
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Roadside Enhancement and Beautification Council Grant
Planning Department
Approve the resolution authorizing the City Manager to accept funds in the \n \n amount of $32,657 from the Georgia Department of Tranportation's Roadside \n \n Enhancement and Beautification Council for the purpose of landscaping the \n \n southwest corner of 2nd Avenue and 18th Street.
The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) has awarded the city a grant to

landscape the southwest corner of 2nd Avenue and 18th Street. This grant was

obtained through the efforts of GDOT Board member Sam Wellborn, working with

local citizens to help beautify 2nd Avenue.
The city will act as the recipient of these grant funds, while working in

conjunction with local citizens in their efforts to enhance the 2nd Avenue

Financial Considerations
The awarded amount of the grant is $32,657 for landscaping improvements. The

is no match required to receive these funds.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
General maintenance to the site will be required upon the installation of the

landscaping materials.
Legal Considerations
The City Attorney has reviewed the proposed Memorandum of Agreement and has

approved it to form.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the resolution authorizing the City Manager to accept funds in the

amount of $32,657 from the Georgia Department of Tranportation's Roadside

Enhancement and Beautification Council for the purpose of landscaping the

southwest corner of 2nd Avenue and 18th Street.