
Agenda Item #2

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Waiving Certain Requirements for Temporary Uses or Special Events
Planning Department
Approval is requested to Waive Section 3.2.63. C. and G.5.(A) of the Unified \n \n Development Ordinance regulating temporary uses and special events until \n \n January 1, 2007 in order to accommodate such uses during the holiday season.
Section 3.2.63 of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) regulates temporary

and special event uses, requiring an application at least 30 days in advance of

the activity and those events lasting more than ten days to seek approval from

the City Council. The ordinance covers such activities as seasonal sales of

merchandise including pumpkins and Christmas trees, concerts and any similar

other event. Due to the upcoming holiday season, staff is beginning to see

activities of this type increase, with many of these operations unaware of the

requirements of this ordinance.

This section of the ordinance was developed to address temporary uses

throughout the community. Uses such as outdoor festivals, craft shows,

carnivals and similar outdoor amusements, flea markets, plant sales, parades on

public right-of-way, and seasonal sales of merchandise including pumpkins and

Christmas trees, concerts and any similar other events, are covered here. In

the past, temporary uses and special event uses have been a problem, with

little in the way of regulatory controls in place.
The UDO attempts to address these needs, while providing certain requirements

to manage such activities. Several businesses (rug dealers, car sales,

Christmas trees sales, etc.) have requested permits to operate during the

holiday season for an extended period. Unfortunately, because of the 30 day

advanced application requirement, many of these businesses will not be able to

meet this section of the ordinance. It is due to this fact, staff is

recommending the 30 day requirement and approval from the City Council on

events more than ten days be waived until January 1, 2007. This will

accommodate those seasonal operations wishing to do business during this

holiday period without undue hardship. Any temporary use of this type will

still be required to provide a site plan, permission from the land owner to

operate a business on that site, bathroom facilities and required parking.

To address this problem, staff will put these operations and others on notice

that they must comply fully with this section of the UDO in the future.
Financial Considerations
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
The City Attorney has reviewed this action.
Recommendations/ Actions
Waive Section 3.2.63. C. and G.5.(A) of the Unified Development Ordinance

regulating temporary uses and special events until January 1, 2007 in order to

accommodate such uses during the holiday season.