
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Two (2) Hour Time Limits for Handicap Parking Spaces \n \n City Services Center Parking Garage
Department of Engineering
Approve the attached ordinance that establishes a ?Two (2) Hour Time Limit? for \n \n Handicap parking spaces on the ground floor only of the City Services Center \n \n Parking Garage located at 1601 Midtown Drive.
There exist today nine (9) Handicap parking spaces on the ground floor of the

Parking Garage, see attached drawing. Since the City Services Center and

Natatorium have opened, these Handicap parking spaces usually remain occupied

by City employees. There are two (2) Handicap parking spaces located on each

of the upper floors available for City employees.
The purpose of this ordinance is to encourage turnover of the existing and any

future Handicap parking spaces located on the ground floor only so that the

public in general will have handicap parking.
Financial Considerations
The costs to install the two (2) hour time limit signs will come out of the

Traffic Engineering operating budget.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Should any signs be vandalized or damaged, they will be replaced using Traffic

Engineering funds.
Legal Considerations
All traffic ordinances require Council approval.

Recommendations/ Actions
Approve a ?Two (2) Hour Time Limit? for Handicap parking spaces on the ground

floor only of the City Services Center Parking Garage.

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