Columbus, Georgia

Georgia's First Consolidated Government

Post Office Box 1340
Columbus, Georgia, 31902-1340
(706) 653-4013
fax (706) 653-4016

Council Members



An ordinance amending Chapter 3 of the Columbus Code by revising

certain definitions set forth in Section 3-1 thereof, enacting a new Section

3-5, repealing any ordinances in conflict therewith; and for other purposes.




Chapter 3 of the Columbus Code is hereby amended by striking the existing

definitions found in subsections 3-1(n), (ee), (ff) and (gg) and inserting the

following subsections to read as follows:

?(n) Multi-purpose theater: Any theater facility located within a UPT or PMUD

zone with a minimum seating capacity of 750 persons which offers live

entertainment, plays, musicals, dinner theater or leases space for birthday

parties, wedding receptions or similar events whether such events are catered

by a private catering service or by the licensee; provided, however, that the

600-foot prohibition contained in section 3-5(d) shall not apply to a

multi-purpose theater licensee.

(ee) Traditional restaurant: An established place of business located in the

UPT, CRD, GC, NCCO, and PMUD zones, which meets all of the following criteria:

(1) Promotes the sale of prepared food as a dominant part of the business;

(2) Licensed to sell mixed drinks for consumption on the premises only;

(3) Provides adequate facilities and sufficient employees for cooking or

preparing and serving such meals for consumption at tables in dining rooms on

the premises;

(4) Derives at least 80 percent of its gross revenues from the sale of such

meals prepared, served, and consumed on the premises;

(5) Provides no adult entertainment as described in subsection 3-1(p) of the


(6) Imposes no fees for cover charges, fees for admission or entrance, viewing

fees/pay per view fees or fees for contests/tournaments or live entertainment,

nor allows an independent individual to charge fees for cover charges,

admission or entrance, viewing fees or fees for contests/tournaments or live

entertainment on the premises. No live entertainment shall be permitted on the


(7) Does not promote or allow tournaments or contests of skill, dexterity,

strength, or talent;

(8) Serves food during all hours of operation;

(9) Impose no age restrictions during any of its hours of operation;

(10) Restaurants permitted under this section shall be prohibited from

conducting outdoor sales of alcoholic beverages on the public right-of-way or

patios and decks;

(11) Musical instruments or sound reproduction devices shall not be operated or

used within a patio/deck or on public right-of-way;

(12) Owners, applicants, managers and employees shall be responsible for

keeping a clean, orderly place, and no patrons shall be allowed to stand, sit,

mingle, or assemble outside the building in parking lots or automobiles while

drinking alcoholic beverages or causing a disturbance of any kind;

(13) From Sunday through Thursday, the normal operating hours shall be between

6:01 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. From Friday through Saturday, the normal operating

hours shall be between 6:01 a.m. and 12:00 midnight. No customer shall be

permitted to remain on the premises for more than 20 minutes after the normal

operating hours.

(ff) Small multi-purpose theatre: Any theatre facility located within a CRD,

MROD, or PMUD zone with a seating capacity between 350 and 749 persons which

meets all of the following elements:

(1) Offers live entertainment, plays, musicals, dinner theater or leases space

for birthday parties, wedding receptions or similar events;

(2) Offers alcoholic beverages only when such beverages have been purchased by

the licensee permanently located at such premises; except that a bona fide

non-profit charitable organization may lease such premises and obtain a special

event alcoholic beverage permit that allows such charity to receive alcohol

donated by a licensed wholesaler;

(3) Provides no adult entertainment as described in subsection 3-1(p) and

Chapter 14, Article VI of this Code;

(4) Maintains the following operating hours: from Monday through Saturday, the

normal operating hours shall be between 6:01 a.m. and 1:00 a.m. Sunday normal

hours of operations shall be between 6:01 a.m. and 12:00 midnight. Sunday hours

of operations shall not involve the selling or serving of any alcoholic

beverages unless theatre meets requirements outlined in section 3-13 of this

Code. No customer shall be permitted to remain on the premises for more than 20

minutes after the normal operating hours cease;

(5) Owners, applicant, managers and employees shall be responsible for keeping

a clean, orderly place, and no patrons shall be allowed to stand, sit, mingle

or assemble outside the building in parking lots or automobiles while drinking

alcoholic beverages or causing a disturbance of any kind;

(6) Any individual leasing or renting the theatre and wishing to impose any

fees for cover charges, fees for admission/entrance, fees for

contests/tournaments or live entertainment shall hold a valid business license

and pay all applicable fees and taxes due on all revenues earned; except that a

bona fide non-profit charitable organization shall be exempt from the

requirements of this subsection.

