
Agenda Item #2

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Wachovia Foundation - Small Grant Application for Junior Marshal Program
Marshal?s Office
Approval is requested to submit an application and if approved accept a Small \n \n Grant for $1,000 from the Wachovia Foundation for the Muscogee County Marshal?s \n \n Office (Junior Marshal Program) and amend the Multi-Governmental Fund (216) by \n \n a like amount.
The purpose of the program is to enhance the Junior Marshal Program in which

mentors a selected group of Muscogee County Middle School Students to foster

character development, prevent delinquent behavior and provide positive

interaction between public safety personnel, students and parents. Funding for

the program is provided by the Wachovia Foundation in the form of a one-time

small grant of up to $1,000 for the period of September 1, 2006 ? August 31,

Locally, Deputy Wilbert L. Williams will manage the grant. The grant requests

approval to $1,000 for supplies, equipment and other items to operate the

program. Projects under this category are not eligible for continuation

Financial Considerations
The proposed resolution will authorize the acceptance of a small grant of up to

$1,000 from the Wachovia Foundation. No matching funds are required.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
Approval of the small grant will obligate the City to all conditions of the

Recommendations/ Actions
Authorize the submission and if approved the acceptance of a small grant for

$1,000 from the Wachovia Foundation for the Muscogee County Marshal?s Office -

Junior Marshal Program and amend the Multi-Governmental Fund (216) by a like


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