
Agenda Item #2

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Surplus Property - Moon Road
City Manager's Office
Approval is requested to declare 5824 Moon Road a/k/a 083-004-001 and 5832 Moon \n \n Road a/k/a 082-055-002 as surplus and transfer said properties to the Airport \n \n Authority in accordance with Section 7-501 of the City Code in Columbus, \n \n Muscogee County, Georgia, (see attached maps and property list).
The properties were acquired 1987 and 1988 by the City as remnants from an old

road widening project adjacent to the Airport property.
Prior to acquisition or control, by the City, the properties had been used for

commercial purposes. It has been determined through coordination with other

departments, that the City will not need subject properties in the foreseeable

Financial Considerations
Subject properties will be transferrred to the Airport authority at appraised

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
Subject properties will be transfered in accordance with Section 7-501 of the

City Code. Property will be transfered retaining easements for combination

utilities, storm and sanitation pipes.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the attached Resolution to declare the above properties as identified

on the attached tax maps as surplus and transfer said properties to the Airport

Authority by Quit Claim Deed, reserving all easements of record..

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