
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Easement for Water Main and Sanitary Sewer - Columbus Fall Line Trace
Planning Department
Approve the resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement \n \n with the Columbus Water Works for a 20 foot wide water and sewer easement on \n \n the Columbus Fall Line Trace.
The Columbus Water Works is requesting a 20 foot wide and 258.33 feet long

easement within the 100 foot Columbus Fall Line Trace for the purpose of

relocating existing water and sewer lines in the area. The existing lines

currently run underneath a building on property located near the southwestern

section of Milgen Court.
The relocation will remedy the problem of these lines being under buildings,

which should provide for better service of these utilities. This action is

being recommended as it will be a transaction between two governmental entities

and should not have any direct effect upon the operations of the Fall Line

Trace itself.
Financial Considerations
Any costs associated with this project will be the sole responsibility of the

Columbus Water Works.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
In granting this easement, the Columbus Water Works will be responsible for the

installation and maintenance of these utility lines. A provision is also

included that states that should the city require the property for future

needs, that the Columbus Water Works will be responsible for moving these

Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into an agreement

with the Columbus Water Works for a 20 foot wide water and sewer easement on

the Columbus Fall Line Trace.