of the Land Bank Authority Board was held on July 1, 2015, in the

Conference Room at the Land Bank Authority?s office located at 18 Eleventh

Street, Columbus, Georgia.

Members Present: Lance Hemmings Carson Cummings Justin Krieg

Patrick Coleman Brad Dodds

Members Excused: Anne Hanna Merritt

Members Absent: Steve Anthony

Also Present: Rhonda Walters (Staff)

Call to Order/Establish a Quorum

Board Chair Lance Hemmings called the meeting to order. A quorum was present.

Approval of Minutes

A motion to approve the minutes from the Board meeting on June 3, 2015, was

made by Justin Krieg. The motion was seconded by Patrick Coleman. The motion


Operational Items

Financial Update

Approximately $44,300 remains in the account. One invoice for travel expenses

to the Reclaiming Vacant Properties conference was paid this month.

Certificate of Incumbency and Authority

The document was modified as necessary to reflect the appropriate LBA Officers.

Fully endorsed copies will be made available as needed for property transfer


Business Items

Property Updates

o 2235 Cornell Avenue

Carson Cummings will contact Jackie Leonard, Solid Source Realty, to list the

property for sale.

o 2406 Winchester

Justin Krieg contacted the Tax Commissioner?s Office to indicate the LBA?s

interest in pursuing acquisition through In Rem Foreclosure. The property will

be added to the list being prepared for possible inclusion in the next tax sale

in October or November.

o LBA Property in East Highlands

The LBA owns five lots in the neighborhood. All are undersized lots with

limited development potential. Rhonda Walters presented information regarding

adjacent property owners for these lots. Columbus Area Habitat for Humanity

owns several of the adjacent lots and may be interested in acquiring the LBA

parcels. Discussion followed. Rhonda will continue negotiations with Habitat

regarding 4 of the 5 parcels. She also will contact the owner of a vacant lot

adjacent to the 5th parcel to inquire if he/she is interested in donating the

property to the LBA. This individual does not live in the area but appears to

be maintaining the lot. Further contact with MCSD regarding parcels near Hannan

Elementary will resume at a later date. It may be better to contact an

appropriate staff person instead of a school board member.

o Possible Transfer of Property List from NWC to LBA

Discussion continued regarding the request by NeighborWorks Columbus (NWC) for

the possible transfer of property in their inventory to the LBA until such time

as NWC may be able to develop it. Rhonda Walters will contact Jacob Beil?s

office to inquire if they still have a copy of the draft agreement from 2011

that addressed this issue. If so, it will be forwarded for review along with

sample agreements received from the LBA in Macon, GA. A tentative plan for the

properties, including a timeline, is requested from NWC along with any

stipulations they would like included in the agreement.

Items regarding the Tax Commissioner?s Office

Discussion continued regarding various items that involve the Tax

Commissioner?s Office.

Ordinance No. 12-40 ? This ordinance reserves a portion of the taxes collected

for a period of 5 years on property conveyed by the LBA for the LBA?s use to

defray expenses. Rhonda Walters compiled a list of properties sold by the LBA

after the ordinance was adopted on August 28, 2012. A total of five properties

were identified. Justin Krieg will present the list to the Tax Commissioner?s

Office and request assistance with the recapture of these funds as specified in

the ordinance.

Next Meeting

The next Land Bank Authority Board Meeting will be on Wednesday, August 5th,



There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.


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