(gg) Non-alcohol retail establishment: Any business located within UPT, CRD,

GC, NC, CO, or PMUD zones with a dominant line of business that does not

involve the sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages that obtains an

on-premises license pursuant to this chapter in order to sell, or serve wine

and malt beverages to customers on their business premises in the following

limited circumstances:

(1) The business, during all hours of operation, must sell a product or provide

a service unrelated to alcoholic beverages that accounts for 80 percent of the

business' gross revenue.

(2) Events where alcohol sale or service is permitted on said business premises

shall only take place between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 12:00 a.m. Monday

through Saturday, but this will in no way restrict the hours of operation for

the dominant line of business when no alcohol sale or service is taking place.

(3) The wine and malt beverages offered must have been purchased from a

licensed wholesaler by the licensee permanently located at such premises;

except that a bona fide non-profit charitable organization may lease such

premises and obtain a special event alcoholic beverage permit that allows such

charity to receive alcohol donated by a licensed wholesaler.

(4) The non-alcohol retail establishment shall provide no adult entertainment

as described in subsection 3-1 (p) above. Chapter 14, articles IV and VI of

this Code, and chapter 13 of the Unified Development Ordinance.

(5) Owners, applicants, managers and employees shall be responsible for keeping

a clean, orderly place, and no patrons shall be allowed to stand, sit, mingle,

or assemble outside the building in parking lots or automobiles while drinking

alcoholic beverages or causing a disturbance of any kind.

(6) Persons under the age of 21 may be permitted on the businesses premises at

any time; provided that no alcohol shall be served to any person under 21 years

of age during the times when wine and malt beverages are being served.

(7) The alcoholic beverage license and permit of a non-alcohol retail

establishment business shall not be transferable to any other license, person,

or business. Non-alcohol retail establishment licensees shall not be permitted

to cater or sell alcoholic beverages outside of licensed premises.

(8) No cover charges or other fees for admission will be charged unless it is

related to the provision of the goods or services of the licensee's dominant

line of business. In such situations the licensee shall hold a valid business

license and pay all applicable fees and taxes due on all revenues earned;

except that a bona fide non-profit charitable organization shall be exempt from

the requirements of this subsection.

(9) Notwithstanding subparagraph (3) above and section 3-16 hereinafter, a

non-alcohol retail establishment may pay an additional on-premises fee of

$1,000.00 to the finance department at the same time the annual wine and malt

beverage license is obtained which will permit customers to bring their own

malt beverages and wine onto the business premises during hours when alcoholic

beverages could otherwise be sold pursuant to this sub-section.


Section 3-5 of the Columbus Code is stricken in its entirety and a new

Section 3-5 is adopted to read as follows:

Sec. 3-5. Prohibited locations.

(a) It shall be unlawful to issue off-premises alcoholic beverage licenses

within 200 feet of the following locations, and on-premises alcoholic beverage

licenses within 300 feet of the following locations: Girls' clubs, boys' clubs,

Y.M.C.A.s, funeral chapels, city playgrounds; areas zoned SFR1, SFR2, SFR3,

SFR4, RMF1, RMF2, and RMH; private residences, whether such residences be

single-family, duplexes or apartments; but the provisions hereof concerning

private residences and areas zoned SFR1, SFR2, SFR3, SFR4, RMF1, RMF2 and RMH

shall not apply to a restaurant or a hotel located within an area zoned H and

shall not apply where a majority of the private residences within the

prohibited distance are within an area zoned UPT, NC, GC, RO, LMI HMI or PMUD

or where a majority of the land within the prohibited distance is zoned UPT,

NC, GC, RO, LMI or HMI, or PMUD and where the applicant is a private club or

the applicant's business is a hotel-motel or a restaurant or a non-alcohol

retail establishment or where an off-premises alcoholic beverages license is to

be issued. Owner and/or applicant managers and employees shall be responsible

for keeping a clean, orderly place, and no patrons shall be allowed to stand,

sit, mingle or assemble outside the building in parking lots or automobiles

while drinking alcoholic beverages or causing a disturbance of any kind. For

purposes of this chapter, "city playgrounds" means an area, owned by the city

or other governmental agency, open to the general public for recreational

purposes, which includes slides, swings, climbing apparatus, or similar


(b) It shall be unlawful to issue alcoholic beverage licenses within 300 feet

of the grounds of any church.

