
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Department of Community Affairs HOME Grant -
David Arrington, Deputy City Manager
Authorize the City Manager to submit an alternate proposal, at the request of \n \n NeighborWorks Columbus to utilize the Georgia Department of Community Affairs \n \n $400,000 Home Investment Partnership Program Grant awarded to the City to \n \n provide low income rental housing for veterans in the Beallwood community.
In Resolution 62-14, Council authorized the City Manager, in partnership with

NeighborWorks Columbus, to submit an application to the Georgia Department of

Community Affairs (DCA) for a Home Investment Partnership Program Grant. The

City was awarded a $400,000 grant to provide low income rental housing for

veterans in the Winterfield area. Additional funding for the housing program

would come from program income through the Neighborhood Stabilization Program.
NeighborWorks Columbus initiated design and engineering services for the

Winterfield project upon notification of the DCA grant award. During this

process it was determined there were significant engineering and infrastructure

challenges to the development. The organization also conducted a marketability

assessment which indicated the project did not appear to be viable. Based on

these results, NeighborWorks pursued other alternatives to utilize the DCA

funds for low income rental housing for veterans in the community.

NeighborWorks is partnering with TEAMeffort, a college student ministry

organization to perform home repairs and maintenance on homes in the Beallwood

area. Neighborworks is recommending the DCA funds be reallocated to the

Beallwood area to provide low income rental housing in conjunction with the

TEAMeffort project. The two projects would constitute a significant

neighborhood revitalization project. If approved by Council, the alternative

proposal would have to be submitted to DCA for final approval.
Financial Considerations
DCA grant funds and program income from the Neighborhood Stabilization Program

would be utilized for the program.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
Council must approve submission of the alternate proposal.
Recommendations/ Actions
Authorize the City Manager to submit an alternate proposal, at the request of

NeighborWorks Columbus to utilize the Georgia Department of Community Affairs

$400,000 Home Investment Partnership Program Grant awarded to the City to

provide low income rental housing for veterans in the Beallwood community.