
Agenda Item #1

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Governor's Office of Highway Safety Grant
Finance Department
Approval is requested to submit an application and accept a pass-through grant \n \n from the Governor's Office of Highway Safety in the amount of $66,400 or as \n \n awarded and to amend the Multi-Grant Fund by a like amount.
This is a renewal application on behalf of the Urban League of Greater

Columbus, Inc., who is the administrator/sub-recipient of this grant. The

Columbus Consolidated Government is the recipient and fiscal agent. All

expenditures are incurred by the Urban League and all reimbursements pass

through to the Urban League. The purpose of this grant is to support programs

administered by the Urban League or in conjunction with other local and state

agencies with the objective of educating the public on the importance of seat

belt usage, the proper usage of child safety restraint systems, and the dangers

of alcohol and drug usage while driving.
This is a renewal grant from the Governor's Office of Highway Safety
Financial Considerations
Matching funds are not required for this grant. All expenditures are incurred

by the Urban League of Greater Columbus, Inc. The Columbus Consolidated

Government is the fiscal agent for this grant.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
The Council has to approve the resolution for the Columbus Consolidated

Government to be the fiscal agent and pass-through recipient of this grant.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the submission and acceptance of a grant in the amount of $66,400 or as

awarded from the Governor's Office of Highway Safety and amend the

Multi-Governmental Fund in the same amount.

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