
Columbus Consolidated Government

Council Meeting


Mayor and Council
FY 15 Local Government & Improvement Grant (LMIG) for River Road/ Bradley Park Drive Rounabout
Donna W. Newman, Director of Engineering
Approval is requested to accept a Local Government & Improvement Grant (LMIG) \n \n from the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) for the River Road/Bradley \n \n Park Drive Improvement Project.
LMIG is the Georgia Department of Transportation program that replaced the

County Contracts. The River Road/ Bradley Park Drive Roundabout was selected

in November 2013 to be the project submitted for LMIG Funds in order to cover

the added cost for construction of a roundabout in lieu of modifying the

traditional signalized intersection in place today. River Road is a GDOT right

of way. Preliminary concepts are under review by the GDOT consultant. Plans

will be modified based on the final concept approval.
It is necessary to execute the attached LMIG Agreement for 2015 to the Georgia

Department of Transportation (GDOT) to proceed forward with the project.

Purchase of Right of Way and relocation of utilities will be part of the

project. Upon completion of the agreement the project will be bid by the City.
Financial Considerations
The LMIG Agreement will provide approximately $1.5 million to the City for

funding improvements. The LMIG funding will supplement approximately $822,050

in 1999 SPLOST-River Road/Bradley Park Drive for a total estimate of $2.3

Projected Annual Fiscal Impact Statement
Normal maintenance of the roadway is already a City responsibility.
Legal Considerations
Council must approve this action by resolution.
Recommendations/ Actions
Approve the resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute the Local

Maintenance & Improvement Grant (LMIG) with the Georgia Department of

Transportation (GDOT).

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