
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Two-way traffic flow conversions on 10th Street and 12th Street
Doc Dorsey, Traffic Engineer
Approve the adoption of the attached ordinance to delete the one-way traffic \n \n flow restrictions on 10th Street between 6th Avenue and Bay Avenue and on 12th \n \n Street between 6th Avenue and Veterans Parkway.
The CBD originally had two pairs of one-way streets (9th-10th and 11th-12th).

9th Street was converted to two-way operation in 1991. Since then, there has

been continued interest in converting the other one-way pairs to two-way

operation. A Traffic Operations Study to evaluate the impacts from a two-way

conversion of both streets was prepared for the Columbus Consolidated

Government by Wilburn Engineering, LLC in November, 2012. The Wilburn study

found an overall improvement would result if these streets were converted to

two-way traffic flow. Conclusions and recommendations from the study were

presented at two public information meetings held in the Uptown Business

District on February 28, 2013 and March 7, 2013. .
The Engineering Department proposes to convert an eight-block segment of 10th

Street between 6th Avenue and Bay Avenue and a two-block segment of 12th Street

between 6th Avenue and Veterans Parkway from one-way traffic flow to two-way

traffic flow. The current traffic flow on both streets is one-way westbound.

The Engineering Department believes the two-way conversion of both street

segments will enhance traffic circulation within the Uptown Business District

and improve access to the adjoining commercial properties. At this time, 12th

Street will remain one-way westbound between Veterans Parkway and Front Avenue.

A Traffic Operations Study to evaluate the impacts from a two-way conversion of

both streets was prepared for the Columbus Consolidated Government by Wilburn

Engineering, LLC in November, 2012. The Wilburn study found an overall

improvement would result if these streets were converted to two-way traffic

flow. Conclusions and recommendations from the study were presented at two

public information meetings held in the Uptown Business District on February

28, 2013 and March 7, 2013.

10th Street Improvements

The two-way segment of 10th Street will have either one or two traffic lanes in

both directions. The number of traffic lanes is dependent upon the street

width, the presence and type of on-street parking, and the need for exclusive

left-turn lanes at the signalized intersections. The angled parking along the

northern curb for westbound vehicles will remain unchanged. The direction of

the angled parking along the southern curb will be reversed for eastbound

vehicles. Parallel parking along both the northern and southern curbs will

remain unchanged. The number of on-street parking spaces and loading zones

should not change.

The existing raised median on the northern side of the Veterans Parkway/10th

Street intersection will be removed and replaced with a typical left-turn lane

for southbound vehicles. A five-section signal display will be installed above

the southbound left-turn lane to allow both protected and permissive left turns

onto 10th Street eastbound. New traffic signal displays on ornamental metal

poles and arms will also be installed at the Broadway, 1st Avenue, 2nd Avenue,

Veterans Parkway, and 6th Avenue intersections to provide traffic control for

eastbound vehicles. The estimated construction cost for the conversion is

approximately $387,000. The required installation of these new traffic signal

displays is the primary component of the cost estimate.

12th Street Improvements

The two-way segment of 12th Street will have one lane for eastbound traffic and

one lane for westbound traffic. The angled parking along the northern curb for

westbound vehicles will remain unchanged. The direction of the angled parking

along the southern curb will be reversed for eastbound vehicles. The number of

on-street parking spaces should not change.

The existing raised median on the northern side of the Veterans Parkway/12th

Street intersection will be removed and replaced with a typical left-turn lane

for southbound vehicles. A five-section signal display will be installed above

the southbound left-turn lane to allow both protected and permissive left turns

onto 12th Street eastbound. A ?STOP? sign will be installed for eastbound

traffic at the 6th Avenue intersection. The estimated construction cost for

the conversion is approximately $13,000.

Preference poll letters were recently mailed to eight adjoining property owners

along the two-block segment of 12th Street proposed for the conversion. Six

owners responded to the poll, of which five were in favor of the conversion to

two-way traffic flow. Only one property owner (Schuster Enterprises/Burger

King) was in favor of retaining the existing one-way traffic flow. Burger King

presently has one right-in/right-out curb cut on 12th Street. The two-way

conversion will enable this curb cut to become fully accessible from both

travel directions.
Financial Considerations
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Normal maintenance of roadway and traffic control devices.
Legal Considerations
Action requires approval of ordinance by Council.
Recommendations/ Actions
Adopt ordinance to remove one-way traffic flow restrictions on 10th and 12th


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