
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
36th Street surplus/disposal
City Manager's Office
Approve the attached Ordinance deleting 36th Street from the east right-of-way \n \n line of Veterans Parkway east to the west right-of-way line of Hamilton Road \n \n from the "Official Street Map of Columbus, Georgia" and declaring said property \n \n surplus and authorizing disposal in accordance to the City Code. And also \n \n approving (at the second reading) the attached Resolution authorizing the \n \n disposal of said property to the adjacent property the fair market value per \n \n appraised is $36,500.00.
The City received a request from the adjacent property owner to purchase this

segment of 36th Street in order to assemble properties on both sides of this

street into one parcel for a commercial development.
This segment of 36th Street is no longer needed by the City for street

purposes. The property will be sold and ownership transferred by Quit Claim to

the adjacent property owner. The sale of this property will be subject to

reservation of all existing utility easements of record, known and unknown.
Financial Considerations
The property will be sold at the fair market value per appraised is

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
The deletion of a public street, declaration of said street as surplus and the

disposal/sell requires Council approval.
Recommendations/ Actions
Authorize the deletion of the described segment of 36th Street as a public

street, declaring surplus and authorizing the City Manager to dispose of said

property the fair market value per appraised is $36,500.00.

No attachments for this document.