
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
South Columbus Multi-Use Trail Supplemental Agreement - Trailheads and Bridge Work
Planning Department
Authorize the City Manager to enter into a supplemental agreement for the \n \n design of trailheads and the redesign of a former railroad bridge for the \n \n proposed South Columbus Multi-Use Trail
Under the Transportation Investment Act (TIA) the city is proposing the

construction of the new South Columbus Multi-Use Trail. Part of the design for

this trail will include the construction of two (2) trailheads. These

facilities will be located at each end of the trail and will provide restrooms

and water fountains. In addition, a former railroad bridge located near the

South Columbus Park and Albion Way is proposed to be replaced. and will need to

be redesigned.
The design of the trailhead facilities will require the use of the

architectural firm of 2WR. Approving this agreement will allow our consultants

Heath Lineback to hire this firm as a sub-contractor and perform this necessary

work. The engineering work needed for the former railroad bridge will be

performed as an add on, as this work was not identified in the original

Financial Considerations
Funding for this work is available under the TIA budget for this project. The

supplemental agreement calls for the architectural work to be performed at a

cost of $52,000, while the bridge design price has been set at $27,000. Total

cost of this supplemental agreement is $79,000.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
This is design work and will not require an annual fiscal impact.
Legal Considerations
The City Attorney has approved the supplemental agreement as to form.
Recommendations/ Actions
Authorize the City Manager to enter into a supplemental agreement for the

design of trailheads and the redesign of a former railroad bridge for the

proposed South Columbus Multi-Use Trail