
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Levy Road-Closure and Abandonment
Department of Engineering
Approval is requested to authorize the changing of the Official Street Map and \n \n Tax Maps of the Consolidated Government of Columbus, Georgia by officially \n \n closing and abandoning a segment of Levy Road beginning at the end of the \n \n official right of way of Levy Road and extending eastward to its intersection \n \n with the west right of way line for Benning Drive; authorize the coordination \n \n of design and construction of a permanent turn around with the property \n \n owner/developer of the parcel; reserving utility easements; and for other \n \n purposes.
A portion of Levy Road located south of Victory Drive is currently located on

private property owned by Anthony George Kontaxis. The owner is considering

selling the property. A developer recently submitted plans to the Department

of Engineering. During the review phase it was noted that a full access

driveway could not be granted to Benning Drive due to the close proximity to

the Levy Road intersection. During discussions with the owner/developer/staff,

it was agreed that if the road was officially closed then a full access could

be granted. A public meeting was held on January 16, 2018 with 9 people in

attendance including staff and owner representatives. A notice of the meeting

was hand delivered to businesses along the street as well as a Variable Message

Board placed advertising the meeting. A notice was run in the Ledger -

Enquirer. Four of the attendees were uncommitted on their support for the

project with one against. The road is currently used for cut-through traffic

with other routes available. An update was given at the January 23, 2018

Council meeting.
A title search performed by Jacob Beil Law Firm yielded the road is currently

located on private property with the City having prescriptive rights. There

will be limited opportunities for redevelopment of this property with the road

being opened and restrictions of access. The owner could possibly seek relief

from the courts to have the road closed. Staff believes it is in the best

interest of the City and Property Owner to work together to officially close

the road with the road remaining open until such time a permanent turn around

can be designed and constructed. The proper time to do this is when a

development is proposed and engineered to avoid conflicts. Subsequent meetings

have been held with the existing owner and he concurs with this proposal.
Financial Considerations
The City would be responsible for the engineering and construction cost of a

new turn around.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
The City would continue maintenance of the road until agreement with the new

developer at which time the City would pay the cost of the new turn around and

be free of any ongoing maintenance obligation for the portion of road that is

Legal Considerations
Council approval is required to close and abandon public streets.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approval is requested to authorize the changing of the Official Street Map and

Tax Maps of the Consolidated Government of Columbus, Georgia by officially

closing and abandoning a segment of Levy Road beginning at the end of the

official right of way of Levy Road and extending eastward to its intersection

with the west right of way line for Benning Drive; authorize the coordination

of design and construction of a permanent turn around with the property

owner/developer of the parcel; reserving utility easements; and for other


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