
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Utilities Relocation for Follow Me Trail - AT&T
Planning Department
Approve the resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement \n \n with AT&T for the relocation of their utilities along the Follow Me Trail.
The Follow Me Trail is a multi-use trail that runs from Torch Hill Road to

Cusseta Road. Phase I of this project is currently under construction and is

scheduled for completion in the spring of this year. Phase II is the

construction of the bridge that will cross over Victory Drive. Construction

documents for this phase have been completed and approved by the Georgia

Department of Transportation (GDOT) and is scheduled to go out to bid by

March. In order to meet this timeline, the city must show that it has

coordinated the relocation of any utility within the project area. AT&T has

informed the city that it will be necessary to relocate cable and other

construction conflicts on this site.
This work is required for construction of the bridge over Victory Drive for the

Follow Me Trail
Financial Considerations
AT&T has submitted a cost of $31,896.64 for this utility work. Funding is

available under the South Lumpkin Multi-Use Facility project, which is a part

of the Transportation Investment Act program
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Any future maintenance work to be performed on these utilities will be the

responsibility of AT&T.
Legal Considerations
The City Attorney has reviewed and approved this utilities agreement.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approved the resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement

with AT&T for the relocation of their utilities along the Follow Me Trail.