
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Juvenile Drug Court Accountablity Court Grant Request
Samantha Cannon, Juvenile Court
Approval is requested to submit a grant application and if awarded, accept \n \n funds from the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council for the operation of the \n \n Muscogee County Juvenile Drug Court up to $100,000.00, or as otherwise awarded \n \n and amend the Multi-Governmental Fund by the amount of the grant award. The \n \n grant period is from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018.
The Criminal Justice Coordinating Council is charged with the fiscal oversight

of the Juvenile Accountability Courts Grant Program.
Muscogee County Juvenile Court is requesting funds for personnel and operations

for the Muscogee County Juvenile Drug Court.
Financial Considerations
The City is required to provide a 10% cash match to participate in this grant

program. Cash match is available through a county paid case manager salary.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Muscogee County Juvenile Court is requesting funds for personnel and operations

for the Muscogee County Juvenile Drug Court.
Legal Considerations
The Columbus Consolidated Government is eligible to apply for funds from the

Criminal Justice Coordinating Council.
Recommendations/ Actions
Authorize to submit an application and if approved accept a grant from the

Criminal Justice Coordinating Council for the operation of the Muscogee

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