
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
18th Street-Closure and Abandonment
Department of Engineering
Authorize the changing of the Official Street Map and Tax Maps of the \n \n Consolidated Government of Columbus, Georgia by officially closing and \n \n abandoning a segment of 18th Street beginning at the west right of way of 1st \n \n Avenue and running in westwardly direction for a distance of 144 ft.; authorize \n \n the disposal of the said right of way in accordance with applicable State Law; \n \n reserving utility easements; and for other purposes.
Council authorized the execution of the Riverwalk-City Mills Exchange and

Easement Agreement between the City of Columbus and City Mills Properties, LLC

on May 23, 2017.
As part of the agreement closure of a 144 ft. portion of 18th Street, west of

1st Avenue, was required for parking to serve the development at City Mills and

the Riverwalk.
Financial Considerations
The City will retain title to the abandoned portion of the Street and grant

parking easements as authorized by Council.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
There is no projected annual fiscal impact.
Legal Considerations
Council approval is required to close and abandon public streets.
Recommendations/ Actions
Authorize the changing of the Official Street Map and Tax Maps of the

Consolidated Government of Columbus, Georgia by officially closing and

abandoning a segment of 18th Street beginning at the west right of way of 1st

Avenue and running in westwardly direction for a distance of 144 ft.; in

accordance with applicable State Law; reserving utility easements; and for

other purposes.

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