
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Preliminary Engineering Services - Buena Vista Road (Spiderweb) TSPLOST
Planning Department
Approve the resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement \n \n with Wolverton and Associates for preliminary engineering services for the \n \n TSPLOST Buena Vista Road Spiderweb project.
This project is a TSPLOST project that was approved under the 2012

Transportation Improvement Act. On August 26, Council authorized the agreement

between the city and the Georgia Department of Transportation for improvement

of the section of Buena Vista Road known as the "Spiderweb". Council at that

time was briefed on several possible transportation improvements to help

accommodate the moving of traffic safely through this area. The option chosen

at that meeting called for Buena Vista Road to be diverted underneath that

section of Norfolk Southern Railway that crosses this road.
Approval of this action will allow the engineering consulting firm of Wolverton

and Associates to begin preliminary engineering of this TSPLOST project to

improve this section of Buena Vista Road.
Financial Considerations
Cost for this preliminary engineering will be $1,242,700 and is budgeted under

the funds for this TSPLOST project.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
No annual fiscal impact is anticipated for this professional service.
Legal Considerations
The City Attorney has reviewed and approved this proposal.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement

with Wolverton and Associates for preliminary engineering services for the

TSPLOST Buena Vista Road Spiderweb project.