
Agenda Item #2

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
FY2007 Grant Application for Capital and Planning Assistance
Department of Transportation/METRA
Approval to authorize the Department of Transportation/METRA to apply to the \n \n Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and the Georgia Department of \n \n Transportation (GDOT) for capital, planning and operating grants in the amount \n \n of $1,290,504, or otherwise awarded. Approval is also requested to authorize \n \n the City Manager or Mayor to accept grant funds if approved and execute \n \n contracts with FTA and GDOT.
The city has been applying for capital, planning and operating grants to the

Federal Transit Administration and the Georgia Department of Transportation

since 1972. The Federal Transit Administration Grants are funded in the

following manner:


Federal 5307 80% 80% 0%

State 5307 10% 10% 0%

Local 5307 10% 10% 100%

State 5303 0% 90% 0%

Local 5303 0% 10% 0%

The Georgia Department of Transportation provides capital and planning

assistance in the amount of 10% of the total capital and planning grants to the

Federal Transit Administration. The city government has provided the required

match on grants to FTA and GDOT since 1972.
Title 49 U.S.C. Section 5307

(Formerly Section 9)

Grant Category City GDOT FTA


Capital 5307 $ 122,468 $122,467 $ 979,740 $1,224,675

Operating 5307 $2,932,904 $ 0 $ 0 $2,932,904

Planning 5307 $ 14,302 $ 14,301 $ 114,412 $ 143,015

Total 5307 $3,069,674 $136,768 $1,094,152 $4,300,594

Title 49 U.S.C. Section 5303

(Formerly Section 8)

Grant Category City GDOT FTA


Planning 5303 $ 6,621 $ 59,584 $ 0 $ 66,205
Financial Considerations
If the City does not apply for the grants, Columbus would be turning down

$1,094,152 in federal and $196,352 in state funds to support public

transportation in our local community.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
The intent to apply for a Federal Transit Grant listing the program of projects

must be advertised in the local paper. A resolution must be submitted with the

application from the City Council authorizing application for a grant,

authorizing the City Manager or Mayor to accept the grant and enter into a

contract with the Federal Transit Administration and the Georgia Department of

Recommendations/ Actions
Authorize a resolution to approve the City to submit an application for

capital, planning and operating grants from the Federal Transit Administration

and the Georgia Department of Transportation in the total amount of $1,290,504

and further authorizing the City Manager or Mayor to accept the grant, if

approved, and enter into a contract with the Federal Transit Administration and

the Georgia Department of Transportation.

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