
Agenda Item #4

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Georgia Department of Community Affairs - Grants
Finance Department
Approval is requested to accept responsibility of $100,000 in grants as \n \n Pass-Through Agency from the Georgia Department of Community Affairs for the \n \n agencies listed below and amend the Multi-Grant Fund by a like amount in \n \n flow-through revenues and expenditures. \n \n \n \n \n \n
During the mid-year budget review process the local delegation to the Georgia

State Assembly solicits additional funds for local agencies and projects.

These funds are channeled to the agencies through the Georgia Department of

Community Affairs and passed through the local government. The local

government must ascertain whether the agency meets the State requirements

concerning the non-sectarian and gratuities clauses of the Official Code. The

local government may choose not to act as pass-through agency in some

circumstances. The Columbus Consolidated Government, in partnership with the

Children, Youth and Family Coalition, administers the pass-through program to

numerous local agencies. The City of Columbus has been acting as pass-through

agency since 1993 with no problems on the state or local level.
Many local agencies rely heavily on funding through Local Assistance Grants to

help with the costs of daily operations. Some use the funds to operate a

specific program that might not otherwise be available to the citizens. The

citizens of Columbus benefit greatly from the programs that are funded with

Local Assistance Grants.
Financial Considerations
As pass through agency, the City of Columbus is responsible for any funds

deemed misspent by the awarding agency. A Local Assistance Grant Agreement is

signed and kept on file for all organizations receiving funds. This agreement

indicates that, if funds are deemed misspent, the organization will reimburse

the City of Columbus.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
It is the responsibility of the Local Government to ascertain if an

organization is in compliance with the Official Code regarding the sectarian

and gratuity clause. All grant contracts are approved by the City Attorney?s

office before they are submitted to the State.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approval of Resolution to accept responsibility grants as Pass-Through Agency

from the Georgia Department of Community Affairs for various agencies listed

above and amend the Multi-Grant Fund for alike amount.

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