
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Parking Restrictions for Leonard Street and Forest Avenue
Approve the attached ordinances enacting a No Parking Anytime along a segment \n \n of Leonard Street and Two Hour Parking along a segment of Forest Avenue.
Leonard Street - residents along Leonard Street west of Forest Avenue continue

to have overflow parking from Columbus High parking on both sides of the street

blocking thru traffic.

Forest Avenue - there exists Two Hour Parking signs along both the east and

west curbs of Forest Avenue from Leonard Street north to Garrard Street.

However, the only ordinance found to be in effect is Ordinance #63-80 which is

a No Parking Anytime ordinance.

The Traffic Engineering Division sent a Parking Survey to 26 properties

receiving replies from seven. All but one concurred with our recommendation. A

copy of the Survey results is attached.
Leonard Street has a Two Hour Parking, 8 AM to 6 PM Weekdays (Ord. #66-74)

along the south curb from the west curb of Forest Avenue west a distance some

239 feet. The north curb of Leonard Street has a No Parking Anytime ordinance

that begins 119 feet west of the west curb of Forest Avenue and runs west a

distance of 183'. Residents request that this No Parking Anytime ordinance be

extended east to the west curb of Forest Avenue.

Forest Avenue - the recommendation is to resend Ordinance 63-80 in its entirety

and enact a Two Hour Parking, 9 AM to 6 PM Weekdays, restriction along both the

east and west curbs of Forest Avenue from the north curb of Leonard Street

north to the south curb of Garrard Street.
Financial Considerations
The installation of parking restriction signs will be about $600 taken from the

Traffic Engineering Division budget.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
All new parking restrictions along public street require Council approval thru

an ordinance.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the attached ordinances enacting a No Parking Anytime along a segment

of Leonard Street and Two Hour Parking along a segment of Forest Avenue.

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