
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Sidewalk Variance-Medical Realty Group North, L.L.C.
Department of Engineering
Approve the attached Resolution authorizing a variance to City Code Section \n \n 7.10.1 for the development at 6596 Whittlesey Boulevard to allow the sidewalk \n \n construction be delayed until development of the sidewalks along the properties \n \n adjoining Medical Realty Group North, LLC Property by the City or by the \n \n adjacent property owners is undertaken. The staff does not recommend a delay in \n \n sidewalk installation.
Medical Realty Group North, LLC is constructing a new medical facility for

West Georgia Eyecare at 6596 Whittlesey Boulevard. This new development was

reviewed by the Engineering Department with plans approved that included a five

(5') concrete sidewalk along the south side of Whittlesey across the public

street frontage in accordance with City Code Section 7.10.1. Mark H. Holloway

representing West Georgia Eyecare Center/Medical Realty Group, LLC appeared at

the March 22, 2016 Council Meeting on Public Agenda requesting Council delay or

waive the requirement for sidewalk.
City Code Section 7.10.1 was approved as part of the adoption of the UDO in

response to request by citizens for additional sidewalk throughout the

community. This Code requires that all new residential, commercial and

industrial development provide sidewalks along the City's right of way as part

of the construction. The City has many initiatives for projects including

construction of sidewalks and trails. Sidewalk is included on all major

roadway projects, such as the Moon Road Widening project under construction.

In the annual Capital Improvement Program funding is provided for adding

additional sidewalk in the Community. Sidewalk exist on both sides of road

along Whittlesey Boulevard except for those sections undeveloped or that were

existing or in development prior to the UDO being implemented. The City has

adopted and is implementing an Alternative Transportation Plan as well as

Complete Streets Program. Sidewalks are key elements of both of these

Financial Considerations
Adding sidewalk after the initial development is always more expensive.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
As part of the normal operating budget the Department of Public Works would be

responsible for maintenance of the sidewalk after the initial installation.
Legal Considerations
A variance to City Codes involving public right of ways require Council


Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the attached Resolution authorizing a variance to City Code Section

7.10.1 for the development at 6596 Whittlesey Boulevard to allow the sidewalk

construction be delayed until development of the sidewalks along the properties

adjoining Medical Realty Group North, LLC Property by the City or by the

adjacent property owners is undertaken. The staff does not recommend a delay in

sidewalk installation.

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