
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
FY 2016 Georgia DOT - Transportation Planning Contract
Planning Department
Approval is requested to execute a contract with the Georgia Department of \n \n Transportation for Financial Assistance to carry out the FY 2016 Transportation \n \n Planning Work Activities of the Columbus-Phenix City Transportation Study \n \n (C-PCTS).
During June of each year, the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) receives

a contract on behalf of the City from the Georgia Department of Transportation

(GDOT) for Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Section 112 Funds to perform

multi-modal transportation planning activities identified in the

Columbus-Phenix City Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). The Transportation

Planning Division, which is housed within the MPO performs the planning work

that includes items such as the Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP),

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), Congestion Management Process (CMP),

Site Impact Analysis, Traffic Modeling Networks, and additional planning

activities. The Federal Funds will cover 80% of the cost for the

transportation-planning program. The City is required to provide the 20% local

match for $43,613.71 to receive the Federal Funds.
The Columbus-Phenix City Transportation Study (C-PCTS) serves as the

Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the urban area. The Transportation

Planning Division is the designated MPO recipient and project administrator of

Section 112 Transportation Planning Funds. The transportation planning funds

are designated for the Columbus-Phenix City MPO for the performance of

multi-modal transportation activities.
Financial Considerations
Transportation planning funds in the amount of $174,454.82 requested in the

form of a contract with the Georgia Department of Transportation. The following

is a breakdown of funding sources.

The City's 20% match of $43,613.71 is budgeted in the FY 2016 Budget, General

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
This is an annual contract with the Georgia Department of Transportation and

the Federal Highway Administration, which will require a 20% match. The

Planning Funds from GDOT has been reduced by $76,427.27. Congress recently

passed a Continuing Resolution, which extended the Federal Highway and Transit

Programs until July 31, 2015. Since this Continuing Resolution expires on July

31, 2015 (and not until the end of Federal Fiscal Year 2015-which is September

30, 2015), this means that FHWA will only be able to provide a portion of the

Federal Fiscal Year 2016 Funding (Apportionment and Obligation Authority) -

which is approximately 3/4 of the amount anticipated for Federal Fiscal Year

2016. Until another Continuing Resolution is signed or a new Surface

Transportation Bill is passed, GDOT cannot execute FY16 PL Contracts for the

full amount of funding. Once Congress passes another Resolution and/or Bill,

then GDOT will execute a Supplemental Agreement to our PL Contract for the full

amount of Planning Funds.
Legal Considerations
The Columbus-Phenix City Transportation Study is in compliance with all

applicable planning requirements and certifications necessary in order to

receive the federal funds.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute contracts to

receive Federal Funding for the FY 2016 Transportation Planning Activities.

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