
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
One time Funds Augmentation Opportunity from RSVP Grant
Parks and Recreation
: Approval is requested to apply for and if approved accept funds from The \n \n Corporation for National & Community Service, administers of the RSVP Grant, in \n \n the amount of $3,500.00. \n \n
: The purpose of this $3,500 augmentation is primarily to support the capacity

of all RSVP grantees to participate in training and technical assistance

opportunities, such as travel to and participation in the Senior Corps

Directors Training Conference, other conference registration fees, and/or a new

computer, software, criminal history checks.

If awarded, Parks and Recreation is requesting to receive grant funds from the

Corporation for National & Community Service in the amount of $3,500.00

Financial Considerations
The grant amount requested is $3,500.00 for the Department of Parks and

Recreation and the city of Columbus. The city?s match required is 30% which is

covered through employee salaries and wages.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
None expected
Legal Considerations
Council must approve the acceptance of this grant.

Recommendations/ Actions
Authorize a resolution to approve the City to submit an application for, and if

awarded, to accept a grant from Corporation for National & Community Service in

the amount of $3,500.00 that is in addition to the $26,043.00 that is already

awarded to the city per the RSVP Grant.

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