
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Jeanette Avenue Closure and Abandonment
Engineering Department
Approval is requested to authorize the changing of the Official Street Maps and \n \n Tax Maps of the Columbus Consolidated Government of Columbus, Georgia by \n \n officially closing and abandoning a section of right of way for Jeanette \n \n Avenue beginning at the north right of way Line of Buena Vista Road and \n \n Jeanette Avenue and running northerly for a distance of approximately ft. to \n \n the south right of way line of Wynnton Road as shown on map or plat titled \n \n "Part of Jeanette Avenue Right-Of-Way"; authorize the disposal of the said \n \n right of way in accordance with applicable State Law; reserving easements; and \n \n for other purposes.
The Department of Engineering received a request from Alfred Blackmar, Vice

President of Facilities with Aflac to close and transfer title of Jeanette

Avenue to Aflac. Aflac is working on a physical site security plan at its

Wynnton Road campus to include ingress/egress.
Aflac has hired professionals to advise them on making improvements to their

campus. One of the suggestions is to close Jeanette Avenue at Buena Vista Road

and use the Wynnton Road intersection as an access point to their enclosed

campus. Aflac owns the property on both sides of Jeanette Avenue. The

estimated daily traffic is.
Financial Considerations
Aflac will be responsible for all cost associated with the disposition of the

property. The right of way will be restored to the tax rolls.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
There is no projected annual fiscal impact. The City will no longer be

responsible for maintenance.
Legal Considerations
Council approval is required to close and abandon public streets.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approval is requested to authorize the changing of the Official Street Maps and

Tax Maps of the Columbus Consolidated Government of Columbus, Georgia by

officially closing and abandoning a section of right of way for Jeanette

Avenue beginning at the north right of way Line of Buena Vista Road and

Jeanette Avenue and running northerly for a distance of approximately ft. to

the south right of way line of Wynnton Road as shown on map or plat titled

"Part of Jeanette Avenue Right-Of-Way"; authorize the disposal of the said

right of way in accordance with applicable State Law; reserving easements; and

for other purposes.

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