
Agenda Item #3

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Intelligent Transportation System Project
Engineering Department
Approval is requested to execute a contract with W.K. Dickson for the \n \n engineering and plan development services for the Intelligent Transportation \n \n Project.
The City and Georgia Department of Transportation executed a Local Project

Agreement (Resolution # 41-06) for the implementation for an Intelligent

Transportation System Project for Columbus. The Local Project Agreement

assigned the responsibility of the City to perform the Preliminary

Engineering/Design and Plan development, purchase any needed Right-of-way

(none expected) and Utility Relocations to the DOT requirements. The

Intelligent Transportation System project is divided into two parts: (1)

develop and construct Traffic Coordination Center and (2) connect all traffic

signal systems via Advanced Traffic Management System and related ITS

components to the TCC center. The City's participation in this project is

estimated to be 10% of the construction costs.
The City has three engineering firms on annual contract for engineering

services. Engineering thru Purchasing had each firm to submit a Request For

Information to demonstrate that each had the capability thru sub-consultants to

provide the engineering and plan development as well as be pre-approved by the

DOT for such services for DOT contracts. An Evaluation Committee was selected

to review submittals selecting W.K. Dickson to provide the requested

engineering services for this project.
Financial Considerations
The City is responsible for providing the engineering and plan development

services for this DOT project with funding being derived from CIP project

ATMS/Signal Project. The Engineering and Plan Development services for this

project is estimated at 10% or $340,700. The DOT project costs are listed


NH-OOTS(48) P.I. #323005 ATMS/Columbus/Muscogee County/GDOT Regional

TCC $1,210,000

NH-OOTS(47) P.I #323000 ATMS/Signal/CCTV/Fiber in Colum


Total $3,407,000
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
The execution of this engineering services agreement requires Council approval.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the attached resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an

Engineering Services Agreement with W.K. Dickson for engineering and plan

development services for the City's Intelligent Transportation System project.

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