
Agenda Item #6

Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
Encroachment on Right-of-Way on South Side of 10th Street Theatre Art Building
Engineering Department
Approval is requested of the attached resolution authorizing the encroachment \n \n of two electric transformers on south side of 10th Street that service the \n \n Columbus State University Theatre Art Dance Building.
Columbus State University is constructing a Theatre Art Dance Building between

Front and Bay Avenue. CSU has worked with Georgia Power and the architect to

find the most suitable location for servicing. The location was also

coordinated with the Bradley Company and Uptown Columbus.
There is an existing transformer on the North side of 10th Street. Appropriate

screening and landscaping will be provided along with the transformers and

coordinated with the landscaping proposed for 10th Street. The transformers

shall be removed and/or relocated at no expense to the City should there be a

future need for improvements in that area.
Financial Considerations
The City will not incurr any expenses for this encroachment.
Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Legal Considerations
A permanent encroachment into the street right-of-way for private utility

structures requires Council approval.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the attached resolution authorizing the encroachment of two electric

transformers on south side of 10th Street that service the Columbus State

University Theatre Art Dance Building.

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