(c) It shall be unlawful to issue liquor and mixed drinks beverage licenses

within 600 feet and to issue wine and malt beverage licenses within 300 feet of

the grounds of any community teen center or any school or school playground,

including church nursery schools, church day care centers and adjoining

playgrounds; provided, however, where the applicant's business is a hotel or

motel or a restaurant and the license applied for by such applicant for such

business is for retail sale for consumption on the premises only, the

prohibited distance for mixed drinks beverage licenses shall be 335 feet. The

term "school" does not extend to educational levels above the 12th grade.

(d) It shall be unlawful to issue an on-premises alcoholic beverage license

within 600 feet of a location already holding or which has held within the past

12 months a valid on-premises alcoholic beverage license; provided, however,

that this prohibition shall not apply if the applicant for a new license meets

the definition of a restaurant, a hotel, a private club, or a non-alcohol

retail establishment, as defined in section 3-1 of this chapter.

(e) The distance relating to prohibited locations for licenses hall be measured

as follows:

(1) From the property line of the tract on which is located the business

regulated under this chapter;

(2) To the property line of the tract on which is located the church, school,

or any other protected location;

(3) Along a straight line which describes the shortest distance between the two

property lines.

(f) It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, give away, drink, or possess

any alcoholic beverages upon any of the parks and recreational areas owned by

Columbus, Georgia, except under rules established by the city manager, but such

rules shall be consistent with other provisions of this chapter.


(1) Alcoholic beverage licensees located within the Central Riverfront District

(CRD) provided in section 2.3.3 of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) a

Mill Restoration Overlay District (MROD) provided in section 2-5.18, and a

Planned Mixed Use Development (PMUD) provided in section 2.5.16 of the UDO

ordinance and set forth on a plat which shall remain on file in the revenue

division shall not be subject to the provisions of subsections 3-5(a) and

3-5(d) of this chapter. Owners, applicant managers and employees of such

licensees shall be responsible for keeping a clean, orderly place, and no

patrons shall be allowed to stand, sit, mingle or assemble outside the building

in parking lots or automobiles while drinking alcoholic beverages or to cause a

disturbance of any kind. Owners and applicant managers within the CRD, the

MROD, and a PMUD shall be subject to all other provisions of chapter 3 of the

Columbus Code.

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection 3-5(b), the finance director

shall be authorized to issue alcoholic beverage licenses for restaurant uses

only located within the Central Riverfront Zoning District,, a Mill Restoration

Overlay District or a PMUD if such restaurant is located at least 250 feet away

from the grounds of any church; provided, however, no such restaurant shall be

permitted to impose a cover charge for live entertainment or contests pursuant

to subsection 3-1(f)(9). Restaurants permitted under this subsection shall be

prohibited from conducting outdoor sales of alcoholic beverages on public

right-of-way unless permission is obtained from the city manager pursuant to

subsection 3-12(i).

(h) All locations for alcoholic beverage licenses which do not meet the

distance requirements or the issuance of a new license, but which,

nevertheless, were operating with a valid license issued prior to restrictions

for location imposed by this chapter or previous ordinances, are despite the

restrictions of this chapter, eligible for reissuance of the same category of

license or restaurant license if application therefore is made within one year

of the date that the business operations for the previous license ceased. This

provision shall not apply to non-alcohol retail establishments as defined in

subsection 3-1 (gg) of this chapter.

(i) Traditional restaurant licenses, as defined in this chapter, located in

zoning districts UPT, CRD, GC, NC, CO and PMUD shall not be subject to the

distance restrictions of this chapter.

(j) Broker licenses, as defined in this chapter, shall not be subject to the

distance restrictions of this chapter. Signage advertising such an application

shall not be required.

(k) Notwithstanding the distance restrictions contained in this Code section,

on-premises licensees holding alcoholic beverage licenses as a restaurant,

hotel, bowling center, traditional restaurant or non-alcohol retail

establishment may be licensed under this chapter if located within 1,500 feet

of the perimeter property line of the Columbus Airport and if located on a

parcel zoned GC, CO, LMI, or HMI.


All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance

are hereby repealed.


Introduced at a regular meeting of the Council of Columbus, Georgia held on the

11th day of February, 2014, introduced a second time at a regular meeting of

said Council held on the ______ day of _____________, 2014, and adopted at said

meeting by the affirmative vote of ________ members of said Council.

Councilor Allen voting____________.

Councilor Baker voting____________.

Councilor Barnes voting___________.

Councilor Davis voting____________.

Councilor Henderson voting________.

Councilor Huff voting_____________.

Councilor McDaniel voting_________.

Councilor Pugh voting_____________.

Councilor Thomas voting___________.

Councilor Woodson voting__________.

______________________________ ______________________________




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