
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
State Opportunity Zone Application Renewal
Planning Department
Adopt the resolution authorizing the Planning Department to submit a State \n \n Opportunity Zone application (for renewal) to the Georgia Department of \n \n Community Affairs (DCA).
The Georgia Opportunity Zone is a tax credit program sponsored by the Georgia

Department of Community Affairs. This is a program that offers state job tax

credits based on job creation in low-to-moderate income areas. The intent is

help redevelop blighted areas in older neighborhoods or commercial corridors

and to attract jobs. To be considered for this zone, an area must be within the

Enterprise Zone; contain 15 percent or more of the population in poverty; be an

area of pervasive poverty, blight, underdevelopment, and general distress; and

have a high crime rate, unemployment, or low education and income. The Planning

Department has assembled an application which is required in order to be


The original Opportunity Zone was approved in 2015 and was intended to be

renewed in 2025. However, DCA wanted the Opportunity Zone to run concurrent

with the Enterprise Zone, which was extended in 2018; thus, it had to be

renewed much earlier than anticipated.
The benefits for such a program would encourage the development of new

businesses in these areas, while offering a maximum of $3,500 tax credit per

job created. Only the state can authorize the designation and approval of these

Financial Considerations
If approved, the Opportunity Zone would provide state tax abatements to

qualified businesses, while promoting economic development in low-to-moderate

income areas.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
There is no anticipated annual fiscal impact to city's budget.
Legal Considerations
The City Attorney has reviewed and approved the submission for this

Recommendations/ Actions
Adopt the resolution authorizing the Planning Department to submit a State

Opportunity Zone application to the Georgia Department of Community Affairs