
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Forest Avenue - No Parking Anytime
Approve the attached Ordinance enacting a No Parking Anytime zone along the \n \n east side of Forest Avenue from the south curb of Brookside Drive north to the \n \n south curb of 17th Street.
The residents along this segment of Forest Avenue continue to have problems

with Columbus High School students parking along the east side of this street

from Brookside Drive to 17th Street. Cars are parked bumper to bumper all day

on school days and on evenings when ball games are in progress on the school

property. Cars parked too close to the existing residential driveways many

times blocking the driveways.

The Traffic Engineering Division conducted two parking Surveys: one in May of

2007 and one in January 2008 in an attempt to obtain consensus on the proposed

No Parking restriction. Councilor Barnes, David Arrington, Deputy City Manager

and Ron Hamlett, Traffic Engineering Manager, met with residents on Monday, May

12th reaching a consensus for the restriction to be "No Parking Anytime".
There exists an "S" curve in this segment of Forest Avenue making driving this

segment and backing out of driveways difficult. Students congregate in the

street and around the vehicles creating a safety hazard. Parking is already

removed from the west curb of this street segment. The enactment of a No

Parking Anytime will improve the safety of this street segment.
Financial Considerations
A No Parking Anytime zone will require the installation of No Parking Anytime

signs at a cost of about $300.00 from the Traffic Engineering budget.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
A No Parking Anytime ordinance requires Council approval.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve a No Parking Anytime zone for the above described segment of Forest


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