
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Falcon Street-Closure and Abandonment
Department of Engineering
Approval is requested to authorize the changing of the Official Street Map and \n \n Tax Maps of the Consolidated Government of Columbus, Georgia by officially \n \n closing and abandoning Falcon Street beginning at its intersection of the \n \n official right of way of Fairchild Drive and extending eastward 128 ft. more \n \n or less to the dead end as shown on the Plat for Section Five, Lincoln Hills \n \n Subdivision; reserving utility easements; and for other purposes. \n \n
The Department of Community Reinvestment received a request from Alice Gibson,

5622 Fairchild Drive, to obtain the ownership of Falcon Street. The right of

way was platted 1956 and recorded in 1959 as part of the development of

Section 5, Lincoln Hills Subdivision. The road is currently used for access to

the driveway for 5622 Fairchild Drive. No other driveways exist on this short

section of road. The adjoining property owner has provided a statement that

he has no interest in the road. Staff was unable to determine if the road was

officially accepted by the County/City.
Staff has no objections to the official closure and abandonment of the road.
Financial Considerations
The property owner will be responsible for any disposition expenses.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
The City would no longer be responsible for maintenance of the road.
Legal Considerations
Council approval is required to close and abandon public streets.

Recommendations/ Actions
Approval is requested to authorize the changing of the Official Street Map and

Tax Maps of the Consolidated Government of Columbus, Georgia by officially

closing and abandoning Falcon Street beginning at the intersection of the

official right of way of Fairchild Drive and extending eastward 128 ft. more

or less to the dead end; reserving utility easements; and for other purposes.

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